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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Mornings are too early, I like to think Zeke being a rather “morning person” while Jonah just hates it... probably because he doesn’t sleep Here we have a sacrifice that happened... “Hey Studmuffin~” If you thought Zeke wouldn’t make a fabulous entrance to a room, you are wrongly mistaken!
    3 points
  2. Yeah, sadly don't get to go on as often I used to. Past few months have been super busy with Work and other IRL stuff and I'm sure it's been the same with Tully (cause Jonah his character) ^^'
    2 points
  3. How have I yet to meet either of these characters ingame yet?! They seem like alot of fun
    2 points
  4. those are not ss13 characters, those are forum characters
    1 point
  5. I WILL BE THE BAD GUY AND JUST PUT IT OUT THERE: We really need to up the time it takes to play Security even at a basic level. Very often, I am seeing extremely new people get excited about being in security but by the end of the shift they're so blown out that they're either quitting earlier or not coming back if they somehow managed to survive that nonsense. With that in mind, it's also extremely frustrating to the rest of security who are contesting with antagonists that require a high level of cooperation from security to effectively handle the threat without becoming food / additional access for the bad guy in the process. Now I am not trying to say that security should only be for elitists nor am I implying in the least bit that I have a perfect track-record of being a security officer despite many hours in the roles and roles around it. Now, given that, why do we think its a good idea if people who are super new are being hip tossed into a role that they are not mechanically ready for in anyway shape or form? Few ways to potentially handle this: Require several hours in all job fields (except silicon, command, and special for obvious reasons) OR a total number of hours slightly higher then the sum of those hours in the various fields. Example: +3-+5 hrs per field OR +20hrs total. Require an increased number of overall hours of general playtime (non-ghost) that will hopefully have players get exposed to enough outside of security to allow them to go into it more experienced. Due to this sorta move you kinda need to compensate security for the increased requirements. This is due to the fact that as you raise the requirements, people will likely be less inclined to want to reach those requirements. Consider adding new cosmetic options for security. Consider giving sec Combat Gloves rather then Black Gloves. Consider giving sec Additional Access at round start. Small additions that feel like they're enough of a perk to want to strive to that degree without being gamebreaking.
    1 point
  6. I'm experimenting with seeing how useful my work can be as an educational resource for new sec players. I'm not sure how many new sec players look at this thread, but I keep seeing the same mistakes repeated over and over again in regards to dealing with certain threats. If this gets positive reception I might release more visual PSAs for new security. So, my first topic here is going to be a few basic pointers on xenomorph combat: Second piece of advice: Head protection. Of @Fursamie's character, Domitia Aquila. First time I've managed to a request without it going terribly. This was from a Nuke Op round that took place sometime last year, if I remember correctly. As a gimmick we decided that all of the team would hide, fully equipped, inside a single cardboard box, and get as close to the nuke disk as possible before jumping out. We only got as far as dorms before a nosy civilian opened our box, but it was a hilarious, glorious failure. Having played in sec for long enough, I find that long-term regular players tend to fall under similar 'personality types'. Bolton Grey and Chad Wolf are good examples of this: They're both ridiculously robust, know their stuff, and can be trusted to hold their own in a chaotic situation... if you can convince them to stop goofing around for fifteen seconds, that is. I think most sec regulars who play in the afternoons are familiar with Cardiox and his vampire shenanigans at this point. He's quite a challenge to deal with when there's a competent sec team. When there isn't, well... From either a cultist round or a changeling round, can't remember which. In any case, sec had already 100% redtexted the antags, so an admin (pretty sure it was Spark, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt just in case) decided to spawn 2 perfect copies of Cecilia and gave control of them to players from Dchat. This was around the same time as the Heathers collab with Phantasmicdream, so needless to say, dropping references to the musical was one of the first things I thought of. Space Lube: 'Because fuck you, that's why'. "That HoS was bad. Why did they keep ignoring me?" I'd elaborate but this image sucks out my will to live the longer I look at it, so I'll sum it up like this: This is what happens during Highpop when there's no warden or magistrate. If it seems like Cecilia's ignoring you, believe me when I say she doesn't do it on purpose.
    1 point
  7. Another set. It doesn't happen as much now that we're in 2020, but back in 2016, every time a vamp got detected the crew would just all sense of decency and go full valid mode. Referencing a round from a long time ago where the admins decided to spawn a xeno queen right at the start. It was hard-fought, but the crew got overrun eventually. I was still learning how to pilot mechs at the time, so my attempt to go on a rampage in a durand was fairly short-lived. >HE THINKS HE'S ENTITLED TO A LAWYER. My somewhat clumsy attempt at a meme that's more-or-less dead now. Obscure art history reference, go! I'll do a detailed request sketch for the first person who posts the painting that this image is based on. ...After all this time I still need more practice on drawing depth on the limbs and drawing legs/feet. Ah well, I'll figure it out eventually. I had to do a few drafts before I finally got a Durand drawing that I thought looked good enough. I know that missile racks are currently bugged, but whatever - rule of cool.
    1 point
  8. More art. "Oh, I don't think your healthcare plan covers this." Speaking of changelings in medbay... I'm not even going to say it. Nope. Nadda. No. Someone else say it. To ruin a joke by explaining it, there was a running gag where people would scream that Halogen (pictured above) was absorbing them, which at the time would be impossible since Plasmamen used to be excluded from Changeling selection. Also I'm going to mention that having an optional "overskirt" for plasmaman suits is a hilarious idea, and I approve of it. There was round where a vampire in xenobiology raised an army of golems, sending swarms of 3-4 of them after key members of the station. During a brawl in medbay where the golems were trying to take out the HoS, the paramedic came screeching in on the ambulance tram, drunkenly swerving through the mass of golems and roadkilling any who were unlucky enough to get stunned. It was one of the more creative methods of doing combat that I've seen. From pretty recently. Another vamp round - the CE's death alarm went off on the engineering outpost, and a swarm of four officers - one of which was Sergey - went to investigate. I figured, "The engineering outpost is a fairly confined space - not many hiding spots, either. Plus it's four officers going after one guy - this shouldn't take very long." Cue me anxiously waiting for a full fifteen minutes while what I can only assume must have been an epic rumble goes down on the engineering outpost, leaving the brig physician dead, two officers heavily maimed, and Sergey telling me that Luigi the vampire somehow escaped in spite of having a few bones broken. As for the image itself, I tried exaggerating the bodily proportions between Sergey on the left and Luigi on the right to give an illusion of depth, but I think I overdid it a bit. There's been a bit of kerfuffle about the 'Resomi' species that was added to Baystation a little while ago. In case this image doesn't make my opinion clear, I do not believe the Resomi will be a good fit for the server.
    1 point
  9. So, good news and bad news: Bad news is that a windstorm caused a mass-blackout in my area. Good news is that I used that time to do more sketches rather than do something useful. This looks maddeningly familiar - can't remember where from. I was a little weary of Tristen when he first joined, but I think it's high time he got some fanart. As you may notice, I tried signaturing my own work - that starts and ends here. I figure if anyone genuinely wants this stuff, they can have it. A variation on a familiar theme. I personally enjoy the challenge of drawing faces: relying directly on facial characteristics to differentiate the two characters, in spite of having a near-identical expression, clothing, sketch setup etc. was an interesting exercise. I initially wasn't planning to add this one in - I usually don't trust my own sense of humor. Eh, might as well.
    1 point
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