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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. A drawing of my DnD character Auriel who is an Aasimar Paladin. He is a pretty boi. Felt like drawing up Zeke's (dead) parents, Zaalia and Xuu'kol Varloss
    2 points
  3. So. I don't browse many sections of the forum very often. Mostly the ban appeals section. But damn. I just had to go through all six pages because .. you have a gift and it's amazing.
    2 points
  4. Have attacking specific areas have a low chance to do something to the victim, like punching someone's groin cause them to drop items in their active hand, and punching in the chest to have a chance to stun, seeing as in real life if you get punched in the liver, if hard enough you will fall and possibly pass out, attacking legs give stamina damage, feet could trip people, and mouth causes someone to be mute for a second, though some of these might be even less of a problem to achieve even if its super rare with the gloves of the north star because more tries per cycle, giving the gloves more of a use. If you think this is a horrible idea then your probably right because this is mostly thought up in a shower
    1 point
  5. Now that is a wonderful compliment. It's also really cool to how Drake has improved with time!
    1 point
  6. I want to like what everyone has said, but apparently I've given too many reactions in my time on the forum.
    1 point
  7. The background looks like a giant eyeball! And that's cool!
    1 point
  8. Glad to see people like Jenny's design
    1 point
  9. Me, I knew. Also, have to agree with McRamon, liking the palette.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Skrells HAVE BLACK EYES. Who knew? Anyway, here's a good ol Skrell that was once HUMAN (humans tend to change species a lot, huh?). They're always a good Skrell to warble into, and have a neat knack for engineering. Jenny Wellery, sorta sounds like Jenny Warbly... Gosh gosh! I hope you enjoy!
    1 point
  12. Regarding the syndie feature: I don't think it should have much of a cost, since it's already more risky to use as it is - since you are doing crime stationary and obviously the screen would go red for any onlooker. I doubt many people would bother spending 2 TC. Giving it a cost limits the number of people buying it by a lot - and thus making it useless for those who actually would. You could make it a TC item that unlocks the feature once, or just make it emaggable, thus making it usable to any traitor afterwards. Repairable only by deconstruction. Another newscaster idea: add a PDA cartridge for a portable newscaster function (read-only).
    1 point
  13. Oh yeah, now that I think about it, other types of notices would be really cool to have as well. Like a MISSING notice if a crewmember hasn't been seen for a while.
    1 point
  14. Plasmamen did not RP more when their karma price was 100. Plasmamen did not suffer a reduction in RP levels when their karma price was reduced. Based on those facts, I don't think that changing the karma price of Vox, or other races, will affect the RP level of Vox players. I'm skeptical about the karma system in general. We do not review, moderate, or otherwise verify the effects of the karma system. We just take it for granted that it works. I've never seen any evidence to prove it works. I've never seen any evidence that karma totals measure RP ability/willingness better than pure playtime does. At times, I've been tempted to just abolish the karma system entirely and just use playtime for everything that's currently karma-locked.
    1 point
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