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  1. The Elder God, Heart wanted me to be match maker last night and a match maker I was!
    3 points
  2. I took the liberty of making ss13 meme valentines to celebrate the occasion.
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Hello to everyone willing to take the time to read this post. First and foremost I want to make clear that anything said within this post is not meant to be offensive or directed towards anyone in a destructive manner. With that in mind, please take what I say with a grain of salt and see it as a personal opinion. I'd like to start off with a little bit of context: A week or so ago I was a traitor. Round went well, and so far I had murdered one guy while there were some power issues. Because I'm a genuine idiot I did not clean up the the mess resolving in Security finding evidence on my murder. Everything went like a regular arrest, I was taken to interrogation and questioned. I was to be put in perma, which is fine, but things turned out quite differently than I had thought they would. Now, several days before this a relative died and it made me act and feel differently than I normally would. I had received an antag-role the same day of his death, and I had a-helped to find a solution. Long story short - I agreed to have my antag role taken away as I was not able to fully commit to it and I was afraid I'd act in a manner that I would regret later. By some miracle I was given yet another antag role several days later and I had decided I could (probably) take it on that time without being a twat. Dear Lord was I wrong.. So, in a passive-aggressive manner I then told the man who was about to put me in perma that he should let me keep my gloves ( of the north star ) so I could kill myself quicker and be done with it rather than sit in a cell ( which I normally never find all that bad, but considering my state of mind, I did at that time. ). He ( obviously ) did not agree, and then, instead of perma, put me in solitary with a constant suicide watch. At first I was just frustrated, but not to the point it disrupted anything. Tried to uncuff myself to beat myself to death IC, but he came back to taze me and once again cuff me, followed by a straight jacket. This then repeated itself for a good 30 minutes with me getting increasingly annoyed and angry with said person. Now this is where I went wrong and began to repeatedly cuss and shout at the officer. At the time all this just felt like a personal attack on me to troll me, but I just couldn't calm myself down. I even a-helped to ask if such a thing was okay, and to my surprise, it was. It does make me wonder.. is it okay to deny someone's will to leave the game when they're put in perma/solitary? I found it to be unfair how he treated me considering I simply wished to just leave the IC and spectate for the rest of the round. Especially considering he was goating me about the whole situation and making some nasty comments about how it was for my " own safety, sir ", which just ended up provoking more out of me. I do want to ask you as a reader, and a neutral person in this subject; Was I the one to blame for going through a round as an antag ( or at all ) while in a weakened state of mind, and not correctly being able to think about the situation while being very rude to Security? Was this Officer just being a royal dickhead with his way of treating/handling me? Were we both at fault for the reasons I've given and/or any reason that you think of? What are your thoughts behind your answers and why do you think about your answer in that way? Whatever your answers were ( or not ) I'd like to thank you for your patience and willingness to continue reading & helping me come to peace with this. The last bit is an apology I'd like to make to the HoS of that round in question. Nobody will probably know who that was, and the HoS of that round will probably have forgotten all about this, but I still feel bad about how I treated him and I want to apologise to him/her, even if he/she will never even see the light of this post. The treatment I gave the Officer who was handling me, I also gave to the HoS. Cussing and shouting at him whenever he came to restrain ( but did provoke ) me again instead of the other officer. During the whole time this period lasted and having me cussing at the HoS, the HoS remained calm and never retaliated, cussed back or even attempted to do anything back. Instead, he would continuously try to help me to find a way. Offering me the possibility of having an audience with the Magistrate. Politely asking Sec to have me put in a sleeper. And lastly to write "suicide" into the command bar. To whoever played the HoS that round, I am deeply sorry for my behaviour towards you. I'd also like to thank you for your constant help and your ability to keep a cool head during this situation. You're a bloody HERO! Once again I'd like to thank everyone who has read through my post and to anyone willing to talk with me about this. Love, Shaduly.
    1 point
  5. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest
    1 point
  6. All this four what? admins crushing our dreams of reaching 20 every time. Oh yeah, TheSardele has been banned
    1 point
  7. Linda the breaker of hearts(literally) she's the Valentines day killer!
    1 point
  8. I made a little concession stand, during revs! I don't think the crew appreciated it much, however.
    1 point
  9. Krexz sent me this. I still hate it.
    1 point
  10. Ohhhh, ground up plasma dust IV bags for plasmamen, Vox blood for vox encouraging Vox blood drives, uhhh...plant food for Dionah? ( I honestly have no idea what they have), with regular oxygen carrying bloods being usable by the oxygen using species
    1 point
  11. The point of the suggestion forums is to suggest ideas. I get the impression you're shutting down or otherwise handwaving someone's (very well thought out) idea for the reason of "you're asking a lot". OP even noted it would be a lot to code in. Please don't do that. A comment stating it would be a lot to code but also providing feedback is fine. As for the idea itself, it makes sense that vox blood wouldn't act the same as human blood. Hell, same for Plasmamen, for that matter, as they breathe plasma.
