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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2019 in all areas

  1. J'eff is the only character I've seen fit into the role of hair stylist so easily. Shame he bald tho. It's like Beethoven, the best artists cannot enjoy their own art... sometimes...maybe. SCHWING SCISSORS
    10 points
  2. When giving feedback to our staff, please: Cite Examples. E.g: if your issue is that two supposedly similar cases were handled differently, you need to cite both cases in enough detail for us to examine them. For forums, this means providing the URL of the threads. For stuff that's only in-game you need to provide the date it happened, and the name of the admin who handled it. "Sometime last week" is usually not enough for us to go on. Be Prompt. If you see something that you think is an issue, report it IMMEDIATELY. Do not wait! Reporting something in the round that it happens (via ahelp, typically) is better than waiting until next round to ahelp it. If it is serious enough to go to the forums (ban appeal, admin complaint, or whatnot) then do it as soon as possible after the round is over. The longer you wait, the less reliable everyone's memory gets, and the harder it becomes to gather all the relevant facts. Be Clear. E.g: if your issue is X, stick to talking about X in your report. Don't offhandedly bring in other things unrelated to X. Stay on topic. Be Concise. Most issues brought to our attention need no more than a paragraph to explain them. If you find yourself going much over a paragraph, you probably need to edit it down, summarize, and focus on the key thing. Be Direct. If you have an issue to raise, raise it directly with the relevant person. E.g. Hosting/backend issues should be sent to me, mentor issues should be sent to the CMs, code bugs should be logged as Github issues, etc. Don't ask a third party to deliver your feedback for you. Similarly, if someone complains to you about something, and you are not responsible for that thing, tell them to take it up with whoever is responsible for that thing. Don't Over-Generalize. Any comment like "most of the playerbase <insert anything here>" is probably over-generalizing. If you feel that other people agreeing with you is significant to your point, cite those people by name. Anyone can say "lots of people who I won't name agree with me" about virtually anything. As a result, such claims are meaningless. If you want someone's endorsement of your opinion/claim/etc to have weight, you must name them, and you must be prepared for us to ask them to confirm that they support what you said. Be Willing to Offline PM. It is better to leave the right person a message, even if they are offline, than it is to go asking other people because the right person wasn't online at that exact moment. Staff are used to signing on to a bunch of messages. It is okay. We'd rather you just contacted the right person at the start, even if they are not online at that second. For roles which commonly get a lot of feedback (like the Community Managers, who are in charge of everything related to Mentors) there are multiple people in that role, so there is usually at least one of them online who you can contact. Remember: Staff Are Volunteers. None of us get paid for this. While we work very hard to deliver you the best SS13 server out there, remember, we're volunteers, we have real lives, jobs, etc, and sometimes, ban appeals/etc can take a week or two to process. This is especially true for situations that are complex, require very specific people, etc. Those can take longer. Your patience is appreciated.
    3 points
  3. One could still smash the girder with the emergency welding tool, which would take, along with removing the outer plating, about 70 seconds. Which is probably the same time it would take one to run all the way to the YouTool near arrivals and back from engineering, along with using a crowbar/ wrench to get through the wall instead of smashing it to debris.
    2 points
  4. An illegal IPC Azul, PRO security man. Slime Isthel. Evidently, they were orange.
    2 points
  5. Can you thou? You'll need a crowbar or wrench too won't you?
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. So, a certain Vox, Krikikachik, turns themselves into a hell hound a LOT. Now, I'm not one to judge but... I had the sneaking suspicion that it was a reason. I have discovered that @BeanOS's Vox actually wants to be a hot dog boy. I don't know why I made this... I spent... a bit too much time.
    2 points
  8. Heya. Over the last month or so I've been sketching a few of my experiences aboard Paradise station to procrastinate, and I thought I'd upload some of the results. Keep in mind that I have no formal applied art education, so most of this stuff is rough/poorly-cropped etc. "Kill them all; God will recognize his own." His Sergey senses are tingling. Another sketch of Sergey. Really, after reading all the praise on his crew-record thread, I couldn't help myself. Sergey Kurilyochov slams unknown into the reinforced window! "SkreeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" This is based on a round where the Vox warden got his legs blown off by a PDA bomb - medbay gave him a wheelchair, and due to a bug some sort of non-euclidian bluespace mumbo-jumbo, he gained the ability to move at ridiculously high speeds. Relevant. Everyone's favourite ramshackle Syndicate IPC. SLaDOS's favourite opening gimmick as AI was to misuse the announcement system. This dame here. One of the more excruciating things to deal with as HoS is when you get two people who continually level petty, stupidly vague accusations of criminal activity at each other and absolutely refuse to fucking let it go. It probably isn't a good thing that I've managed to get myself bwoinked in each HoS round I've played for a full week, with no bans. I have a feeling someone in management is getting real sick of my shit, but I don't know. Anyways, that's my art. Feel free to comment, move on, volley-fire your rotten vegetables, etc.
    1 point
  9. I knew J'eff was an anime all along.
    1 point
  10. Emergency kits are really meant for space and vacuum (hence the oxy masks). The epipen is for short term stabilization, not healing. Cable coils and welders are very much outside the realm of that, and not really the main idea of the thread. They've been brought up before and rejected. Oil is interesting but I feel has some of the problems of being too long term. I'd much prefer perhaps another oil despenser thats not just the one in robotics or delivered from cargo. Preferably a small one, but robotics is really the only logical place. Maybe a random spawn in maint.
    1 point
  11. Dont worry, next time just put a little more BACKBONE into it.
    1 point
  12. also you need a more than just a welder to get though walls.
    1 point
  13. We Tried we went around making bone jokes and drinking tomato juice.
    1 point
  14. I...dislike the water slip nerf, I don't believe is something that needs to be touched here, as water is an easily accessible slipping resource and, unlike lube, is actually balanced. Giving people even more reasons to use lube instead is not something I am ok with. Tho making advanced mops use space cleaner and filling the water tank in the janitorial closet with said Reagent would probably be a better option. Being able to order more pimpins janirides would also be cool. I am against the whole nerfing the floor buffer to force janitors to use the other inferior tools, why don't you try giving them a better function instead? I would like to say, that janitors job is just simple, you clean. There is nothing much to do there, you just clean and clean, and it should be one of rhe easiest job on the station. Requiring more than 2 braincells to play the job aka adding more difficulty to fulfill the role is something I dislike.
    1 point
  15. You know, I think I like this style a bit more... It's pixel-ie and suits the more simple drawings that I do for this. Anyway, here's your N.N.O, Alyssia! So fluffy, but if you try and pet, you will probably be promptly dead'd.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
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