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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2020 in all areas

  1. In Vox Culture, the Involate is a way of life. It teaches not to waste, and to use what you have. That said, I feel Giki was a very good coroner and made up for the lack of chef quite wonderfully. Please ignore the IAA Taking a picture of said '''''Diner''''''
    4 points
  2. https://gyazo.com/bb5f3f97e6e6ab207eb120f84c63dade Torque spent a good 60 seconds pushing them side to side before Giki finally grabbed him and locked him in Torque jail, where only the most nefarious of torques go!
    3 points
  3. Me and the gang standing up against a wrongful arrest. The clown might also have stolen his baton, so uh...
    3 points
  4. Ahh! That was a fun moment. Watching the two identical Vox gliding back and forth like a pendulum, I was mesmerized. So I kept pushing and pushing until the law finally caught up with me.
    1 point
  5. Okayokayokay here’s more finally! Also my style keeps changing AAAAAAAAA A Phoebe examining the robo hands that she got.... somehow... @xProlithium Aaaaaand.... Our... “friendly” neighborhood SOO that a select few people have personally met, Tymara Pendragon ...So! As some (at least 3) of you may know, these two drawings are entirely related to eachother How? Well.. you’d just have to ask Phoebe
    1 point
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