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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2019 in all areas

  1. Oh hey thanks @kazboo ♥ I've been drawing for years! So glad to hear I'm doing something right. lol
    3 points
  2. I'll have you know that I'm the worst at updating things, so here we go... For @Norstead a sort of different take of their character Natalya... I don't colour my line art too often, but maybe I should start. Also damn, robotic limbs can be a lot of fun to draw! / This one wasn't a commission at all, but a Birthday gift for my boo @TullyBBurnalot Is that something I can say?... the birthday was months ago and it took me a while to finish because I dunno I'm lazy?. But ofcourse we have @necaladun in the picture as well, so I guess people can now try to guess who is who? Or if either of them are actually in the picture.. For @Exavere who is currently rocking it as a profile picture. This was my second(?) time ever drawing a plasmaman, and pretty much my first time drawing them without their suit. This was totally a lot of fun, and I love just how chaotic it came out... it really brought me out of a drawing funk I got in during the summer. A commission for a CM player, this was actually a sort of 'finish up' piece, where they commissioned a sketch back in February... so yeah. For Alffd, of their Vulp character they decided to bright back around. I felt it was a rather nice and chill piece, sometimes you just gotta sit around near the podbay. Lastly we have one for @Spacemanspark because I guess he wasn't afraid to come to me after the awful things I drew of his character Spark... We have Maxwell and Dan's character Rita. The concept and idea was super cute, and I adore cute things. Anywho, this is all that I've uploaded on other sites for now... and maybe I'll get better at updating this, *i probably won't*
    2 points
  3. Was thinking that maybe people with less than 4 hours playtime get an extra flavor text like "they look unfamiliar" or "they don't look like they're from here" so experienced players don't get too angry when some random person who doesn't know the rules murderbones them, grey tide style, and so mentors may have a higher priority on certain players that may not even know the controls
    1 point
  4. Think it should be longer than 4 hours, since at least for me, it took a good day to get down the controls, forget anything else
    1 point
  5. Damn you're a fucking GOD at this, your drawings actually make them look alive and real, insane. Keep it up, boy.
    1 point
  6. Where can i obtain some commission info
    1 point
  7. Figure I'll jump in this thread with a screen cap from some time ago, when Necaladun did a fun Armalis event, and even gave the Skipjack to some Vox. Nobody saw the Armalis in disgrace, nobody but ghosts.
    1 point
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