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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2020 in all areas

  1. You pry open one of the maint-boxes with your Voxy strength, and handy dandy crowbar! What luck! A flashlight! And you have just enough room to use it. Things are looking better... Or at least, brighter. Hm, it couldn't hurt... You concentrate in prayer. Now to wait... Figures. Trying to put the cruelty of the gods asside, you go back to trying to find your mousie freind and ignoring the growing sense of dread and hunger. You shiver, but continue the search... Unsure if you could push though the fear if it wasn't for mousie. !!! You turn around quickly to reveal- SKREK You fall on the instincts of the Vox, and go to run! The floor is still wet from when you got rained on... Great. At least the voice in your head told you it was wet... after you slipped. You call out weakly to your kin, after recalling the name of a very strange Vox. That certainly isn't you. But it seems the stranger has taken your mutterings of 'Kinsies' as your name sake. Not as bad as some other names.
    3 points
  2. Did you know you can boobytrap crates? I believe all you need to do is hit a closed crate with cable coil and an electropack. It's like touching a shocked grille or door. Hit a booze bottle full of ants with a welder until superhot for a horrid ghetto weapon. Just slam it over someone's head. Niti taught me both of these tips. You can use mousetraps as an assembly component in large grenades for landmines. Remember to prime them. Put a primed one in a backpack and they'll be set off when someone tries to open the backpack. Take away unruly prisoners' shoes, if they end up bolting out of the brig they'll run slower than your officers and be prone to getting glass shards in their feet. IIRC CHANGELING husks don't have blood. If you're trying to figure out the difference between someone who's just been horribly, horribly BURNT vs lingified, and can't figure it out from circumstance, try taking a blood sample. oh yeah, my absolute favorite, most useless tip of all time: fill a cup of cup ramen with 10 units of water to make slightly more nutritious and warm cup ramen!!!!!
    2 points
  3. hehe, getting some Senate vibes there. "Captain! you will answer to the senate!" (I AM THE SENATE!)
    2 points
  4. Another drawing relating to my 80s AU. Where else would you hide an alien but inside your own apartment room... Sneaking through the building was easier said than done. The other day I pulled something in my right (dominant) hand making it so any sort of pressure on my thumb would make the rest of my hand hurt.. and it was just a bad time in general, cause even typing a bit kinda hurt. So with that going on, I couldn't really draw... but I really wanted to because I had nothing else to day and was just really bored. So I thought why not draw with my other day, and honestly can't remember the last time I attempted to draw with my left hand... I don't know if you'd call it stubbornness or ambition... x3 So, first I did some gesture drawings to kinda of get the hang of holding something in my left hand Then I drew my slimegirl Dreamy Rockwall. Today I thought, maybe I'll continue to do gesture drawings with my left hand to get better... because I've always been afraid to have something bad happen to my hand causing me to never draw again... and I'm sure that's a normal fear some people have... right? My right hand is a little tender today, but I'm sure by tonight or tomorrow it'll be fine... doesn't hurt a whole when I try to do stuff at least. ^^'
    2 points
  5. It's definitely a giant bug come to eat you! Shine the flashlight in its eyes to try to drive it away!
    1 point
  6. Name of Event: (Death) Poker Night One Sentence Description: Poker Tournament! Map Changes: Minor changes to the default map Will this work with the standard NSS Cyberiad map? Yes, but we'd need to add some tables around the library, chapel, hallways, medical, and escape, as needed. Code Changes: No Will this work with the standard Paracode base? yes Suggested Number of Players: <50 What type of population level would this be best for? Any number of players would be possible. Ideally 8-50 just so it doesn't drag on forever. Full Description of Event: It's Poker Night! Bust out the cards, raid the ATM's and start up a game. Blinds steadily increase as time goes on making elimination happen faster and faster. Each time a player busts out, they can enter cyro, head to the arcade, holodeck, or just watch the rest of the games. (Optionally, make this a twisted Nanotrasen culling of staff and kill off any staff who bust out. Force them into the guillotine, out into space, feed them poison, be creative!) Why: For those rounds where we don't really have that much players and you can tell things are gonna be slow. This would probably be a voted on thing.
    1 point
  7. Hello paradise! I'm newish to the server itself but completely new on the forums, thought I'd say hi to everybody! I play Silence of Starsong, a diona, in science/botany most of the time. You might see me around with my red bandana and dumb vox accent (my headcanon is that Silence was raised by a vox farmer or something like that). I also love to play ghost roles (E-N the brig medical 'chef' and the Diona Nymph of wisdom) I hope to see y'all on the station (or lavaland) for some fun hijinks! (also also this is my first post on any forum anywhere for a very long time. Hello world!)
