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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2019 in all areas

  1. Every so often, you'll have one of those fun situations where you can evacuate with a bunch of folks off station during an emergency. Having already setup the White Ship, it was nice to be able to take folks on it. We had our own little crew! Only one missing from the screen-cap is Nymphy, just behind the mech!
    1 point
  2. They stack up, and form the tower of power! (Always wished vox could do this, what being can stand up to such unity!)
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Oil tank in primary tool storage? Seems like a logical place
    1 point
  5. So the Borer is in a bit of a tough spot at the moment. They're considered antags, but the vast majority are friendly towards the crew and are more often than not a good thing to have. I believe that borers should be a neutral, somewhat hostile entity that needs to be treated less like a pet and more like an actual potential threat to the station. Sure, there'll still be benefits to having one in your head, but the borer should be more interested in its own affairs than the host. To fix that, I believe the borer needs new objectives and/or mechanic changes. The first objective idea being Create and defend a nest till the end of the shift. This objective essentially requires a borer to find a location for a 'nest' structure, get a host there to build the nest, then have the host sit within the nest for a certain amount of time before becoming assimilated by it, causing the host to (At their choice) either be killed or turned into a borer (defaulting to kill if they don't respond soon enough), and the original borer to be ejected from the body. The nest acts as a permanent borer spawn, creating new borers about every two minutes. Once created, all other borers are informed on its location and given the objective to protect it. Unless the nest is destroyed, no other nests can be built. People infected with borers will be 'struck by sudden guilt' when attempting to harm the nest and won't be able to damage it. Essentially, the more people infected, the harder it'll be for the crew to destroy the nest. Of course, the crew can accept the one sacrificed crew member for an infinite supply of chem injector implants, but they should also consider the fact that the borers may hijack the crew if their nest is threatened. The second objective idea is Infect enough people to establish the hivemind/Infect as many individuals as possible. This objective requires the borers to infect a certain number of people (About 10, depending on server pop) in order to establish the 'Hivemind'. Borer telepathy will not be altered. Unlocking the hivemind will give the borers new powers that scale based on how many people are infected. Thinks like faster chem creation, longer stun and control duration, or a HuD to identify other infected individuals. The downside is that the increased neurological activity from the borer slowly damages the hosts brain. Now, the borer could use their chems to heal this damage, or they can wait till the host becomes brain dead, which allows them to assume permanent control. The other downsides being that, once the hivemind is established, the borer will always show up on Health HuDs, are are more vulnerable to sugar. The final idea I have, (Which should require minimal coding) is to randomly give borers simple miscellaneous objectives. No assassinations or grand thefts, but things like 'Consume a certain food' (May or may not be toxic to the host), 'Hug/knock over/punch a certain number of people', or 'Make your host wear certain clothes upon escaping the station'. They're borers. We know next to nothing about them, where they're from, nor why they may want to do all this weird stuff. These are minor things that'd give borer players more to do than just reproduce, and it'd make things interesting for the crew as people wonder why the captain is running around in the clown outfit while hugging everyone. If a lore reason is needed, it can be that the borers are 'collecting experiences and memories of a certain kind to benefit the hivemind'. This isn't gonna make all crew hate borers, but it'll be enough to actually make them disruptive to station affairs.
    1 point
  6. Greetings everyone! Recently i was thinking about karma unlocks and what else could we add to the game. While I understand that there are a lot of things which are more important and have a higher priority, i decided it would not hurt to throw in my ideas, so here they are. It was quiet a big list of ideas, however i cut the least interesting ones, because the list was too big, and left the best of what I have, and made it as short as possible. First thing that comes to mind of everyone who thinks about new karma unlocks is fluff items. I have one idea for that - Medal of loyalty. 3 verions - for 10 years, for 25 and for 50 years of service. I think it would be cool to have each one being unlockable only if you have unlocked the previous one, so, if for example they cost like 5-10-20 karma, the 50 years medal would cost total of 35 karma, that way we wont see many of them around. I also imagine that if you add somehow a medal of loyalty to a specific character, that character would have his ingame crew record automatically updated to represent the fact that this person in fact is working for NT for over 10-25-50 years already. 18 years old catgirls with 50 years of NT work experience inbound Lets not linger for a long time on fluff items and move forward to my first big idea - the karma locked borg module. Now we move to another thing - secondary jobs. And the last thing is - new karma locked job. Here are my suggestions. I hope someone (especially coders and heads) likes them. You can post your suggestions or discuss mine. P.S. Sorry for all the grammar mistakes.
