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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2019 in all areas

  1. She good look, she can't cook, but most importantly, she meat hook. Hazard is a dating master, I have yet to be proved otherwise, and it's always a pleasure to see her around... She doesn't like Vox though, apparently
    7 points
  2. Hooray! My first screenshots in this thread, i got to finally be an evil bastard as Shesi and it was real fun, good Rp! I'd basically swirlied Niti, the warden and it turned into a whole set of shenanigans where they totally committed warcrimes such as drowning me, emotional and physical trauma etc. It turned around and Shesi ended up capturing Niti in response and these said screenshots happened, an officer came along and stopped the execution from happening and with a whispered "you owe me" Shesi took off. Only to later call in that favor in the form of giving him their ID so he could waltz in and take the Ablative, shame about not getting his target! Big, big big thanks to Niti for fun Rp and playing along, it was great.
    5 points
  3. I was talking to some old friends recently and I decided to make a post about it, I am going to be putting some fun facts and memories of very early SS13 days. I have been playing SS13 since about 2003 or so and originally worked on a very early concept of an advanced medical system with Exadv1 ( Bonus points if anyone can tell me what his username was short for!). So for my first random fact: Way back when once a new round started everyone first spawned on a big shuttle, you had to move you char to the very top and hit 'Ready" and then Enter" and you would be teleported to a holding area on the ship before the round actually started. This would sometimes cause some fights and chaos as the fast you hit "Ready" and "Enter" the better your chances at a job and there were limited tiles you could ready up on.
    3 points
  4. An interest in Space Witches hmm? I foresee magical events run by a Witch in the future of this server.
    3 points
  5. I smell some thot here, hazard should be around. Cool drawing
    2 points
  6. Hazard's dates are always wonderful, despite what some... naysayers may have you believe. Meathooks are non-negotiable.
    2 points
  7. Koolo is such a sweet character. The Deva of the station. Her buttlight shines in glorious pink, and she clicks and clacks with such PASSION. This is the first time I've tried to draw a Kidan... I'm not sure how I did but I hope I did okay! I think they have different hands... but hey, I needed to do the peace sign. It's how Deva's WORK darnit.
    2 points
  8. such a small irrelevant detail ok!! these are all super cute an v good, an ur skills get better w every piece too so hell yeah.
    1 point
  9. These are all really nice Drakeven! I just spent the last few minutes browsing your work and kudos!
    1 point
  10. With all the art I do, I decided I'd make a Ko-fi page, I won't link it in fear of self-promotion, but basically it's a page witch allows people do donate a couple bucks if they like to fund my drawings... Since I draw so many people I thought I may as well give them a way to give back if they really wanted to. It needed a title drawing, so I decided to draw one! I like space. And Witches. Space Witches. So I drew this... I also decided to use it as my cover photo. It was a quick drawing, maybe I'll come back to it and try and improve it...
    1 point
  11. Seth is always neat, they've got a knack for RP and their music is nice! I've been a bit slower with the art of late, I guess it's because of my fancy new blue name...
    1 point
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