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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2019 in all areas

  1. A cute and soft? drawing. Because I dunno, I strive to draw cute couple pictures!!
    2 points
  2. If you have been on the discord in the past few days you might have caught me developing this map, I thought I would make a forum topic just so there is a centralized location for discussing the choices I took in making it. Since its a map of areas that are to be considered trespass or major trespass there is some room for discussion. The map's the latest version can be found here -> https://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/File:AccessTrespassMap.png Here is the wiki entry for major trespass : "Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research." So that is all pretty clear, though these are some areas I think ought to be considered: Gateway [command], ntrep and blueshield Offices [command], Surgery [dangerous tools], Virology [pathogens], and lastly Xenobiology [dangerous]. I made some judgement calls on all of those and people on the discord helped me decide as well. I would love to hear your thoughts! Also I am not acutely familiar with every role's access, and I am sure I forgot some roles somewhere or other mistakes. If you notice any part of the map in terms of access that is wrong I would love that feedback as well. NOTE: I decided not to mark out the full range of access for single person roles so as not to clutter the map. Though for command roles I still want to remain accurate. Thanks!
    1 point
  3. As the station is slowly devoured by a blob and command scramble to arm the Nuke - A syndicate agent, his holoparasite and some dead prisoner they found slowly wait for the big fireworks show in space.
    1 point
  4. Hey, The stage the project was at required some testing outside of my own to make sure that the image optimisations weren't going to cause some issues I hadn't foreseen or come across in my own testing. Sound ones too, though they're more opinion based, with a couple of files needing specific checking (because I'd changed formats on some to improve quality/size ratios). I left it there at the time as I hadn't heard anything back on it and the next steps were either: 1) Alter my methods to improve the results to user liking or 2) If the results were sufficient, work out an end-user script to automate the process as well as provide a system to prevent previously processed files being re-processed unnecessarily. (This is because the scripts I wrote for testing purposes are exhaustive, take massive amounts of time, and don't have any checks in place for 'This file has already been done, don't do it until it changes' sorts of things). You can check out the results I'd gotten up to (though significantly outdated now) on the GitHub links provided above.
    1 point
  5. A lot of things are set up in ways that aren't meant to make sense logically, but rather to create opportunities for crew to optimize or have a meaningful impact on the round. While it can be frustrating to play security and have an AI that doesn't respond to you and useless command that don't give you more access, the fact that these roles being incompetent matters, means that them being competent matters. When you have a good AI, or command that actually sees problems and solves them you really notice and appreciate it, because they have the power to make a difference. If you already had everything you need from round start, there wouldn't be anything they can do to help or hinder you. I think this is one of those areas where an intentional lack of optimization helps the game.
    1 point
  6. Bang, bump.. The sound of more useless junk bumbling around in the disposals pipes. It doesn't really bother me anymore, just more white noise to add to the rest. Walking down the narrow, dimly lit, rusting maintenance shaft, I find two pairs of chairs, a box of cigarettes and a box of matches on one of them. "Must've been one of the construction workers," I mumble quietly, walking towards the chairs. They're facing out to a window, and as I approach it, displays the vacuum of space surrounding and engulfing the Cyberaid, illuminated by the lights of various stars. I pull a chair out as I approach it, sitting down on it. I grab and throw away both boxes of cigarettes and matches from the other chair - you'd be a fool to put anything in your mouth that you find in a maintenance tunnel. I whipped out my PDA, checking the messages tab. Nothing, as usual. Not like they'd get an interesting story out of an assistant. I double check the crew manifest, wanting to see if any crew have transferred to the Cyberaid. Captain, Head of Staff, Security, Science, Engineering.. All filled with people I don't know nor people that I really care about. Thump! Thump! The sound of jackboots. Standard issue for security personnel - for what reason, I don't know. Probably because some corporate jackass thought a pair of boots would be intimidating. I know a security officer in maintenance isn't good news. Some