    1 point
  7. The idea is to have a preference in the character that randomizes it when you roll antag to avoid recognition. For example, my security officer character seems very suspicius when he has a warrant in every round that is not a sec officer. And I know some characters that are usually antags when they have certain jobs. I think its easy to code, if the current code for the regular character randomization can be used in the middle of the antag rolling process or after it happened.
    1 point
  8. Yeah i am up for "if antag is rolled, you get certain character" I think there should be an option that allows you to choose one of your character for antag preferences. So i dont have to choose between trying to get an antag and playing my nonantag character. It will also allow to get cling or vamp even if you selected ipc character for roundstart.
    1 point
  9. While I'd like this, I'd also like the option to selectively choose which characters can be what antags, rather than have it be a global preference.
    1 point
  10. This is amazing and we should port it immediately. I never realized until now how much I've wished I could ride a borgo bud into battle. Just think, sec could have it's own Calvary detachment, the Nanotrasen Mounted Police. We'd just need to sprite some little Mountie hats. Bonus points if the station pets can also ride the borgs.
    1 point
  11. If it could be expandable somehow, that'd be neat. So if you examined, you'd get the normal detail but could click a button to receive the 'detailed' info. Or perhaps make it as simple as a HUD button that allows you to turn the advanced scanning on/off.
    1 point
  12. All my yes on this. Assasinating an IPC shouldn't be as easy as getting a flashlight for 2 TC, using it in front of like 3 other people, and then spacing the target's corpse. Leave out the last step if all you want to do is loot them. Killing someone, anyone shouldn't be this easy.
    1 point
  13. Death timer doesn't matter. Cloning exists. And like cloning, after 20+ minutes of being dead the player may not be interested in returning to the round if they are still there. IPCs are no easier to repair than any organic is to heal. In fact, it takes much more effort to heal IPCs than it does to heal organics even without considerations for things like NewCrit. BS You say? Oh I argue strongly. Welders heal 15 damage max and a cable coil heals 3 per length with a max of 24 burn heals, compare to brute and burn kits healing 25 each. Chemistry patches can heal much more than this, with styptic, silver sulf and synthflesh all capable of healing 100+ damage across the entire body instantly. But welders and cabling are common! They say, but round start a very generous estimate puts there to be maybe 10-15 complete sets of tools in public access, with 30+ assistants in a round if you don't grab them immediately they won't be available to an IPC hoping to repair themselves after the first 5 minutes of a round. But Cargo and Science can make more tools! And Medical and Science can make more healing patches. Far easier and without reliance on Mining to do a thing. Botany can make healing plants and anything with nutrition will heal the organic that eats, so the Chef's food, the donuts in security to the junk food in vendors will all heal an organic based upon how much nutrition, protein and vitamins are in the plant. But IPC surgery can be done anywhere! So can organic surgery. IPC limbs break faster and break from more sources. Burns don't break organic limbs, but IPCs need surgery after eating a few lasers. Going into crit doesn't cause an organic's ribcage to suddenly implode. But an IPC takes constant brute while in crit across their whole body, meaning a single person trying to repair 200~ damage may find themselves repairing over 400 because of how asinine the repair goes. IPCs also bleed from less damage dealt to them compared to organics, and do not regenerate their oil blood at all, where as organics can regenerate blood from food, saline and iron intake. TL;DR Easy to Damage, Easy to Repair is a myth. Only the easy to damage part is true. In every other sense organics have advantage when it comes to reliable means to heal and return to a round if their body can be found. If IPC buffs were nearly as potent as people made them out to be, how come nobody uses Prosthetic limbs, which are available to literally everyone and carry all the same pros and cons as IPC self repair. Because IPC healing is inconvenient at best and a time and effort time sink in its worst cases where the tools available to heal robotic crew are laughably underpowered compared to anything a competent medical bay can accomplish.
    1 point
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