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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2019 in all areas

  1. I'll have you know that I'm the worst at updating things, so here we go... For @Norstead a sort of different take of their character Natalya... I don't colour my line art too often, but maybe I should start. Also damn, robotic limbs can be a lot of fun to draw! / This one wasn't a commission at all, but a Birthday gift for my boo @TullyBBurnalot Is that something I can say?... the birthday was months ago and it took me a while to finish because I dunno I'm lazy?. But ofcourse we have @necaladun in the picture as well, so I guess people can now try to guess who is who? Or if either of them are actually in the picture.. For @Exavere who is currently rocking it as a profile picture. This was my second(?) time ever drawing a plasmaman, and pretty much my first time drawing them without their suit. This was totally a lot of fun, and I love just how chaotic it came out... it really brought me out of a drawing funk I got in during the summer. A commission for a CM player, this was actually a sort of 'finish up' piece, where they commissioned a sketch back in February... so yeah. For Alffd, of their Vulp character they decided to bright back around. I felt it was a rather nice and chill piece, sometimes you just gotta sit around near the podbay. Lastly we have one for @Spacemanspark because I guess he wasn't afraid to come to me after the awful things I drew of his character Spark... We have Maxwell and Dan's character Rita. The concept and idea was super cute, and I adore cute things. Anywho, this is all that I've uploaded on other sites for now... and maybe I'll get better at updating this, *i probably won't*
    4 points
  2. Another commission I did for @Cazdon, of the great and wonderful Mocha, who seems to have a plan for every situation! They are also fluffy and cute.
    3 points
  3. I have two arts for you today, The Soon to be atleast i think so anyway. Great-Spear Sage Lezera And Jereith a Soldier from a special division for the New England Army. Pretty good with Revolvers. These two are from two different GURPS campaigns i'm in and so far i'm havin alot of fun with them.
    2 points
  4. Because it's been a while since I've updated in here. *woops* A drawing of my 80's Alternate Universe, because I've been finding it fun to changing NT and some characters to fit in this time... So, of course I had to have Jonah at a Laundromat This is actually a redraw of something I did back in 2016, i believe the reason why I drew up the original one was because someone wanted to see Jonah as an antag type because I drew Zeke as one a lot... and because I felt like it could also hurt people emotionally... I'm sorry And lastly... Jonah lighting up a cigarette
    2 points
  5. As a legal worker myself, why not have two Lawyers, a Magistrate, and maybe some 'Paralegals' taking up the IAA's old duties - running around, getting reports, solving disputes. The Lawyers can hang more around the brig, the Mag is the top dog watching everything, stuff like that. Could ease up assistant-tides.
    1 point
  6. I think giving the IAA department under NT Rep would be more usefull. Every time NT Rep receives a complaint from the crew, he could send his "minions" to investigate said matters. Could do like Genetics right now is and share the department between two heads. SoP/complaints = NT Rep Lawyering/spesslaw=Magistrate
    1 point
  7. That's a good start. In this case, IC response from admins is de-facto a gratifying experience for the player, even if the character is punished. Many may dislike this change, but rewarding people for being plainly bad IAAs wasn't doing the job any good. Sure, this may make the job less popular, but who will miss these missing IAAs? The crew, who never saw them, because they were BSA'd 1 minute into the round? Admins, who don't have to check and respond to another buttfax? I believe if all admins follow suit, IAA situation will improve. Maybe not immediately, maybe not noticeably, but forcing IA to become a more respectable office is a push in what I believe to be a good direction.
    1 point
  8. Thats spooky, you can just picture the ghost creeping up behind to say "Nyeh heh heh hehhhhhhh!"
    1 point
  9. Certain in-game roles (Captain, NT Rep, IAA, Magistrate, etc) are expected to be played with some level of seriousness. When playing one of these roles, if you photograph your ass and fax it to CC, you're probably not playing the role with the appropriate level of seriousness. It is appropriate for the Clown, or a random Civilian, to try pranking CC in this manner. It isn't appropriate for the IAA, Captain, or other crew trusted with fax access, to be doing it. Previously, we've handled this via strictly IC means, like demotions, or BSAs. Now, I'm going to start considering butt-faxes like this as Captain/NTR/Magistrate/IAA as a sign you're not taking the role with the required degree of seriousness. This means that if I see an IAA butt-fax CC for no reason within a couple minutes of shift start (as I saw yesterday), henceforth I'm going to consider that a good reason to job ban the player from the role, until they start treating the role with the higher level of seriousness it requires. Roles like Captain, IAA, NTR, Magistrate, etc are intended to be taken somewhat seriously. While we understand and expect some antics, treating them completely non-seriously will get you job banned.
    1 point
  10. Be CE. Build BSA room. Neglect to fill room with air. Open door to properly pressurized area filled with random equipment. Break every bone by having said equipment thrown at you at light speed. (Addition: Forget your suit sensors. Give the Blueshield a heart attack.)
    1 point
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