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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2020 in all areas

  1. I forgot to upload this... another quick drawing I did while playing D&D for THRUUUUMM...their head was a bit harder to work out.
    3 points
  2. heh, somtimes, you dont want to hear what the vox are saying on coms
    2 points
  3. Trol has decided to leave the server. Don't mind the thing that looks like him screaming in the corner, it's just a hologram we made in his likeness. It'll be quiet eventually.
    2 points
  4. This is great! i have been following the thread for a while now, and i keep getting surprised every time. It’s really fun having a picture in my head of all the people i see on the station. Good art. I like
    2 points
  5. I've updated the guide for new-crit, and tried to update it as much as possible for the species changes, although I may have gotten some things wrong. If anyone notices anything out of date or otherwise incorrect, please let me know.
    1 point
  6. Well according to mythology, Kitsune can technically shapeshift, so they wouldn't necessarily have to look like a fox the whole round. You could have them take on a human form in order to perform the majority of their actions (opposable thumbs help!), but retain the option to turn into a fox form as a utility of some kind. Perhaps the danger of using this fox form is that the more hearts you consume, the more tails you have, so you'll stand out when people are starting to hunt you down. I think the servants idea is detrimental to this; we have too many "thrall"-types as is and people generally dislike them quite a lot. Perhaps limit the servant to one person, considering the myths around Kitsune tricking men and women into marrying them, but it acts like a mindslave implant. That way you have to make a very important choice as to who you "befriend" and when, and it encourages the resumption of roleplay if you want your servant to remain inconspicuous. If your servant dies? That's it, no more servants. Protect your tools. Granted, this idea comes with its own risks, as there are a few players and antag mains who have a large friend pool to choose from, so you'd end up with people willingly being enslaved. You'd also have the problem of people using the servant to murderbone the station, or the kitsune immediately bumrushing someone of high status to enslave. These issues would have to be ironed out and considered if this develops further than a concept. Make eating hearts the ability and goal from the get-go, with the rewards coming at 3 (small), 6 (moderate) and 9. 9 turns your objective into pure survival; get on a pod or the shuttle and book it out of there, ready to do it all over again to some other hapless group. I encourage creative thinking and the utilisation of foreign mythology to make interesting antags for this community; keep thinking and working on it!
    1 point
  7. SkreeERP Birds are bad. Into deepfryer with 'em!
    1 point
  8. I don't think this really suits the style of the game. A lot of antagonists are horror based or at least unsettling/ intimidating.
    1 point
  9. Based off of a round from a long time ago, was a Shadowling round and Zeke was caught by a thrall. While the thrall was having issues trying to figure out where the shadowlings were, he ties Zeke to a pipe in a random room in maintenance then went out to figure out what was going on. A familiar spooky presence swung in, because Zeke couldn't really do much but beside to wiggle out of the ties. Slade and Zeke just chatted while waiting for the thrall to come back. When he came back he was very confused about who and what Slade was.. Later it was called out that the Tesla(?) went loose... Giving up the shadowlings and thinking survival was a better option, let Zeke go and the three of them tried to make their way out of maintenance and off station. Decided to do some hand studies. Filling out pages (kinda like this) of something you may be struggling with could help you get a better grasp of it. I hate drawing hands (also feet) and it's probably one of the common things people probably hear/see me struggle with! Atleast back when I did Livestream more. xD
    1 point
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