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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Welcome back to Spark's suggestions Today I am asking to place a single shutter, similar to those the chef can close in their kitchen, in front of the AI core on the satellite. The satellite is woefully under protected as is, and this would go a bit of a way to giving the AI a bit more defense, or at least a bit more time, from assaults onto its core. Metastation already has this, and it doesn't have any real negative impacts on the game.
    2 points
  2. I charged a space drake with two chairs in hand and hopefully distracted it enough to allow some people to escape our holdout in processing in the terrifying carp war of January 2563 The council will decide Jay's fate Sometimes your SO's a station-grade AI.
    1 point
  3. Our atmos system used to work like this years ago, we used a different atmos system called 'ZAS' (Zone area simulation). It featured exactly what you're looking for--explosive decompression, objects and people being flung about mercilessly. As fun as it was, however, it also came with a slew of bugs. We eventually moved onto the LINDA system (no idea what that stands for), and while we did have someone code in a sort of explosive decompression thing for a bit that worked alongside it, it came along with its own issues, enough that we eventually removed it as well. I so badly wish we still had ZAS--but there were legitimate reasons for switching over to LINDA. I don't expect we'll be able to do anything to change our system anytime soon, although it is something I feel the game does need. Space should be deadly.
    1 point
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