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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2019 in all areas

  1. I'm very disappointed in myself for how long it took me to realize it had an OwO face..
    3 points
  2. If you have been on the discord in the past few days you might have caught me developing this map, I thought I would make a forum topic just so there is a centralized location for discussing the choices I took in making it. Since its a map of areas that are to be considered trespass or major trespass there is some room for discussion. The map's the latest version can be found here -> https://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/File:AccessTrespassMap.png Here is the wiki entry for major trespass : "Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research." So that is all pretty clear, though these are some areas I think ought to be considered: Gateway [command], ntrep and blueshield Offices [command], Surgery [dangerous tools], Virology [pathogens], and lastly Xenobiology [dangerous]. I made some judgement calls on all of those and people on the discord helped me decide as well. I would love to hear your thoughts! Also I am not acutely familiar with every role's access, and I am sure I forgot some roles somewhere or other mistakes. If you notice any part of the map in terms of access that is wrong I would love that feedback as well. NOTE: I decided not to mark out the full range of access for single person roles so as not to clutter the map. Though for command roles I still want to remain accurate. Thanks!
    1 point
  3. Hail! So today I came to the server and noticed a zombie game mode, and by the end vote of the round, it looked like people had fun. The only problems people had were that it was hard to identify zombies, and that they took a lot of punishment to kill. So I thought why not explore zombie game mode and offer some ideas. In a game called Emperor Battle for Dune, there is a unit type called Contaminator. The idea behind this unit is that it was a biologically designed zombie virus. Here is description: Contaminator — The Contaminator is a shambling infantry unit manufactured in the Tleilaxu flesh vats. A mindless automaton that must be riddled with bullets before it collapses, the Contaminator is brimming with a genetic virus that invades any biological enemy. The Contaminator must touch the intended victim for infection to take place. The victim will then die, but rise again as a Contaminator. All victims must be destroyed to prevent the infection from spreading. Picture: Contaminator Video: Contaminator video explanation You could make up a story that it was either developed by syndicate, as a standalone biological virus, or maybe an off shot from changeling program, or maybe it have some different origins. Another idea could be something like, make them more bulky like hulk perhaps so it would be easier to see? Also Denthamos offered an idea to add them shamble walk, perhaps they could walk like a clown, so it would be easier to tell that something is wrong with that said person. Anyway, what are your thoughts on these ideas, and if you have your own, feel free to share them here.
    1 point
  4. (CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO GET SCREENSHOTS) I'll word this out to paint the picture: i was a wizard, i decided "i'll be friendly" and ahelped to make sure its ok and when they said sure but there will be consequences i just thought "yes". So i teleported into scichem to gather some tools and found a nerd. When i teleported out i went to the experimentor because im a nerd and dont think. They called me out over the radio so i went to arcade where i found a nerd helping me get tickets since i didnt have an id to play the claw game. Shortly after i went to the bar and picked up some cards where nobody wanted to play blackjack.. cri sec found me. After a bit i went to processing to talk because dayana kept kidnapping me and had to be stunned. Shortly after saying the captain said i can have an id once i've been implanted, a wiznerd appeared and blew up about half the sec team. I died. After a paranormal ERT and some xenos and explosions and multiple wizards looking for my carcass i was cloned. I teleported into sec hallway where i said my final words: "Sup guys what'd i miss" when i was instantly shot and mauled with scythes and swords to death. After that it was basically a massive chaos manhunt with lots of xenos, transformed crew, a jani/medical/engi/sec ert and paranormal ert, and some borers. I left shortly after due to needing to do some irl stuff. By far the best round i've experienced. Thanks to day for being a nerd and kidnapping me at the worst time possible.
    1 point
  5. God that run and stitch to mining was a nightmare with swarmers on our asses. This is why I always prepare a bugout bag lol
    1 point
  6. Medbay in the same shift: huge influx of patients, but everything is tolerable, until a blob appears to the morgue and swarmers become so many that they cease me to surge the same patient three times in row. By that moment, we were forced to leave. A few fixed people, axed blobspores and lasered swarmers later, the medbay resumes operation at mining lobby: internal bleeding surgery on the go, while watching the fireworks. Too bad hadn't time to screenshot any of it, that was very moody.
    1 point
  7. A cute and soft? drawing. Because I dunno, I strive to draw cute couple pictures!!
    1 point
  8. 0 points
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