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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2019 in all areas

  1. It is time for the worst best art to ever grace the forum. Kicking off strong with a speedy wizard boye:
    6 points
  2. 5 points
  3. ...and without the blood or clown
    4 points
  4. I'm experimenting with seeing how useful my work can be as an educational resource for new sec players. I'm not sure how many new sec players look at this thread, but I keep seeing the same mistakes repeated over and over again in regards to dealing with certain threats. If this gets positive reception I might release more visual PSAs for new security. So, my first topic here is going to be a few basic pointers on xenomorph combat: Second piece of advice: Head protection. Of @Fursamie's character, Domitia Aquila. First time I've managed to a request without it going terribly. This was from a Nuke Op round that took place sometime last year, if I remember correctly. As a gimmick we decided that all of the team would hide, fully equipped, inside a single cardboard box, and get as close to the nuke disk as possible before jumping out. We only got as far as dorms before a nosy civilian opened our box, but it was a hilarious, glorious failure. Having played in sec for long enough, I find that long-term regular players tend to fall under similar 'personality types'. Bolton Grey and Chad Wolf are good examples of this: They're both ridiculously robust, know their stuff, and can be trusted to hold their own in a chaotic situation... if you can convince them to stop goofing around for fifteen seconds, that is. I think most sec regulars who play in the afternoons are familiar with Cardiox and his vampire shenanigans at this point. He's quite a challenge to deal with when there's a competent sec team. When there isn't, well... From either a cultist round or a changeling round, can't remember which. In any case, sec had already 100% redtexted the antags, so an admin (pretty sure it was Spark, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt just in case) decided to spawn 2 perfect copies of Cecilia and gave control of them to players from Dchat. This was around the same time as the Heathers collab with Phantasmicdream, so needless to say, dropping references to the musical was one of the first things I thought of. Space Lube: 'Because fuck you, that's why'. "That HoS was bad. Why did they keep ignoring me?" I'd elaborate but this image sucks out my will to live the longer I look at it, so I'll sum it up like this: This is what happens during Highpop when there's no warden or magistrate. If it seems like Cecilia's ignoring you, believe me when I say she doesn't do it on purpose.
    4 points
  5. I guess I never made one of these. I've been here a little.. I actually started playing SS13 3 years ago but the controls made me give up the game. I tried it again a year later and I hated combat controls. I tried it again a few months ago after being introduced to Paradise and it turns out hey this is pretty neat. So I learned everything about SS13 basically with I first started Paradise this year. I play the following in order of most (IN)FAMOUS: Vin Croi: the female snarky serious vulp who has a major in psychology and a backstreet major in.. surgery? X.V.M.: the sad little security IPC robot that wants to be respected but everyone just rubs her head instead Dayana: just a character I rarely play who is mostly an innocent slime character who never does anything wrong or evil and just wants to do good for the station and help everyone. yeah sure. I also have art for my characters but I am in bed and I can't sleep please send help I have a Inorganic Chem lab in 10 hours oh god oh fuck
    3 points
  6. NT Rep Emily-7 posing with an Enforcer pistol
    3 points
  7. Yo guys, i have been playing for a while (has you may have seen by just being in the server with the great Cat Lopez) and this is my first post here. So guys, i really like the community and enjoy playing in paradise
    3 points
  8. Ah HECK! I didn't know you were such a great artist too! Cecilia Flemming is one of my favorite characters in general, and seeing all this amazing artwork is really cool! There's even a wonderful drawing of Torque, so thank you!
    2 points
  9. i had quite a few ideas on what the officer could be fighting but a clown got selected other ideas included a shadowling, a vampire or a changeling
    2 points
  10. look at that bullyable nerd! good work!
    1 point
  11. nice! I really like seeing shitcurity in action. The only thing misisng is maybe AI and Borg Artworks
    1 point
  12. Daum, i actually feel bad for the clown. Very nice
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. this is GOOD ART. Nice work. Face expressions are heckin on point
    1 point
  15. Beach club is full of patons today!
    1 point
  16. Oh yeah, I forgot to post this. Speak of the devil, this is @Spacemanspark 's ANGELICA! It was a quick ol' thing... and uh, you can probably see I've been over-using the sparke brush. I'm trying to take Dreamy's advice on backgrounds. I'm GETTING there. Maybe.
    1 point
  17. Here we have Zeke, who had a stressful shift and needs to unwind. He probably has a lot of bubble baths...
    1 point
  18. So, a certain Vox, Krikikachik, turns themselves into a hell hound a LOT. Now, I'm not one to judge but... I had the sneaking suspicion that it was a reason. I have discovered that @BeanOS's Vox actually wants to be a hot dog boy. I don't know why I made this... I spent... a bit too much time.
    1 point
  19. My point IS that if there's no mechanical nerf at least there should be some sort of adjustment to SOP/Space Law preventing miners from walking around with killing gear in hand at all times, because no other department can legally do that. As far as making a big deal over nothing, I suppose that depends on what side of the issue you're on, because I've never seen a blob/xeno/tspider round instantly discovered by a scientist or a roboticist or a chemist walking around with dangerous items looking for trouble. Can't say the same for mining, where it's a frequent occurrence.
    1 point
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