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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2020 in all areas

  1. Another picture done in QUICK SUCCESSION, a creaky tree known as Silence of Starsong. They are nice to interact with, and have a cute speech pattern, hm! Drawing Dione was a challange, but I think I did it okay... they are just a bunch of nymphs after all. Anyway, this is a good message to obey I feel.
    6 points
  2. Zven is a good bugg. *click *clack
    6 points
  3. Space chess. Challenge me!
    5 points
  4. Hey look more BUG things.
    3 points
  5. Hello paradise! I'm newish to the server itself but completely new on the forums, thought I'd say hi to everybody! I play Silence of Starsong, a diona, in science/botany most of the time. You might see me around with my red bandana and dumb vox accent (my headcanon is that Silence was raised by a vox farmer or something like that). I also love to play ghost roles (E-N the brig medical 'chef' and the Diona Nymph of wisdom) I hope to see y'all on the station (or lavaland) for some fun hijinks! (also also this is my first post on any forum anywhere for a very long time. Hello world!)
    2 points
  6. Zven is a good bug friend.
    2 points
  7. Clickity clackity, your bout to get zippidy zappidied. Don't mess up their brig!
    2 points
  8. I was talking to some old friends recently and I decided to make a post about it, I am going to be putting some fun facts and memories of very early SS13 days. I have been playing SS13 since about 2003 or so and originally worked on a very early concept of an advanced medical system with Exadv1 ( Bonus points if anyone can tell me what his username was short for!). So for my first random fact: Way back when once a new round started everyone first spawned on a big shuttle, you had to move you char to the very top and hit 'Ready" and then Enter" and you would be teleported to a holding area on the ship before the round actually started. This would sometimes cause some fights and chaos as the fast you hit "Ready" and "Enter" the better your chances at a job and there were limited tiles you could ready up on.
    1 point
  9. When I had the chance to build something I decided to create a nice museum. Everyone got greytided me not! Next time more plasma and uranium statue.
    1 point
  10. Another drawing relating to my 80s AU. Where else would you hide an alien but inside your own apartment room... Sneaking through the building was easier said than done. The other day I pulled something in my right (dominant) hand making it so any sort of pressure on my thumb would make the rest of my hand hurt.. and it was just a bad time in general, cause even typing a bit kinda hurt. So with that going on, I couldn't really draw... but I really wanted to because I had nothing else to day and was just really bored. So I thought why not draw with my other day, and honestly can't remember the last time I attempted to draw with my left hand... I don't know if you'd call it stubbornness or ambition... x3 So, first I did some gesture drawings to kinda of get the hang of holding something in my left hand Then I drew my slimegirl Dreamy Rockwall. Today I thought, maybe I'll continue to do gesture drawings with my left hand to get better... because I've always been afraid to have something bad happen to my hand causing me to never draw again... and I'm sure that's a normal fear some people have... right? My right hand is a little tender today, but I'm sure by tonight or tomorrow it'll be fine... doesn't hurt a whole when I try to do stuff at least. ^^'
    1 point
  11. I think this is the first time I've ever seen art of a fully grown diona. Well done on being possibly the first! (in a long time at least)
    1 point
  12. Silence S is a very sweet diona.
    1 point
  13. this..is a cute iteration of a diona and you should hug one like..as soon as possible.
    1 point
  14. Ahhh so many god damn wacky situations and I never screenshot NEARLY enough. Here are the few that I've remembered to capture, and I'll do my best to screenshot more. THE COUNCIL CONGRESS! We sold the station to the USSP this round, which is something I unfortunately forgot to capture. PRAXIS CHAILER vs. THE NINJA! (Jury is out whether Praxis cheated by using the telebaton. He totally did. ) Missing include Praxis's commissioned Tomb, and the time he became a USSP second in command, plus a few other great situations. I'll be sure to screen shot more so I don't miss em. Good to be back fellas.
    1 point
  15. I made toilet water boobytraps and pranked these two so bad I felt guilty.
    1 point
  16. Two different things, one in sketched form still while the other has alot of detail and colored/kind of shaded. ALSO this is my most detailed yet..in a while.
    1 point
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