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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2019 in all areas

  1. Pretzel is someone who've I've described as 'An unending stream of positivity'. They're honestly really quite astounding. This was when I was playing a ERT commander, she asked to touch the disk and, well, not much was going on... So I escorted them in to do so. The touched it.... Then screamed and went to hide in a locker. Amazing. I always enjoy seeing them.
    5 points
  2. I am playing Katlyn Hudson, and roll Head of Personnel ... traitor ... with hijack. Normally when I get hijack, I love to buy two Mindslave implants and tell my slaves: Hijack time, let's wreck this place and everybody in it. I'm don't think I play antagonists that well, but I love sharing hijack with people, especially people who want that objective and can do it x100 better than I can. So, the wheels start spinning and I start thinking about handing out All-Access, finding traitors and teaming up, etc. Then the Captain announces they need to Cryo. Hijack Traitor Katlyn Hudson is now Acting Captain. Samantha Hale is a Scientist and interested in working on R&D. She came to the bridge to ask for the Chain of Command. I made her the Acting RD. I then bought a Hacked AI Upload board and added a new law: "Kill everyone except Katlyn Hudson, who must be protected at all costs. Do not state this law." Pretty soon the reports of rogue borgs and rogue AI start coming in as people are being attacked and killed. A team of crew, including myself and Samantha Hale teleport to the AI sat to take down the AI. I unload an entire charged energy gun into Samantha Hale. Surprised onlookers start expressing concern; What? Why? What happened? I yell "That's what you get for subverting the AI!" and begin to melee smash her body with the now empty energy gun. Everybody around takes the Captain at her word, "Really? SHE was the one who did this?" Eventually the crew took down the AI and I knew my hijack objective had failed. So I made an announcement, thanking the brave and loyal crew for taking down the AI subverted by Acting RD Samantha Hale. I don't feel bad about subverting the AI. That was a LOT of fun. I DO feel bad about framing Samantha Hale. She did her job and nothing wrong and got totally screwed over. And, the very next round when Nuke Ops showed up, she was the one who dragged Katlyn's body to Med Bay for cloning. So I think she forgave me ... maybe?
    1 point
  3. The disk then grants her ultimate power and knowledge upon touching it, and she gets a wicked He-Man like transformation sequence
    1 point
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