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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2019 in all areas

  1. This just goes to show how exam season makes me productive in every aspect except for studying for exams. Aelwyn! They are a wonderful new Vulp that I've had the pleasure of interacting with. They're wonderful, and a good student. I see them now being CE and I can't help but feel proud of how fast they got everything down. I look forward to roleplaying with them in the future. Man... I'm spitting these out fast huh? Sorry I got your name chopped off Zix BUT, you know... Skrell names. Also, I didn't see that as depressing @Spacemanspark, people start new Acts of their life all the time~ Like, this is the act in my life where I find out about a spess game and draw aliens. It's a very popular act.
    3 points
  2. Why isn't there a reaction
    1 point
  3. Zixqu, a charming colourblind skrell. They're quite a pleasure to be around! I can't help but feel Skrell are some of the more dramatic races, thanks to Dreamy. Here he is... lounging.
    1 point
  4. Heyo, name's Mira, also Unrefined-user in BYOND, or if you want it more complex than it already is, Miragta12CZE. I still regret making that name when I was 7 years old. I joined BYOND in 24th of March after a couple of days of Sseth's review or the greytide era, as people call it here. I abandoned my taste of SS13 after some time messing around the controls and mechanics in other servers, and surprisingly got myself playing again about a week ago, playing the only server I enjoy with others without major havoc, you guess it what the name is. I still consider myself new to the server, despite having at least 28 hours worth of crew playtime and 4 posts in the forums, which consist only images with numbers or pointless replies but we won't focus on that, wonnit? I hope I'll meet some cool n' great people in my sec days!
    1 point
  5. Some older stuff, some slightly newer stuff, mostly because I haven't posted in forever.
    1 point
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