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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2019 in all areas

  1. SHUUUU'KAZA! A Tajaran that is always neat to run in to. Rare to actually see many Tajaran on station... So, it's always a treat when Shu'Kaza is around! This was another commission, gosh gosh, I'm getting a few, thank you so much for this wonderfully supportive community. I find it an honor to be a part of it every day! Yaya!
    3 points
  2. you are getting better! keep it up!
    1 point
  3. Hmm, what would Zeke's tools of choice be as an Agent?
    1 point
  4. What Is This 'Super Antag'? Super Antags are admin spawned variants of standard antags that are absolutely OP. Because of this, they're only for admin events and are sometimes treated as a code Gamma emergency. There are currently four super antags in game for when the admins want to meme it up. The Ancient One is a vampire that has all of its powers, unlimited blood, and can turn other people into vampires. Arch Wizards get 50 spell points. Syndicate Officers get unlimited TC. And Empress of Terror is a super powerful spider spawner that can take on mechs. However, there is currently no super antag for cultists, an antag that could probably use a bit of admeme help when all the cultists are deconverted in the first thirty minutes of a round. The One Who Has Seen 'Him': The Ascended Cultist is a cultist that has had a brush with their god. They could be a cultist given a special divine gift from their god, a physical embodiment of that god, or one of the heads of the cult's order. No one is more knowledgeable in the ways of their god than they are. The powers they possess make them a threat to the entire station, even if they are the only cultist on board. They start out with a full set of cultist equipment, including shielded robes and a sharpened blade. They come equipped with unlimited use talismans, or if possible, the talismans in spell form that can be triggered with the action buttons. They can perform most rituals by themselves, including convert, sacrifice, cultist summon, and the emp ritual. Not the god summoning ritual though. They still need other cultists for that. The have a few powers as part of their dark blessing, including regeneration, xray vision, arcane bolts, and a strong resistance to stuns. They are able to bind a slaughter demon to their service, which forces the demon to obey their commands and act as a body guard. Of course, none of this stuff is balanced, but Super Antags in general are OP. Still, it's fun to speculate on ideas for super antags for the different antag types. Feel free to post any ideas, comments, or suggestions you have on a super cultist antag.
    1 point
  5. Who's that Birthday Bot? It's Robbie! Toasters for everyone! Happy birthday you nerd. @rapaskoti
    1 point
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