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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Originally was about to post this to the screenshot thread, but since it became long, I'll head this here as its own! Year is a-changing, which means it's the time for me to unload screenshots from past time. I'll advance in order of topics. Starting with the most relevant and important phenomenon in space, that is goats, of course. For second, one clown and one greytider, the heroes that the station needs each shift. As third, assorted shots about the most thing I like to do at the station, life at security. That was quite my year in space. Fun times. Prematurely, general thanks and happy new year to you lot making these fun moments happen!
    4 points
  2. Two bugs staying warm in a cold part of the land. FUNFACT: This file is 6 mbs making it the biggest of all my drawings so far.
    4 points
  3. Bloppy is someone I see a bit off, and is always good for shinaingains. They're someone that holds a unique position of being a competent security AND a competent antag. Honestly, they've got some good robust-ness. *squish they also nice.
    3 points
  4. I was in a call... one thing lead to another and...
    3 points
  5. Hello paradise! I'm newish to the server itself but completely new on the forums, thought I'd say hi to everybody! I play Silence of Starsong, a diona, in science/botany most of the time. You might see me around with my red bandana and dumb vox accent (my headcanon is that Silence was raised by a vox farmer or something like that). I also love to play ghost roles (E-N the brig medical 'chef' and the Diona Nymph of wisdom) I hope to see y'all on the station (or lavaland) for some fun hijinks! (also also this is my first post on any forum anywhere for a very long time. Hello world!)
    2 points
  6. Kind of new here. I've dabbled with SS13 for some time in the past but just only started getting comfortable playing it. My Character is a tall, tired, hyena-looking Vulpkanin that has a bit of a smoking habit. He's quiet and docile for the most part, but his mischievous side does tend to get the better of him from time to time. Might have seen me around the station (Though these days I tend to sequester myself in the Cargonian Disposal/Mailing room. I've really found my niche with pulling those two levers and mailing boxes apparently.) Had one hell of a round the other day when I happened to intercept some Syndicate comms through disposal and that really opened my eyes of just what kind of experiences you can have in SS13 and Paradise. Was an absolute blast, and I do thank everyone involved in that, even the ones that plastered my character all over the walls that one time. Good fun! Looking forward to more craziness and fun in the future.
    2 points
  7. I have been inspired by a lot of other forum-posty-comic things to try this out. I think it's a neat thing to do. Basically, we're going to all collaborate on a comic. If you don't know what this is/have never done it before, basically, I draw something, and then you prompt me with what to do next with a post, like 'Check around to see if there's a door to open' or 'Hide!' or 'give an inspiring speech about Vox-ship.'. The reason why I'm putting it in the Civilian's days rather than the Graphic section, is that because the art isn't the focus. The story is. But, if you feel so inclined, feel free to add art of your own and steer the story yourself for a while! Anyway, without further adue, I present the start of our adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's dark. Why is it so dark?
    1 point
  8. Funny enough i did kinda..base the design from him but hes not the proto you'd know. Just one dressed in...anything. BUT i do like that game aswell.
    1 point
  9. You examine your surroundings... Looks like a dark dusty room... You muster your Voxxy strength to open the can... It's easier than you'd expect... They look fake. Probably. You equip the mouse. Headslot taken. Combine? >Yes >No.... >YES
    1 point
  10. Whoa, is that Proto-prophet bot? Big fan!
    1 point
  11. You peek inside your pockets to reveal...
    1 point
  12. I hear slime flavored slushies taste really good this time of year.
    1 point
  13. Thank you for sharing your spessmens year with us. It's been a wacky one!
    1 point
  14. I'm a bit late for Christmas, but I had to do this drawing. Karri has been wonderful and handed out many a gift to people, and I had to thank them with the best gift of them all... The gift of SELF. Karri is a cute Vulp. Yaya
    1 point
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