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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2020 in all areas

  1. Husky Biggins, the man who was missing 2 legs and an arm, had no clothing on and was in a wheelchair, applied to become a member of the security team. Amazingly he got the job. I sadly did not get a shot of him wheeling down the halls in his security uniform but he was dubbed the "Special Security Officer"
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. I tried something semi-serious for once. I prob. need to work on anatomy and also not having shaky hands with a mouse because zven is one leany boy here
    2 points
  4. I like to trace over things and draw in MS-Paint to create awful images. Here's a few I have on me right now.
    1 point
  5. Who would have that to get a talented artist to draw for me I just have to describe one of the things I'd least want to exist ever! In all honesty, thank you for bringing this mock to life, that was very cool of ya!
    1 point
  6. That’s a good ONE. now please leave us alone admins. What did we ever do to you?
    1 point
  7. HOW HAVE I NOT SEEN THIS BEFORE? IT"S AMAZING AND I LOVE IT. Please PLEASE Keep posting these. They're fantastic.
    1 point
  8. started playing borg again. related maymay
    1 point
  9. I hONEestly don’t see the point in this anymore
    1 point
  10. I died from a bomb and had no body or brain, so I decided to check the spawners menu and saw someone was a beach bum, so I thought I'd join them as a vulpkanin lifeguard. We eventually got onto the station, but were stuck out in the open during a radiation storm. I was pulled into the evacuation shuttle and revived, but I wanted to see if Darren was alright. He was barely alive, so I did the only thing I could think of... A story in two acts.
    1 point
  11. Too much to explain, just know we didn't want the staffs of slipping, they just fell into our hands.
    1 point
  12. The engineering experience.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. thank you to @Drakeven for the creative colossus nickname seen here
    1 point
  15. Captain Vorbis was having a bit of trouble cracking open his safe, which had the NAD in it, during nukies, and the swarm of people crowding around him and screaming while he was opening it didn't help much! TAKE THE BLUESHIELD CHALLENGE. Upon arrival at CC, break into the CC bar and take a sip from the forbidden cola. Can you beat my record of.. like... 15 seconds??
    1 point
  16. Aboard the newly christened M.B.S Lotaloot, we survey our next target In the end the haul is good and easy with only 1 person ever seeing us take the loot Bluespace travel can have its problems though... This little adventure started with just me and Aaron Wheelen goin round the gateway russian station looting stuff and being shot by russians and SolGov marines, when the mechanic Godfrey-1 offered us a pod to go with them to the space russian station for more loot, upon arrival we found the station powered down . During our search we found 2 abandoned crates in a spider filled room with bomb locks on them. Godfrey, not realising the crates had bombs on them used a welder on one, and BOOM! A huge section of the station was now gone, and a fairly large hole was now going into space. After the explosion i thought to use the remaining crate to blow a hole into the russian stations armory. Godfrey "Volunteered" to be the welder holder after all ranged attempts to detonate the bomb failed. We took down Comrade Blytsky, got us some nice shinies, then found the whiteship board , rigged up a console, called the ship to the north of the station, returned to the Cyberiad, found the ship, then decided we should go to the engineering sat to get more materials to add to the ship, we then arrived, got inside and thought "Hey, we got tons of laser guns now, armor, spacesuits and 2 space pods....pirates?....pirates" (It was round end) And proceeded to become a motley crew of skipjack raiders and take anything that was not nailed down, and for everything that WAS nailed down, we got a hammer. We eventually even went back to the cyberiad via the engineering shuttle and took a few things from there, including a maint drone of which we shall eventually dub "Long Drone Silver". After taking nearly everything we could, we reboarded, set off to the first star on the left till morning, when bluespace decided it did not like our pod parking, and proceeded to stuff them into the wall and hallway. The amount of plasma we stole would make a syndicate agent blush. The one thing we all forgot, was our musical instruments to sing sea shanties to while watching the space whales pass.
    1 point
  17. As the CE of a round I had a hell of a day, One traitor tried to kill me early but got caught, a second one tried but I got saved by a Space Koi and a Atmos tech. The same one tried to kill me again later this round but he let me get up and I grabbed his shotgun, I took care of that problem myself emptied the clip. While I was recovering from that a grey terror spider started attacking me, Only thing I had left was my trusty Bolt driver and the fight was on. Grey Terror Spider - 0 Chief Engineering with a bolt driver - 1
    1 point
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