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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2019 in all areas

  1. Who's that VOX? It's Kar-ski! This is a commission from them and I gotta say they're really polite and nice. I also have to say, I really appreciate the effort Kar-Ski puts in every round. When they're a surgeon, they're taking an effort to improve the ORs, getting Vox Blood to SM them when they need, and is just generally making their workplace really good looking. When they're NT rep they dress up fantastically, and do some real nice re-modeling. When they're just trading? Well, that's when they shine. Their shops are amazing, and astounding, and honestly Its a shame I don't get to head over and investigate more often. Their creativeness is honestly quite inspiring, and I always feel like they help build up any round they are a part of. It's always wonderful to see them round. That said, welcome to Kar-Ski's Skipjack Trade Shack!
    9 points
  2. Its Been a bit but i've got two new pieces here, The second one i'm rather proud of really.
    2 points
  3. Gosh, there's so many amazing artists here, I thought I'd plonk down my work too. As you can see by my profile picture I've doodled my girl, Jay. (Jay 'Justine' Chase, I went with 'Justine Case' first, but then I realised having a pun for a name is a bad trait for a long term character... And everyone kept mistaking her for a guy.) She's a smilie human who's a bit bland, but tries her best. I really like starting items, and after a few tries, I found that the flat cap and the old scarf I realised that they fit together quite well. If I wrote a backstory for her it would probably come from one of her parents. Anyhow, I hope you like it! I hope to be posting a lot more art here, this is a very good game to draw, so many different characters and shenanigans... If you ever find Jay in game, if we happen to have a fun exchange just give me a message, I might as well draw up your character hanging out with her! I hope you all like it anyhow, I'm hoping to improve as time goes on.
    1 point
  4. A chain of improbable events lead me to this point, where i am actually drawing something and posting it in this threat. I got no fancy programs or tools to make anything digital (except if you count a mouse and paint into this category), nor the skill required to do so. All i got are some pens and pieces of paper, so this thread will only include hand drawn art garbage. I only started to try the day before yesterday to seriously draw, so please don't hit me if i am not able to get up to the Graphics Sections standards. Without further ado i present to you my first drawing of a humanoid person: Just James in his typical outfit. (He is an IPC and therefore allowed to only have four fingers, while hiding one of his hands in a pocket.) Here i tried to draw something more exciting than the standard front perspective, however something seems off about this one and i don't know what it is. I am still learning how to actually portrait certain three dimensional things in a two dimensional fashion (how to draw), therefore i would appreciate any kind of feedback on how to improve my work. Thank you for your attention required to read this far.
    1 point
  5. Seems like I'm quite late to the party, but I'd like to pitch in my two cents since I have some experience playing IAA. As pretty much everyone has said, IAA as a role is having an identity crisis. Magistrates(although I have very seldom seen the Magistrate doing anything more than deciding how to punish perma prisoners), representing the Security and Legal Departments, seem to enjoy having control over IAAs, even though in my experience very little has actually come from this relationship, the IAA perhaps being asked to corroborate a report or serve as a placeholder until the Magistrate is avaliable, but no actual "legal" activity, per se. At the very best, the IAA is designated to deal with events deemed to minor for Security to handle(and knowing Security, that's an incredibly small number of incidents)and the Magistrate is busy. The idea of a civilian authority over Security too, seems great, but from my experience, IAAs are ignored, occasionally even actively disregarded, by the whole department, the Detective being the notable exception as they can relate in being in a somewhat sidelined, and very situational position. On the other hand, though I do not often directly interact with the NT Rep, my play-style(and that of the majority of others that I've observed)follows very closely to the HR Complaints/SOP Investigations that the NT Rep is assigned to facilitate. Anything from paperwork to SOP check-ups seem to me more of a fit for the role, essentially the resident bureaucrat rather than some random arbiter. To me, conducting small-scale check-ups on the different departments is much more beneficial than being involved in legal affairs, as it could prevent an entire Security Team having to be sent down to Mining, or the like. The middle ground that is investigating Security would, rather than half-hearted suggestions over the Security Comms, take the form of a fax to CC, or a meaningful complaint to the HoP, Captain or NT Rep(though any sort of CC intervention would probably get redundant, given how often the Security team takes liberties in their position). In my opinion, doing away with IA's obligations to the Security Department would be optimal. They'd still be on the same Comms, and would investigate Security as they would any other department, but all the(ill-defined)baggage that comes with being pushed into the very non-existent legal scene would no longer prevent the IAA from pro-actively conducting investigations out of fear that they might be called up to deal with some legal issue. Going a step further, for IAAs to have a greater impact on the round, ensuring SOP is being followed, I'd encourage they be given some(obviously non-violent)leverage over the Security Department, as it's quite, quite impossible for the IAA(and pretty much any other civilian force on the station)to regulate the officers when they have power in the form of weapons. At the very least, those who play IAA have to break through the mentality of being part of the Security Department, as Security is just as, if not more, liable to SOP violations when compared to other departments.
    1 point
  6. For real Space Station Noir comic cover. The Station is going to hell and we've got to figure out why Updates will slowly come.
    1 point
  7. Damn, wrote a text to accompany these, but it vanished, poof. Honk, got to do it later again, as of the story was worth it - but here, in short, you have a course of yet another shift in NanoTrasen security.
    1 point
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