    1 point
  12. selling dead captain photo, 100 creds per copy
    1 point
  13. Another picture done in QUICK SUCCESSION, a creaky tree known as Silence of Starsong. They are nice to interact with, and have a cute speech pattern, hm! Drawing Dione was a challange, but I think I did it okay... they are just a bunch of nymphs after all. Anyway, this is a good message to obey I feel.
    1 point
  14. First, a short preface. This is my first time posting something like this on the forums. I understand this isn't a typical format for stories of NSS Cyberiad, but I think it follows the rules. This will focus less on a specific story, and more of a set-up for future stories. I felt it necessary to give some insight into who Crown is as a person, as future logs will make more sense. Additionally, this is from Crowns point of view. His view may be objectively wrong, memory's may be inaccurate, and his own personal biases come in to play. Please consider this. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On an undisclosed, green farming planet where local politics have minimal galactic impact and troubles, Crown Ramkar writes in a paperback diary in canilunzt tongue. Rain falls heavily on the farm house, soaking the fields and nourishing the soil. Wearing warm pajamas as he sits at his desk in his room, the vulpkanin glances over momentarily to his wife who is reading, a small grin forming on him before he looks back to the blank page. Taking a moment to rub his forehead with his fingers, he grips his pen, and begins to write. "Log one. I disagree that this is necessary for my health. The pen doesn't feel right in my hand, and I'm tired." He stops, taking a small deep breath in before exhaling in a soft sigh. "Perhaps she has a point. Expressing my thoughts may help. But I'm only talking to myself, what good does that do? Even if I re-read this, I already know what I'm feeling. Maybe it's for when I'm older. Regardless, let me get this over with. Money's running out and I am going to have to go back to work. I wish staying here was enough, but it isn't. We both know that. It isn't enough to raise my kids with a farmers salary, and crime makes me sick to my stomach. It's necessary to get involved in the galactic corporations that plague my life." He puts his right hand to his face, leaning over the desk slightly as he pushes his fingers against his forehead, sighing softly as he thinks over the past work experiences of the NSS Cyberiad. Momentarily considering stopping, he feels a spark of life fill him as he thinks of losing it at work once more, and the punishments that would come from it. Grasping his pen once more, he resumes. "I need to do it. For my wife, my children, for our future. Without family, I'm nothing. What greater joy can a man than watching his offspring grow up into shining examples of society? What role model would they have if not for me and my wife? I need to be the man I want my boys to be, as my love does for our daughters. If only the people I worked with felt the same way. The station is a viral plague on all our lives. Something about it makes people into animals. Command, medical, security, even visitors coming by for a drink or job inquiries. I'm unsure if this is typical for the galaxy I live in, a local thing, or an N.T. thing, but it turns me into a different person. Or, it can. Yeah, it can. "To enforce my own morals on these filthy, disgusting humans people, because it really is everyone, even my own kin... means to break N.T. policy. It is my job to provide for my family, but to allow theft, murder, and worse to go on before my very own eyes, breaks me down as a man. I must not let my children or wife be subjected to these experiences. I can, and will, handle this so they can live the life I cant. I couldn't. I was not permitted to. I will break the cycle and be the man I wish my father was. They will be given the opportunity to live a simple life. A happy life. One free of death, murder, pain. They will have the opportunity to grow and develop untainted by these corporations I was forced to oblige." He puts the pen down, and feels tear swell in his eyes. Folding the book and putting it to the far end of the table, he sits there, reflecting on how lucky he is to have family, and have the opportunity to break free of the corporate restraints placed on him at birth. Standing up, he turns off his desk lamp, and leaves the book for another day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will post more when I feel it's appropriate, and when something IC occurs that I deem appropriate to incorporate into his story. Thank you for taking the time to read. If for whatever reason this isn't the kind of post that is appropriate for NSS Cyberiad, then I understand if this post will be deleted.
    1 point
  15. I... I don't remember who the admins were when this Tip came about... but... Good to know there's a consistent stream of good advice coming from our Tips. This one was very important. Yaya. Bonk.
    1 point
  16. Who is it? It's my favourite IPC! Torque! They taught me how nonchalant IPCs are about death, and how cool engineering is. *Bweep *Bwoop *BUZZ
    1 point
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