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  1. Thank youuuuu. Hopefully I can keep up the trend of drawing this time. Sketches are hard AF, especially when you only have a pen, lmao also yes i love my Harry potter notebooks tyvm lol. I should've brought my spare but I didn't think I'd run out of pages as quickly as I am. You heard correctly! I'm happy to draw peoples characters and such. Just need descriptions.
    2 points
  2. Your name is Jonthan Smith - the Human Enthusiast Vox.
    2 points
  3. I and I'm sure many others enjoy hearing tall tales, whether they are about why your shouldn't suck your thumb to princess being locked up in a tower. Something can be intriguing about them, where did they originated from? Why were they told? Is there a deeper meaning behind them? This got me thinking... what would some of these kinds of stories be for the setting in SS13. What would these alien species tell for stories? Would humans still believe or tell some of the same stories we hear today or would they have new ones? So, my boyfriend and I decided to come up with a few different myths. I also welcome anyone to share their own ideas as well! •Skrellian Myths• •The following names may be loose translations• The Deep Water Skrell In the large bodies of water on Qerrballak (Jargon 4) there's going to be a lot of areas where it's "deep water" they're places most people can't reach to and probably would never be able to reach to whether the technology is good enough. In these dark, cold, and high pressured place, what kinds of things could be living there? Ancient and huge beings that noone really knows ago? Are these areas so far gone that nothing can live there? Or is there a possible society living in the deeps that were able to adapt to their surrounds? "Deep Water Skrell" they're told the be more monstrous looking Skrell. Having a more elongated figure being much taller than the average Skrell. They're described to have longer than average limbs, needle like teeth, piercing black eyes, external gills, fins, and webbed and claw liked hands. They have long thin tendrils that normally floats along behind them. Stories about them can vary, but many Skrell believe them to be cannibalistic in nature. It leaves a lot of them wondering, are they real? Can some like them really be living out there? Or are these just part of stories to tell children at night? The Sea Witch What may look like a poor innocent Skrell trapped in the dirt or tangled out in seaweed/kelp may actually be a "sea witch". The Sea Witch is portrayed to have two appearance, one of a young Skrellian maiden while the other being her true form. While her Skrellian appearance is described to be soft and draped in gold jewels, her true form is more thinly. Instead of having three tendrils, she's told to have many small ones, she has a single eye and a sideways mouth that when open reveals rows of many teeth (much like a leech). It is said that she's rooted in areas with high levels of seaweed/kelp, in the original telling she's unable to move from her location but uses her illusions to lure people to her. If luring doesn't work, she controls the seaweed/kelp around her to pull people in. In some other tellings of her, it's told that she can travel through the roots however it is an unpopular telling. The Sea Witch can be seen with a Skrellian baby, in one story it was said that the child was her's before she became a sea witch. That she was a regular Skrell seeking a way to bring back the baby, but it never worked. In more common tellings she would find away to kidnap the baby. What happened to these babies depended on the type of story that was being told. Sometimes it's told that she takes care of them as if they were her own. Other times it's told that she'd eat them or used them for a ritual. Many who have crossed paths with the Sea Witch don't always get away. You can always bribe or make a deal to get out from her grasp, however they doesn't always go as planned. Maybe she does a backstabbing move with the deal, or it can feel like an impossible task to achieve. What this really comes down to is, you should be careful when going through any sort of areas with high levels of seaweed/kelp. Stone Siren (needs a better name) The "Stone Siren" luring travelers in by her song and her "enchanting" appearance. The Stone Siren is described to have tentacles instead of tendrils, a webbed or fin like area from her arms to sides giving her a sort of 'winged' look, and what may seem like a tail at first but really a cord like flesh attaching her to her giant stone crab half. In some portrayals she's attached to the crab by the legs instead of the the "flesh cord". She can be seen wearing fine jewels and lavish attire. It is told that if the "Stone Siren" places a kiss on you that you yourself would turn to stone. This would then lead the to crab part of the Siren to devour you whole. In stories she is mentioned to be located in areas that boarder shallow waters, giver her the option to find people both above and under water. It's said that she's most active during "twilight" and "daybreak" while the rest of the time she's most likely sleeping. Skrell who believe in these stories may advise you on what time is best to travel to the shallow water and than you should never travel alone. •Human's Myths• Ghost Towns (Mars) While colonizing on Mars would have been a big deal for humanity, there would have been many failed attempts a doing so. With a few failed colonization, these areas on Mars may have been left aside and possible forgotten about. Some people may believe that these areas are mostly likely haunted by the original settlers. People who may find themselves still living on Earth believing the Mars is just a cursed planet. Some would believe that If Mars used to have water on it but rejected it, then it'll soon reject humanity living on it too. These people may believe there's sort of pattern happening, and "doomsday" is bound to happen on Mars someday. The Dead Astronaut For people who live on the (Earth's) Moon, and some people who live on Mars, may hear or tell stories of "The Dead Astronaut". Normally portrayed as a Human Skeleton in an old/retro style space suit. People believe that his appearing to places or showing himself to people is some sort of warning. However the warning is never clear. In stories he's told to give off a cold and "Ancient" presence, and that when (or if) he speaks it sounds like whispers echoing around the area.
