Either you take better components, deconstruct the machine and reconstruct it with the better stuff, or you use one of those bluespace-fast construction thinghies. ORs do not have sleepers however, so i just make them from scratch. I always patiently wait for research to be done first. If tou see a drone waiting on a table inside R&D, you now know why.
Definitely. While i see some other drones from time to time, i've never seen another drone main so far. Looks like i'm the only one enjoying doing all the hard work. I do it for a reason though. I like that feeling when i know i made someone's round a bit better. I always start from medbay because i know it's one stressful job to do(hell, i used to play doctor and medborgs). I also do it for the love. Here's THE best phrase i've ever seen.
Random engineer:"Who completed the dna vault?"
AI:"The drone did."
I would like to add that SOMETIMES i dont play drone. Mosly because it's too late in the round(i won't join after 1:30), or because the station is just utterly fucked(station got maxcapped in multiple places? Yep, not fixing that.)
In short, be gentle with drones. Also for god sake dont emag them. It's 3 mimutes of "what the fuck do i do" and 10 minutes to respawn.