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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2020 in all areas

  1. Not even demon possessed swords are immune from the LAW!
    4 points
  2. I demand everyone sign my petition to give diona nymphs hands once again, and allow them to charge into battle guns proudly raised Also if you say yes ill cut Robbie's antennae off by 1cm for each added vote in my favor Disclaimer: this thread is in no way serious, and does not accurately reflect opinions from staff or otherwise.
    1 point
  3. Either you take better components, deconstruct the machine and reconstruct it with the better stuff, or you use one of those bluespace-fast construction thinghies. ORs do not have sleepers however, so i just make them from scratch. I always patiently wait for research to be done first. If tou see a drone waiting on a table inside R&D, you now know why. Definitely. While i see some other drones from time to time, i've never seen another drone main so far. Looks like i'm the only one enjoying doing all the hard work. I do it for a reason though. I like that feeling when i know i made someone's round a bit better. I always start from medbay because i know it's one stressful job to do(hell, i used to play doctor and medborgs). I also do it for the love. Here's THE best phrase i've ever seen. Random engineer:"Who completed the dna vault?" AI:"The drone did." I would like to add that SOMETIMES i dont play drone. Mosly because it's too late in the round(i won't join after 1:30), or because the station is just utterly fucked(station got maxcapped in multiple places? Yep, not fixing that.) In short, be gentle with drones. Also for god sake dont emag them. It's 3 mimutes of "what the fuck do i do" and 10 minutes to respawn.
    1 point
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