trouble-maker has run into a shaft, looking to avoid the law. I mean, I did, and still am, but I'm sure they've forgotten about me by now. It's a bother, because when the new security transfers see me, they always ask the same questions - "Why are you in here?", "Who authorized you to enter the maintenance shafts?", "Where is your ID?", the likes.. I quickly glanced about. No easy way to get out of this hallway, no conveniently placed lockers or tables.. Shit. I turned to the sound of the jackboots, which was the other end of the hallway. Was slowly getting louder by the second, until I saw the bright, almost neon coloured red jumpsuit pop out from the corner, flashlight in hand. Took me a bit to get adjusted to the bright light of the flashlight, or should I say "seclite".. Corporate and their nicknames.. When my eyes got used to the light, I could get a better look at the officer. Brown hair, wrapped into a bun. A beret, an armour vest with one set of plating, a security jump-skirt, with her rank on the right shoulder & collar, bags under her eyes and a cigarette in her mouth. I barely glanced at the ID, to make sure they weren't some shmuck in an officer getup. "Who are you?" She said, with a certain grit in her voice. "Nick Pierce, ma'am." I replied, sighing, turning my head to look out back into the window. "You do understand that there is a changeling running about the shafts, right?" She hissed, sounding a bit annoyed. "Well, ma'am, how do I know you're not the changeling?" I chuckled. She stared at me for a moment, in silence - her lack of a reply caught my attention, so I turned to her, to see this mix of fear and anger on her face. It scared me a bit, seeing this initially gruff, grizzled looking security officer now before me, looking like a guilty child. "Looks like we got a smartass, huh.." She finally retorted. I shrugged, turning back to the window without saying anything. I hear the jackboots come closer, as well, as her flashlight being shut off, and shoved into what I think is a pouch or a pocket. I turn around to see her behind me, staring out the window as well. Weird. I turn back to face the window, and after a few awkward seconds of silence, I try to occupy myself. I lay my satchel in my lap, opening it up, and taking out a notebook. I close the satchel up, putting it by my side, and take the pen out of my PDA, opening up my notebook on a new, blank page, to detail my day so far. "Got onto shift station today. Said hi to captain. Didn't respond. Typical. Went to maintenance airlock, explored shafts. Doodle in book (tis this one). Watch stars. Creepy Weird Stupid Odd officer talks to me and is now watching stars with me. Don't know what to do." Surprisingly enough, the officer doesn't mind the notebook, nor the fact I'm slandering her in it. I turn to her, and she has this dull, blank look on her face as she stares out into the window. I wave my hand infront of her face. No physical response. "Fuck, man, you turn into a statue over a little joke?" I questioned, quite obviously visibly disturbed by the immediate change in personality by the officer. I watch as her cigarette just drops from her agape jaw. Ooooooh shit. That's not good. "I think, I'm, ah, gonna be going now.." I said, nervously, closing my notebook and hurriedly shoving it in my satchel, raising my body just a bit off the chair before she grabs my shoulder. "Hey, man, what the hell?" I turn around to see her staring at me with the same dull, blank expression. She started gripping onto my shoulder slowly, and the pain started to seep in. She was grabbing it so hard, I felt as if my scapula was going to shatter! "Ahh, fuck!" I moaned, before feeling a sharp sting in my neck. Oh shit. She was going to cut my throat. I tried to elbow her in the stomach, but to no avail, as she evidently had abs of steel. I quickly came to the conclusion that this was not a human before me. The next course of action was to take whatever that was in my neck, OUT, of my neck. I grabbed the foreign object stabbed into my neck, to feel the warmth of flesh. I slowly turned my head to look at it, partly because of my unwillingness to know what it was, and partly because of the massive pain in both my shoulder and neck. Once my head rotated, I saw a massive tube-like tissue formed from the officer's "tongue", into my neck. Immediately afterwards, I felt a sucking sensation in my neck, as if the cells forming the blood and muscles in my neck were slowly being escorted out of my body. I felt immensely weak, and slouched back in my chair. I went to cry for help over my headset, but she was quicker, and slapped it out of my hand once she saw me grab it, letting it skid over the dusty plating. "Mmmnhh.." I could only utter, as all the energy in my body to do, well, ANYTHING, was sucked out by this vile creature. "Tis the fate of a maintenance dweller", she said, all innocent like, before letting go of me, letting me fall off the chair, and with the last moments of consciousness I had, I saw her face, as she mugged me of my clothing & belongings, slowly morph into mine.
