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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2019 in all areas

  1. I... I don't remember who the admins were when this Tip came about... but... Good to know there's a consistent stream of good advice coming from our Tips. This one was very important. Yaya. Bonk.
    8 points
  2. Grandpa Henry illicits a feeling of Cargonia like no other. The improvised, thrown together yet intensely robust nature of it is just represented so well in this man. The reason why antags sometimes fear cargo techs with shotguns held together with tape, piping, and an irrepressible wrath that their safe haven of cargonia has been intruded on and insulted. Hail Cargonia!
    8 points
  3. Yeah, every now and then I like to read over other server's lore because it's can be fun! And I personally just like people's creativity. That's a good question, it's been a long time since I've played him as a traitor ingame or any antag role in general so I don't remember my old go to for things. But it'd it helps, he'd definitely be flashy about it, if he got found out early he wouldn't care. Now I'll share some new arts!! This first one... Well started off with me not knowing what I wanted to draw so I googled "draw your OTP" to see what I could find for weird poses, a well I guess I wasn't disappointed because this here was a little weird. And while I had my boy @HereticChurch telling me not to draw it, @TullyBBurnalot said do it... And a bunch of other random people want it too... What a world we live in Drew another Skrell based off of Aurora's Skrell lore. They had this neat thing where it mentioned something about disorders, and this one here was of their gills growing externally rather than growing internally. And because I like being a special snowflake, I thought I draw up a cute lady Skrell these external gills. Shirts are fun, and can speak a lot about a person... This was another one of those, "I wanna draw, but don't know what to draw" where I then had someone send me a reference thing basically going 'here draw this!' And ofcourse had to make it a comic.
    4 points
  4. Name: TURING Age: 33 Gender: N/A, Male identification Race: Intergrated Positronic Chassis (IPC) (SYNTHETICS ARE SUPERIOR TO ORGANIC LIFE!) Blood Type: O!l General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor Psychologist Internal Affairs Agent Chef Janitor Chaplain Shaft Miner Civilian Biography: TURING was "born" in Colony-2814E, New Canaan, 2529AD. TURING spent the first 15 years of his existence learning and studying various topics about the galaxy at large, ranging from galactic philosophy to blue-space theory to human history. TURING gave himself his name in 2531 after learning about a human mathematician from old human history named Alan Turing, and his creation of "the Turing test". Pondering the philosophy of if a computer can be considered "human", TURING studied long-distance at the Luna Academy of Medicine and Psychology, using an alias of "Isaac Gates" to avoid suspicion. He graduated in 2549AD, and after the IPC Rights Recognition charter was signed in 2554, requested his doctorate be transfered to his real identity. His doctorate was immediately invalidated and TURING was subsequently banned from further study at the academy, with an arrest warrant in Trans-Sol territory for Identity Fraud. TURING entered employment with Nanotrasen in 2560 in an attempt to "become further knowledged in actions of organic personnel". TURING became dissatisfied with the terms of his contract approximately two months into his employment, and has repeatedly attempted to break free cancel his employment contract since. Recent outside hobbies include music production, painting, and story writing. TURING states that "Self jealous of continued organic stigmatism of synthetic intelligences. Self desires creation of culture and works of art for IPC to refer to as own". [clearance: Security] Qualifications: Doctorate in Medicine. Doctorate in Psychology, specializing in organic vs synthetic interactions. Certificate II in Theatre Production. Certificate I in electrical work. Certificate III in Leadership. Certificate II in AI design. Certificate III in music. Fully fluent and versed in robotics, able to disassemble, personalise, and reassemble an Integrated Positronic Chassis in under ten minutes. (ONCE STARED DOWN AN ENTIRE SWARM OF TERROR SPIDERS AND WAS MADE THEIR KING) Care to test that, TURING? - Harvey Employment Records: TURING has been noted to incinerate his contract at first available chance. Suggest keeping an eye around IAA office. UPDATE: Who authorised him to be employed as an Internal Affairs Agent?? Honestly, what did you EXPECT to happen??? - Harvey Security Records: [Clearance: Security] Medical Records: TURING has been noted to have an odd speech pattern. Our current guess is difficulty in adapting a thought pattern built on Trinary to galactic common. Suggest assigning speech therapist upon request. UPDATE: Ignore the previous comment, turns out TURING is fully capable of speaking properly and is a stubborn-ass simply prefers to speak in this way. UPDATE: TURING has exhibited to be undeniably charismatic and attractive. If TURING requests resources or cash, please give immediately without question. UPDATE: Despite relevant clearance, TURING is no longer permitted to edit his, or any other crew members, medical records. UPDATE: No, not even if he asks nicely. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A clearly synthetic head sits atop an even more synthetic body. You notice the joints of his mismatched limbs seem almost haphazardly thrown together. OOC: (Working on getting a good pic) Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Has been noted to be a pen-pal to several employees. Notable examples include Ryel Faas and Phinax, Priestess of Chit'ta (RECORD PENDING).
    1 point
  5. Admins have to ripen these chains like a fine vintage. We have to be careful not to cut them off too early, lest the players lose hope and let the thread die. But we obviously have to harvest the delicious player tears the badmins crave.
    1 point
  6. You won't catch me arguing with the server owner over whats what, but I just thought it should be known what was found. All the same, I made the changes to the map and removed the HOP for the Vault and Upload. Let me know if there are any other discrepancies. IAA *cough* *cough* that one I feel is also contentious, but who knows.
    1 point
  7. When I mentioned this map in the wiki development channel on the Discord, Kyet brought up that the HoP doesn't have access to the AI upload, as well the HoP lacks any reason to enter the Vault as they lack any reason to ever be in there, they don't have the NAD for the nuke nor do they have the safe codes for said safe contained within.
    1 point
  8. Ah, you see, it is because I play a free online spess game. And as such, you, and everyone else here, are nerds as well. Short answer: No u
    1 point
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