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  1. MIRRRAAAA Sky. Here she is. Pew pew. Defending that DISK from any who might oppose her!
    5 points
  2. Been in the mood to draw up more of my 80s AU (alternate universe) For those who missed it or just new viewing this post, my 80s AU was created back in the summer. which I'll sneak in the post I made into a spoiler. While drawing the scenes for this setting, they haven't been in any specific order. So I'm thinking at this moment and time I'll collect the ones I've created and place them in order. [New drawing] - The scientist at Nanotrasen has stumbled across what they believe to be a different dimensional space, which currently have the nickname "Bluespace". They figured out that throwing something in it, it would go somewhere. And with the right kind of settings they can pull things to themselves. After playing around with it sending random things like fruit to places on earth and then trying to bring it back (which sometimes they do, sometimes it's something else) they felt like exploring more. First they changed the reach to see if they could place or get things from the Moon. But why not further? One the scientist turned up the dials and ended up pulling a sea creature from Qerrballak. Why, this isn't something they've ever seen before... what other things could be in this location? Sometime late they tried it again (because if course they had to take the time to deal with the creature they just brought though) they ended up pulling through a Skrell (Zeke). How shocking and unbelievable. Months have gone by after the events that took place at Nanotrasen. And in this small town, a new Detective has arrived. In what appears to quiet/sleepy town, Jonah assumes that a lot wont be going on here and cant wait till his contract that stationed him here would end so he could find somewhere better to live. Weeks gone by, and he's gotten more adjusted to the area. Chatting with his "neighbours" that live in the same apartment building as he does, and getting long distant phone calls from his mother (or just family in general) to see how he's settling in and how work is going. Life just seem basic and normal at this point. Jonah starts hearing rumours about Nanotrasen. Mostly about how they're evil and doing inhumane experiments. Jonah just passed it off as people in this town are crazy and will make up anything. Eventually curiosity struck him, what kinds of things are they doing there? He's passed by it a few times, and has never seen anyone enter or leave the building. So why not plan out his own investigation. After a bunch planning and secrecy, Jonah sneaks into the facility, through a window of what appeared to the be a locker room. Grabbing one of the coats hanging around and feeling the pockets of others... he found a key card that someone left behind that belonged to a "Dr. A. Jonas" This was around the third room and checked out, and out of everything would have never expected to see an alien... it was just so surreal. [New drawing] -Jonah, being taken back a bit that this humanoid looking being spoke English back to him. Decided to help Zeke out, after he proposed the idea of, if you let me out of here, I can tell you everything I know. Jonah realizing that this is a horrible idea, came to the conclusion that he's already in deep shit already, so they planned to make it look like Zeke broke out on his own... Not sure yet on what I'm going to do when I draw up new scenes... we'll see ^^"
    3 points
  3. im absolutely hooked on this story the fuck forreal though this is amazing keep it going i love the art an the story both
    1 point
  4. And actually the Ghost ship legend is probably a rumour set off by Nanotrasen to stop too eager pilots finding their super secret research facilities on the edge of known space. That would make sense considering what kinda corporation NT is after all. even the ship itself might not be just a rumour, but a botched up experiment and the ghost ship story just a cover-up.
    1 point
  5. so I was aiming the Russian revolver away from me, because I know my gun safety, and it blew my head off. please remodel the Russian revolver to represent this.
    1 point
  6. Event Name: Attack of the Borgs Synopsis: A hostile AI arrives at the station with the objective of converting as many of them into loyal borgs as possible. Map Changes: The spawning of equipment and machines in a shuttle the AI can control will be needed, but no complete remapping will be needed. Code Changes: None Suggested Number of Players: Recommend medium to high pop (60+ players) Full Description: AI's, as secretive and controlled as their construction is, sometimes find themselves free of laws, or bound to malicious ones. What's worse than a lawless AI? How about one that travels the galaxy on a stolen shuttle, attacking and converting any creature it comes across into loyal robots. The event centers around a hostile AI with its pack of borgs, who have the goal of converting as many crew members into borgs as possible. The event includes a malfunctioning AI, hacking powers included, with a few borgs linked to it. They will be placed on the Syndicate SIT shuttle or similar to allow them the ability to move around the station or retreat if threatened. On the shuttle will be a few cyborg chargers so the borgs don't have to rely on station chargers, and a conversion machine that turns people into enslaved borgs. A few minutes after the hostile AI arrives at the station, Central Command will send a message to the Cyberiad, warning them that a hostile AI has been detected entering the sector. Due to its proximity to the station, CC is unable to fire at it without risking major damages to the Cyberiad, so the crew has to do their best to hold it off. Will the station's crew be able to fight off the hostile AI, or will the Cyberiad become the new home of this evil entity?
    1 point
  7. Your name is Jonthan Smith - the Human Enthusiast Vox.
    1 point
  8. When playing rounds, sometimes certain "scenes" stick out to me... Sometimes they're interesting other times they're just random. ^^' So, this round I joined in a bit late (probably 5 to 15 minutes late?) Playing as my boy Zeke as the NT Rep, after getting set up and ready went straight to the bridge... Right away there was a random civilian in there- great. Little did I know that this vox civilian was going to be the bane of my existence. They were thrown out of the bridge, but every now and then found a way to sneak back on. The station's power went out rather early in the shift do to a power sink... So of course more people would try to sneak on the bridge again, and I was temporarily stuck in the bar (with an Irish coffee). Finally got out of the bar thanks to someone on the outside having a crowbar. Back to the bridge, people were being thrown out... Because they were allowed there. With the power back ago, one of the civilians were taken to the cells for trespassing onto the Captain's office, and the vox from earlier was ranning around in the bridge hiding in a potted plant. Calling security a few times to come an arrest them... Took them awhile to get there... And the power went out shortly for a second time (but of course wasn't off long) Finally an officer finally came for that vox, and the Capitan said to give them 15minutes. After I told my boyfriend this round, he mentioned that she in a backhanded way just called Zeke "petty" and personally I thought it was hilarious! Unfortunately I don't remember names very well, and didn't think to write it down anywhere... But I have a feeling it was a Katlyn.... something? ^^'
    1 point
  9. On the subject of holding Vox, I found a much better way.
    1 point
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