    1 point
  7. Great story! Thank you for sharing!~
    1 point
  8. Mentors have a verb to allow us to check total player playtime and a verb to check on how many days it’s been since they first connected. I personally will check both of these to check on new/inexperienced players to see how they’re doing and if they might need assistance but wouldn’t otherwise mhelp questions from either not wanting to ask or not knowing how to (this also assumes I’m observing and not taking part in the round) Regardless of who breaks the rules either being a new fresh face or an old grizzled player breaking the rules still gets you the same punishment. It’s also not going to stop a player from salting over dieing to a validhunter or greytider death to a new player as those that want to salt about things will. in terms of having something in their flavor text I can see that being both a bad thing and a good thing. The good being that a nice player that has grasped some concepts might try to help that new player that they see having issues or they might point them towards asking mentors for help and assistance. and now the bad things I can see happening, experienced players taking advantage of newer players because they might not have enough mechanical knowledge or even general knowledge on things. I see this ranging from simple “bullying” like shoving/tabling them constantly to convincing them that the item they have is worse than the one the experienced player has and they should trade for it. I could also see this extending to “that person isn’t experienced enough to do x job so I’m just going to push them out of the way and make them leave so I can do x job in peace without them bothering me”, even jobs as simple as cargo tech or xenobio might end up with some less than nice people giving the new players flak for just being new and not knowing their job fully creating the type of environment that no one would want to be around
    1 point
  9. So. I was playing Bobbie Wilkins, a Chemical Researcher, and I was playing it hard. My goal? Create life through chemistry, analyze and record it, and submit my completely pointless and arbitrary findings into the RD for a fat bonus. Suffice to say, things didn't go according to plan. Initially, things were great. I got all my chemicals quickly, even the coveted Omnizine, which I need to reach my goal, set up my station, and had the first call-out of changelings on the station after a lucky escape from an incredibly unstealthy doctor examining their newly obtained armblade, but this is when things started to fall apart. A doctor reported one "Bobby Wolinoski" attempting to murder them with an armblade, and unfortunately, due to the fact that Bob W. is a relatively rare name on the station, they completely bypassed the actual guy and went after me. The AI shut down the power for the Sci-Chem lab, and trapped myself and three others inside. And then it dawned on me. Two of my fellow chemists had the same name, Alorea Bennett, the same face, and I went into panic mode. On a false accusation, I had been caught in the quarantine zone, and there was a very viable threat. Security was no help, in fact, as the later reveal changeling began to work, my station, the area in which I was waiting out the quarantine in, became filled with noxious gas, and as I was crawling around on the floor, fainting and vomiting, they were entirely oblivious to my plight, and the Detective requested that I, incapacitated and choking on the floor, go and meet him on the other side of the door. I didn't know what to do. So I did the only thing I could think of, I went ahead with my plan, and through the magic of chemistry, the first of my creations were born. A beacon, a xenomorph, a bear, a koi and an icewing watcher. It was amazing. I was going to be able to document my findings, and bring this newfound knowledge to the scientific scene. But, again, I was stopped in my tracks. As the AI finally opened the door, security flooded in and painstakingly check everyone in the room for signs of being a changeling. Somehow, they did not find the changeling, who was hiding in the disposal chute. Then security left, only myself and the two dopplegangers left in the room with me. As one, who I deemed the changeling, approached towards me, I set off another one of my concoctions, this time in the main chemical station, not in the testing chambers, and ran like hell. As a small horde of creatures rampaged through Sci-Chem, killing the innocent doppleganger in the room, security was once more called to the scene to take care of the threat, which they did shockingly well, and then left. Finally. I was to have peace with my creations, contained and able to be studied further. But, one of my fellow chemists wanted them all dead, them all blown to bits, and I, seeing as I still had some concoction left, reluctantly gave them permission to destroy my subjects. I'm not sure what this particular chemist was thinking, because, instead of procedurally filling the chamber with flamable gas and igniting it, they opened the main door and attempted to throw a grenade in. Seeing the door open, the original subjects of my experiments were freed, killing the chemist, pursuing me through RnD and calling security once more to the scene. The xenomorph intently followed me through, all the way from RnD to North of the Bridge, when it got distracted. I was then