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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2020 in all areas

  1. No clue who this is, apologies, but I saw the vox mime sprite and felt I needed to draw it as soon as possible.
    5 points
  2. Pretzel needs to go into the oven
    2 points
  3. After seeing Robert do his thing, I wondered if I could beat his record of photocopying his ass on every photocopier on the station. Cue NT-Sam, Assistant, aboard the NSS Cyberiad, here to copy her source code everywhere and anywhere she shouldn't be. Round starts and I immediately nab a multitool and full set of tools from Tool Storage as is tradition. I break into the NT Rep's office first, emptying their copier of toner skillfully, shoving myself in the trash to come back around and do the BS' office -- But I flush the disposals too soon and am detained by a security borg, who lets me off with a sinister warning in Trinary. I walk out of the brig into the front of the bridge, where I see Uv'uidrrixz playfully threatening the Representative. I joke, "Let's kill the representative," and he actually breaks into the bridge to table poor Scarlett. In the chaos that ensued, I nabbed a CE's baton and telebatonned all of command, stealing the NT Rep's staff as well and strolling into the captain's office to do my photocopying. Eventually the Blueshield comes along and I baton them and empty their taser into them before being chased around the station by their girlfriend. After a yaketysax I go to the Garden to meet back up with Uv, and see the blueshield naked and in cuffs and a grey in pajamas being escorted away. Suddenly an officer starts to detain Uv so we make a break for the maintenance tunnel and do incredibly well at fending off the Security force until Rioz and Shesi comes along and skillfully kicks our respective chitinous and metallic asses. Apparently... Our harmless shenanigans crossed paths with actually genuinely diabolical shenanigans in which the BS was forcefully fed a roburger and stripped, out of nowhere. We try explaining that we had absolutely no idea about Sputnik's plot, but are charged with aiding and abetting -- Fair enough, into perma we go... For about half a minute, until Sputnik's subverted borg breaks open perma. Uv' and I are good boys and decide to stay in perma, and just as I move in for a heat of the moment kiss, tesloose. We get out of there and the warden starts shooting at us with buckshot despite neither of us having lethal intent, and Uv bleeds out from his injuries while I slowly run out of oil and collapse as I'm dragged around. We miss the shuttle and the pods, and I'm left in the brig with the Warden, who kills himself, and an officer (or maybe it was an IAA?) who was killed in the wonderfully-timed radiation storm. Round ends with Sam handcuffed on the floor playing centuries-old music for herself while her oil reserves deplete. TL;DR: Tried photocopying my ass throughout the station, ended up dying in the Brig for accidentally aiding and abetting roburger-based murder.
    1 point
  4. the most robust non lethal weapon this station has ever seen is a space cleaner with water. cant change my mind so dont try. Also like how i robusted you on the holodeck a few rounds later(or prior)
    1 point
  5. There's a wild amount of depth in the events leading to and following the roburgering of Madi Kasper. And it all started with a desire to copy my ass.
    1 point
  6. I will not lie my dude. I think you had a stun weapon on you at that time and it looked like the BS was Redshielding so when they stunned I saw it as an opportunity to 1. Get my target. 2. Help a fellow Syndicate Agent. 3. Teach a Blueshield Nerd a valuable lesson. It probably didnt help that I pointed at you and told Security you were the bad guy in the scenario roburgering her. God this situation just feels more awkward now. Also the AI was traitor with no-organic/synthetic hijack so they approved of my roburgering and thought we were going to be some good assistance in fighting the Crew.
    1 point
  7. R5.5, the captain insists the AI is rogue and is currently forcing his way into the satellite to card them, alongside the RD! They're destroying turrets and doors trying to get to them. With said AI on standard corporate module, what is the most productive course of action?
    1 point
  8. This meant a lot to me mostly because I'm a huge nerd.
    1 point
  9. Not bad! I recommend using a more contrasted palette though. Outline is really important too. Personally, I tend to stick to 3 colors, or 4 at most, which I noticed you used. Exceptions may occur! Using your witch donut as an example. I separated the colors, and right away you can see there isn't a lot of contrast between them. The result makes the image a lot smoother, but it also makes it less defined. I will also advert that shading is a bit off, making it confusing as to where the light source is coming from (presumably bottom right, but for example, the middle doesn't have any shading) I was having issues editing your picture, so It looks a bit weird, but you can see what I mean with the color choices. Overall, not bad sprites! Keep up the good work!
    1 point
  10. >Ask the odd being if they've heard voxxy opera, then play some for them at maximum volume.
    1 point
  11. You pry open one of the maint-boxes with your Voxy strength, and handy dandy crowbar! What luck! A flashlight! And you have just enough room to use it. Things are looking better... Or at least, brighter. Hm, it couldn't hurt... You concentrate in prayer. Now to wait... Figures. Trying to put the cruelty of the gods asside, you go back to trying to find your mousie freind and ignoring the growing sense of dread and hunger. You shiver, but continue the search... Unsure if you could push though the fear if it wasn't for mousie. !!! You turn around quickly to reveal- SKREK You fall on the instincts of the Vox, and go to run! The floor is still wet from when you got rained on... Great. At least the voice in your head told you it was wet... after you slipped. You call out weakly to your kin, after recalling the name of a very strange Vox. That certainly isn't you. But it seems the stranger has taken your mutterings of 'Kinsies' as your name sake. Not as bad as some other names.
    1 point
  12. ahahahahaha, I think you got me like this once, i was the NT rep, and you offered me an injection that I think you said had a healing virus or somthing, injected me and then BOOOOOOOM! Kar-Ski all over the walls. Security was befuddled as to what happened, and never did notice that all my bits and what was left, was still in the doorway that they kept walking over looking for "clues"
    1 point
  13. Can't choose one, will say what better me the most in each department. Science don't man R&D often enough; Robotics half the time can't fix anything if their life depended on it. Can’t count how many times I’ve seen dead IPCs and borgs forever forgotten on robotics floor while they build their mechs. Sec can be shitters, abuse people, arrest without reason, give unreasonable or illegal sentences, kill people illegally, and don't usually enforce the law against their own. Service has the greatest concentration of inexperienced players and is unusually affected by people dropping off. Bar and kitchen are frequently unmanned. Botany some rounds can't do shit. Janitors use water instead of space cleaner. I feel cargo has the same problems as service, but because of 3 people there, they more frequently can man cargo. Could never get them to mail something for me when I have no access to a request console or want to send a bigger package. QM do not take care of his miners nearly well enough. Engies are lazy fucks, atmos even lazier. Lot of rounds all hardsuits are taken and there's no one working. Atmos never clear their alarms. But at least it's a big department, and 1-2 people can do the job. If there's something really big happening sometimes people who fucked off start working again, so that helps too. Command is frequently highly incompetent. My impression is that Cap and RD are the most incompetent on average. Guess It make sense for Cap to be the most incompetent guy on station since he does nothing, but sometimes he must take pretty consequential decisions that fuck the station over. Also, command communicate way less often than they should, and sometimes is difficult to fire cap simply because people are not listening to radio. In like 10% of the rounds not the AI or CE turn on the fucking solars in tcomms. CEs don't know tcomms enough to repair it if something happens most of the time, and frequently never even check on tcomms problems. RD's frequently can't deal with AI problems and other heads must do it for them. Medbay is fine enough in my experience.
    1 point
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