    1 point
  4. Gosh I really love folklore and legends, they really help make a universe feel alive. This is really cool! I'm sure there's lots of unsolved space mysteries too! I'll do a parallel one. Legends speak of a Ghost Ship on the fringes of human controlled space. A ship and crew of the dead, and these ghostly figures are said to capture the crew of ships they encounter, and add them to their own. The legend soared in popularity when a ship returning from the fringe sectors was found derelict and abandoned. The crew was completely gone, but all of the supplies and cargo remained, and no entry in the ships logs betrayed any hint as to what happened to them. With no conclusive evidence as to the fate of this crew, legends of the Ghost Ship started to fill the void of facts and evidence, and the legend still serves to scare off superstitious Captains from charting course through fringe space.
    1 point
  5. Ooh, pretty. and thaaaank you.
    1 point
  6. I really love your traditional style too, dang.
    1 point
  7. This radio must be good for something other than Vox Opera... Bluespace can do anything, right? Some people are so useless. As you are left again in silence... You can't help but feel invasive, insane and horrid thoughts entering your mind... You feel very uncomfortable. You had just thrown out the one person who was sticking by you.. You are hungry, tried and confused... They were there for you. You'll get to the bottom of this all. WITH mousie. You rush out into the halls, looking down to where you had thrown mousie... Perhaps mousie is hiding under there? You're sure you have one... Hm... You just can't recall...
    1 point
  8. Since she forgot her password, Dan has requested I post this in her stead for now. She's living at my place for the next month or so and doesn't have her drawing tablet, but she's still damn fine with pen and paper. Glorious She plans to make doodles of other characters, too, if people ask!
    1 point
  9. Two different things, one in sketched form still while the other has alot of detail and colored/kind of shaded. ALSO this is my most detailed yet..in a while.
    1 point
  10. Happy New Year every one! Here's hoping for a great year with some awesome folks, and more arts!! And we just won't question why these characters are celebrating 2020 when it's *looks at the Wikipedia* 2562..
    1 point
  11. Bloppy is someone I see a bit off, and is always good for shinaingains. They're someone that holds a unique position of being a competent security AND a competent antag. Honestly, they've got some good robust-ness. *squish they also nice.
    1 point
  12. I was in a call... one thing lead to another and...
    1 point
  13. I'm a bit late for Christmas, but I had to do this drawing. Karri has been wonderful and handed out many a gift to people, and I had to thank them with the best gift of them all... The gift of SELF. Karri is a cute Vulp. Yaya
    1 point
  14. Shesi keeps bullying Vox with his height.
    1 point
  15. It's 4am and I just got back from watching the new starwars, yeehaw. I managed to do this before I left, Katlyn! They're a good Captain. I see them on often leading the cyberiad, and they always seem to do a competent job with it Being a good captain is hard, so doing it well is something that should be commended. But, should we really expect any less from Nanotrasens finest? ...Gosh I should sleep.
    1 point
  16. Pretzel is someone who've I've described as 'An unending stream of positivity'. They're honestly really quite astounding. This was when I was playing a ERT commander, she asked to touch the disk and, well, not much was going on... So I escorted them in to do so. The touched it.... Then screamed and went to hide in a locker. Amazing. I always enjoy seeing them.
    1 point
  17. She good look, she can't cook, but most importantly, she meat hook. Hazard is a dating master, I have yet to be proved otherwise, and it's always a pleasure to see her around... She doesn't like Vox though, apparently
    1 point
  18. With all the art I do, I decided I'd make a Ko-fi page, I won't link it in fear of self-promotion, but basically it's a page witch allows people do donate a couple bucks if they like to fund my drawings... Since I draw so many people I thought I may as well give them a way to give back if they really wanted to. It needed a title drawing, so I decided to draw one! I like space. And Witches. Space Witches. So I drew this... I also decided to use it as my cover photo. It was a quick drawing, maybe I'll come back to it and try and improve it...
    1 point
  19. Koolo is such a sweet character. The Deva of the station. Her buttlight shines in glorious pink, and she clicks and clacks with such PASSION. This is the first time I've tried to draw a Kidan... I'm not sure how I did but I hope I did okay! I think they have different hands... but hey, I needed to do the peace sign. It's how Deva's WORK darnit.
    1 point
  20. Did you even read this or are you high?
    1 point
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