    1 point
    1 point
  9. A rather... actually typical sight aboard the Cyberiad. The council will decide your fate.
    1 point
  10. When I had the chance to build something I decided to create a nice museum. Everyone got greytided me not! Next time more plasma and uranium statue.
    1 point
  11. Hi hi! Thanks for always being so nice to Kikeri! It's always so fun to see you around! I'm also delighted to learn you were the wisdom nymph!
    1 point
  12. I feel like I have seen you around a few times now. Welcome aboard!
    1 point
  13. I think i've met you before, there was a Dionah in the bar who kept pretending to be a vox, wearing a bird mask and no matter how much we told them otherwise, they refused to accept that it was in fact a mask. If it was or wasn't you, either way. "Welcomes aboards cyberiad! Avoi kitchen, food bad, annnnnn looks out for wizzies"
    1 point
  14. RAISED BY VOX? Oh GOSH that's something I wish I knew. So cute. We've met aleady but I must greet you officially
    1 point
  15. Ahhh so many god damn wacky situations and I never screenshot NEARLY enough. Here are the few that I've remembered to capture, and I'll do my best to screenshot more. THE COUNCIL CONGRESS! We sold the station to the USSP this round, which is something I unfortunately forgot to capture. PRAXIS CHAILER vs. THE NINJA! (Jury is out whether Praxis cheated by using the telebaton. He totally did. ) Missing include Praxis's commissioned Tomb, and the time he became a USSP second in command, plus a few other great situations. I'll be sure to screen shot more so I don't miss em. Good to be back fellas.
    1 point
  16. Space chess. Challenge me!
    1 point
  17. Alfred: Landerlow Giki: Drakeven Sophia: xPro Sihsse: Bryan Kiyata: Abydos
    1 point
  18. Used half the shift building it, and the other hald hiding from a blob in it. Credits to Fiddler for helping me make it. First time i have really played with chutes and disposals as a way to travel as far as from the bridge to space under atmos. Great Fun, Good rp. 10/10 would do again!
    1 point
  19. By no means do I know the existing combat system very well, but I like the idea of adding this extra layer where targeting specific body parts affects different things. However, I do think that it's worth mentioning that some of these things are already in the game to some extent. I believe there is already a low chance in which punching activates a "weaken" ability that stuns for some time, although I think that making that ability only applicable to certain parts of the body(i.e., head, upper body, lower body)would make more sense as someone doesn't necessarily get stunned in real life from getting punched in the hand or foot. All that I can say is that for a system like this to be implemented, RNG definitely should not be generous, as there are already enough ways to deal various types of damage in the game. As a sidenote, getting punched or kicked in the groin(for males)does a lot more to someone than causing them to drop whatever they're holding. I recall lying in the fetal position for about an hour, puking and pissing out blood. It's not fun.
    1 point
  20. Here's a few tips regarding some of the traitor items you can acquire from the uplink: Agent ID The AI won't be able to remotely track you while you are wearing it, they'll need to follow you around manually with the camera view. Your infraction level with beepsky will be lowered while it's worn, meaning he wont go after you if you're wanted or carrying a gun without a permit. Camera Bug Clicking on a camera while this is in your hand will bug it. This will give you the option to disable the camera on the bug's main menu (works like emp'ing the camera, so people will notice it's been tampered with). Access Tuner You can use this while looking through a camera, allowing you to hack doors from across the station. This includes the camera spying feature in the camera bug. F.R.A.M.E Cartridge Any new uplinks generated with this are fully usable once loaded with telecrystals, with each one getting a new set of discounts generated for it as well. Smuggler's Satchel The satchel will fit inside regular backpacks, but will hold normal sized items inside (excluding another satchel for obvious reasons). You can use it to increase your effective backpack space if you want. Uplink Implant As with the F.R.A.M.E, this counts as an entirely new uplink and will have its own discounts. Injecting more than one uplink implant will add another 10 telecrystals to it per use. Energy Dagger Throwing this at someone will deal nearly twice as much damage as a melee attack with the added bonus of always embedding itself into a target. This will make the dagger non-retrievable however. Emag Emagging a regular hypospray will let you fill it with any chemical you want, removes the chat message saying what you injected and will make the hypo work through hardsuits. It will still make a noise and can only inject 5u at a time but does let it function as a makeshift sleepy pen when combined with strong toxins (namely traitor poison bottle chems).
    1 point
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