arrested, for which I, at the time, was unaware as to why. Apparently, I was still under arrest for being an accused changeling, even after being tested, and I was brought to processing. Through no little effort of my own, I convinced security that I was not, in fact a changeling, and also that I was not, in fact, responsible for the creatures ravaging through the science department. Upon returning to my station, albeit, tired and still damaged from the changeling's gas, I announced a third trial of my experiment, in order to make sure that everyone was aware of what I was doing, and to under no circumstances open the testing chamber. However, threats from all manner of the other RnD staff forced me to leave, and go into hiding, the RD threatening a demotion of the entire department for whatever reason, and then proceeding to actually demote Alorea, the innocent chemist who I had inadvertently killed earlier. Hiding in North Arrivals Maints, I heard a report of some else opening the chamber and letting the creatures out, which, as they were dead, left me to take the fall for the damage done. A brief exchange with the AI and some command staff later, I remained hiding, as I was to now be arrested on sight for not surrendering my possessions. It was at this time that a Syndicate Comms Agent, known as Havoc, first contacted me, probably having overheard discussion on the station of how I was a changeling, a traitor, liable to treason and death. Anyways, Havoc made me an offer. They would attempt to get me passage off the station, on the condition that I bring with me some sensitive materials from RnD. I initially agreed to Havoc's request, but then proceeded to walk into the main Arrivals Hallway, where I was seen by the Assistant RD and within 10 seconds, I swear, the Captain, HoS, RD and half a dozen security officers had cornered me in the Vacant Office. My possessions were confiscated, and I was brought to the Brig to serve my time, a measly 15 minutes after gaining favor with the Warden, a stark difference from the promise from the Captain of "never seeing the outside of the Brig again". I served my time, walked aboard the escape shuttle after a crew transfer was ordered and left, being proto-fired from Nanotrasen. And thus, I was finally free to go about my research, no bureaucracy or incompetent co-workers to mess me up.
    1 point
  10. I'll have you know that I'm the worst at updating things, so here we go... For @Norstead a sort of different take of their character Natalya... I don't colour my line art too often, but maybe I should start. Also damn, robotic limbs can be a lot of fun to draw! / This one wasn't a commission at all, but a Birthday gift for my boo @TullyBBurnalot Is that something I can say?... the birthday was months ago and it took me a while to finish because I dunno I'm lazy?. But ofcourse we have @necaladun in the picture as well, so I guess people can now try to guess who is who? Or if either of them are actually in the picture.. For @Exavere who is currently rocking it as a profile picture. This was my second(?) time ever drawing a plasmaman, and pretty much my first time drawing them without their suit. This was totally a lot of fun, and I love just how chaotic it came out... it really brought me out of a drawing funk I got in during the summer. A commission for a CM player, this was actually a sort of 'finish up' piece, where they commissioned a sketch back in February... so yeah. For Alffd, of their Vulp character they decided to bright back around. I felt it was a rather nice and chill piece, sometimes you just gotta sit around near the podbay. Lastly we have one for @Spacemanspark because I guess he wasn't afraid to come to me after the awful things I drew of his character Spark... We have Maxwell and Dan's character Rita. The concept and idea was super cute, and I adore cute things. Anywho, this is all that I've uploaded on other sites for now... and maybe I'll get better at updating this, *i probably won't*
    1 point
  11. For Bryan a pretty pink doctor. for SpeedyBst of their Cyborg lady Kaeli Hawke
    1 point
  12. Part two of the favour for Fethas And here we have a commission of Srusu
    1 point
  13. A sketch commission for El-Rey (someone from outside the SS13 community) Part one of a favour for Fethas, because she's done a lot of favours for me!
    1 point
  14. A commission for Saxis And a commission for Normaly and Radiant
    1 point
  15. A commission for my friend Ace of his character Alex Rossfield and his friend's character Kiyumi Kai
    1 point
  16. A commission for a CM player, Batts, of their character Elizabeth and someone else's character.
    1 point
  17. A commission for (someone outside of the SS13 community) Alkonium of their pretty Drow lady and an NPC
    1 point
  18. A commission fro Taac of their Kidan
    1 point
  19. A commission for Danni, here we have Lazz gifting Slade a sword she made. Slade thinks it's great, and will put it on the fridge.
    1 point
  20. A A Cult round ended up more like a cult "IRL". Robbie the cultmaster drew a wrong rune to summon. Pyr'sie was not amused. Epic happened. "Bring on the slaughter" did happen anyway... the mass slaughter of cultists themselves! Note also the web-selling spider at airlock, who was amongst the first that noticed the happening. He was a good fella.
    1 point
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