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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2020 in all areas

  1. Uv'uidrrixz, Herrington, NT-Sam, Aelwyn, Sigurd, and Kyani vs Joey Spuff & Central Comand After a 20 minute argument in the bar over station diversity spawning from Joey's advanced race theory, followed by a nearly 10-minute kidnapping of him, Uv and Co took matters into their own hands to permanently retire Joey and to make sure Central Command heard their voices loud and clear. In this image, Uv, Sigurd, Kyani, and Herrington prepare to fly the ERT shuttle to CentCom after a skirmish with two ERT soldiers. It ended as well as one would imagine.
    2 points
  2. I demand everyone sign my petition to give diona nymphs hands once again, and allow them to charge into battle guns proudly raised Also if you say yes ill cut Robbie's antennae off by 1cm for each added vote in my favor Disclaimer: this thread is in no way serious, and does not accurately reflect opinions from staff or otherwise.
    1 point
  3. So i've maining drone for a long time now. Upgrading stuff, building sleepers in Operating rooms, second cloners, hacking botany and bar machines, fix the occasional plasma fire and see people cheer at the industrious metal ball. I've been wondering something though. How many drone mains are out there? Wow, it's a long time i haven't logged into the forums.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I always play drone, bombs or not. I like to be the beloved metal ball that comes out of a vent and fixes everything. If there isn't anything to fix i make a department happy by upgrading their things. Expecially medbay. Surgeons really do love having upgraded sleepers inside their OR. Also, pro tip on how to be gentle with a drone. If it's building something you dont want built, pick it up and put it outside the door. Most of them will get the hint.
    1 point
  6. Sometimes it takes 3 officers to harmbaton themselves to get a confession out of Robert Pond and tell you how he broke out of Security Brig again.
    1 point
  7. I play as drone if there is something to do a.k.a traitors are using lots of toxin bombs, I really appreciate all of ya, cute smol things that work harder than greytide trying to get insuls
    1 point
  8. Did you know you can boobytrap crates? I believe all you need to do is hit a closed crate with cable coil and an electropack. It's like touching a shocked grille or door. Hit a booze bottle full of ants with a welder until superhot for a horrid ghetto weapon. Just slam it over someone's head. Niti taught me both of these tips. You can use mousetraps as an assembly component in large grenades for landmines. Remember to prime them. Put a primed one in a backpack and they'll be set off when someone tries to open the backpack. Take away unruly prisoners' shoes, if they end up bolting out of the brig they'll run slower than your officers and be prone to getting glass shards in their feet. IIRC CHANGELING husks don't have blood. If you're trying to figure out the difference between someone who's just been horribly, horribly BURNT vs lingified, and can't figure it out from circumstance, try taking a blood sample. oh yeah, my absolute favorite, most useless tip of all time: fill a cup of cup ramen with 10 units of water to make slightly more nutritious and warm cup ramen!!!!!
    1 point
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