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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2019 in all areas

  1. Plasmamen did not RP more when their karma price was 100. Plasmamen did not suffer a reduction in RP levels when their karma price was reduced. Based on those facts, I don't think that changing the karma price of Vox, or other races, will affect the RP level of Vox players. I'm skeptical about the karma system in general. We do not review, moderate, or otherwise verify the effects of the karma system. We just take it for granted that it works. I've never seen any evidence to prove it works. I've never seen any evidence that karma totals measure RP ability/willingness better than pure playtime does. At times, I've been tempted to just abolish the karma system entirely and just use playtime for everything that's currently karma-locked.
    3 points
  2. Before I get into this, I'd like to make it very, very clear that I have no experience with the karma system and the discussion surrounding it other than awarding and receiving it, no purchases, little background knowledge, whatever. Anyways, I think that the vox race needs to be on a higher pedestal than all of the other races. Vox shares the highest karma value for species with plasmamen and slimepeople. I don't think that is very equal. The extent to which I see slimepeople consistently roleplay, in my experience, is periodically squishing(genuinely not sure if that is automated or not)and the occasional reference to water-blood. Plasmamen, I rarely see any difference from the generic roleplay of the crew, only the added "benefit" of having to constantly wear internals and a bulky suit around, which I think is more gameplay-oriented than roleplay. Vox, on the other hand, have to integrate roleplay into everything they say(though I'm not sure to what extent auto-hissing aids this), and I generally view vox players OOC as among the most experienced and established members of the community. I've seen purely fluff roleplaying sequences where vox go to great lengths to assist their "kin", possibly attributed to OOC friendship, but I'd like to see it as another example of vox being vox. As a sidenote, I've rarely if ever seen a vox captain during my time on the server. Perhaps I'm biased, but that speaks at some level to the correlation between experienced players and what I see as a relatively overvalued role. Two solutions, pretty similar in scope. Number one is that vox is elevated to to a karma value of 60. That doesn't seem popular, and I don't really agree with it. The other method would be to push plasmamen and slimepeople back down to a 30 karma value, since I do truly think that those who(hopefully legitimately, though who knows with the playerbase)climb the karma ladder to 45 karma points both deserve and are apt enough at the game to be reasonable expected to carry out high roleplay, and that the other two species don't require nearly as much dedication. Feel free to inform me about my lack of knowledge of the karma system, automatic systems and auto-hiss. Cheers.
    1 point
  3. All Hail the might Pizza Dog...lord of the scared hot Dogs!
    1 point
  4. I am quite sure we have crossed paths...welcome to the fourm!
    1 point
  5. Space law is quite clear on the matter and there's no way of confusing a sleeping carp user with just about anything else. CQC - Close Quarters Cooking - Only the chef can use this and it can only be used within the Bar and Kitchen area. The Chef is legally allowed to use it to deal with people being problematic within the bar or breaking into the kitchen. They are encouraged to not use lethal unless a clear threat is within their life (Self-defense). They are also able to block, dodge or even counter melee attacks against them so long as they have throw mode on with a % chance. Legal as the chef was trained by Nanotrasen to do this. CQC - Close Quarters Combat - A nukie only item, though I've heard it's possible to get it in uplink crates and hacked cargo crates. Exactly the same as the Chef's CQC, but they're able to do it anywhere on the station. The only way of getting this item is to have an e-mag or an uplink, meaning, you're marked as an EoC immediately. Both for having an e-mag and using it, and having found / gotten an CQC manual, learning and using the martial arts. Security are well within their right to kill the CQC user and have them cloned as having CQC makes them uncontainable (A lone security officer can immediately be stunned or even killed even in perma) Warden's Krav Maga Gloves - Warden only item, though anyone is able to get the gloves and temporarily learn Krav Maga. Unlike CQC, where your options depend on your intent, theses ones are always on disarm, grab or harm and require a button to be selected. CQC requires comboing, while the Krav Maga are a simple two button click system. Theses are legal as the Warden spawns with them and was provided by Nanotrasen. Sleeping Carp - A traitor only item, meaning you'd need an uplink to buy and learn it. Similar in terms of CQC with it's comboing, but two differences. First is the fact that you cannot be hit by ranged weapons. Anyone attempting to shoot you with tasers, lasers, even pulse rifles will have their shots deflected with the text "Alexis Bell deflects the projectile; he can't be hit with ranged weapons!" That's the first immediate sign of a Sleeping Carp user. The second is the fact what they shout when they do combos. They shout out random things such as "Never turn your back to the enemy! HIYOH! YOU CAN'T SEE ME! KYUH! CARP BITE! HUH! OOPYAH! BANZAIII!" Security are well within their right to kill the Sleeping Carp user with melee attacks and have them cloned as having Sleeping Carp makes them uncontainable (As they can't be stunned with ranged weapons and the fact that a lone security officer can immediately be stunned or even killed) Gloves of the North Star - A traitor only item, meaning you'd need an uplink to buy and use it. Let's you rapidly punch as quick as you can click, easily stunning and placing just about anyone into crit, as long as you have the gloves on and aren't holding an item. Two of the items are legal to have as they are from Nanotrasen. Others are Syndicate only, which are illegal under space law.. I do not understand how you claim the person who had Class S contraband that immediately marks them as an EoC, using the Class S contraband that gives them illegal martial arts.. is not classified as an EoC because they did not have the contraband on their person and space law isn't clear on it, when it is. They USED the contraband.. it's the same as a Holoparasite user.. they USED the contraband which is illegal in the first place, and using illegal technology to do illegal activity onboard the station.
    1 point
  6. Even with that being the case: A) Roboticists don't have easy access to that, especially at the start of the round. B) You are correct, it doesn't work for IPCs C) I... don't think it should be necessary to shove them into a body scanner just to see where someone's cut open. Even if it's coded so I have to remove all their gear, I should still be able to see where they've been visibly cut open. These aren't tiny cuts we're talking about, these are massive slices that blood is gushing out of.
    1 point
  7. I... I don't remember who the admins were when this Tip came about... but... Good to know there's a consistent stream of good advice coming from our Tips. This one was very important. Yaya. Bonk.
    1 point
  8. My Escape looks better then your Escape. I'm sorry but it's true.
    1 point
  9. Certain in-game roles (Captain, NT Rep, IAA, Magistrate, etc) are expected to be played with some level of seriousness. When playing one of these roles, if you photograph your ass and fax it to CC, you're probably not playing the role with the appropriate level of seriousness. It is appropriate for the Clown, or a random Civilian, to try pranking CC in this manner. It isn't appropriate for the IAA, Captain, or other crew trusted with fax access, to be doing it. Previously, we've handled this via strictly IC means, like demotions, or BSAs. Now, I'm going to start considering butt-faxes like this as Captain/NTR/Magistrate/IAA as a sign you're not taking the role with the required degree of seriousness. This means that if I see an IAA butt-fax CC for no reason within a couple minutes of shift start (as I saw yesterday), henceforth I'm going to consider that a good reason to job ban the player from the role, until they start treating the role with the higher level of seriousness it requires. Roles like Captain, IAA, NTR, Magistrate, etc are intended to be taken somewhat seriously. While we understand and expect some antics, treating them completely non-seriously will get you job banned.
    0 points
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