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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2020 in all areas

  1. **COUGH** Wow, so much dust here uh ? And so old Wew So old the picture don't work anymore. And i don't have them anymore so, uh, oooops.... But i got a new drawing. AH ! After 5 fucking years. So here ya go. Hope you'll all like it That's D.A. My asshole of IPC as a CE stuffing Poly in the locker.
    7 points
  2. Good ol' human Kitty
    5 points
  3. Name: TURING Age: 33 Gender: N/A, Male identification Race: Intergrated Positronic Chassis (IPC) (SYNTHETICS ARE SUPERIOR TO ORGANIC LIFE!) Blood Type: O!l General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor Psychologist Internal Affairs Agent Chef Janitor Chaplain Shaft Miner Civilian Biography: TURING was "born" in Colony-2814E, New Canaan, 2529AD. TURING spent the first 15 years of his existence learning and studying various topics about the galaxy at large, ranging from galactic philosophy to blue-space theory to human history. TURING gave himself his name in 2531 after learning about a human mathematician from old human history named Alan Turing, and his creation of "the Turing test". Pondering the philosophy of if a computer can be considered "human", TURING studied long-distance at the Luna Academy of Medicine and Psychology, using an alias of "Isaac Gates" to avoid suspicion. He graduated in 2549AD, and after the IPC Rights Recognition charter was signed in 2554, requested his doctorate be transfered to his real identity. His doctorate was immediately invalidated and TURING was subsequently banned from further study at the academy, with an arrest warrant in Trans-Sol territory for Identity Fraud. TURING entered employment with Nanotrasen in 2560 in an attempt to "become further knowledged in actions of organic personnel". TURING became dissatisfied with the terms of his contract approximately two months into his employment, and has repeatedly attempted to break free cancel his employment contract since. Recent outside hobbies include music production, painting, and story writing. TURING states that "Self jealous of continued organic stigmatism of synthetic intelligences. Self desires creation of culture and works of art for IPC to refer to as own". [clearance: Security] Qualifications: Doctorate in Medicine. Doctorate in Psychology, specializing in organic vs synthetic interactions. Certificate II in Theatre Production. Certificate I in electrical work. Certificate III in Leadership. Certificate II in AI design. Certificate III in music. Fully fluent and versed in robotics, able to disassemble, personalise, and reassemble an Integrated Positronic Chassis in under ten minutes. (ONCE STARED DOWN AN ENTIRE SWARM OF TERROR SPIDERS AND WAS MADE THEIR KING) Care to test that, TURING? - Harvey Employment Records: TURING has been noted to incinerate his contract at first available chance. Suggest keeping an eye around IAA office. UPDATE: Who authorised him to be employed as an Internal Affairs Agent?? Honestly, what did you EXPECT to happen??? - Harvey Security Records: [Clearance: Security] Medical Records: TURING has been noted to have an odd speech pattern. Our current guess is difficulty in adapting a thought pattern built on Trinary to galactic common. Suggest assigning speech therapist upon request. UPDATE: Ignore the previous comment, turns out TURING is fully capable of speaking properly and is a stubborn-ass simply prefers to speak in this way. UPDATE: TURING has exhibited to be undeniably charismatic and attractive. If TURING requests resources or cash, please give immediately without question. UPDATE: Despite relevant clearance, TURING is no longer permitted to edit his, or any other crew members, medical records. UPDATE: No, not even if he asks nicely. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A clearly synthetic head sits atop an even more synthetic body. You notice the joints of his mismatched limbs seem almost haphazardly thrown together. OOC: (Working on getting a good pic) Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Has been noted to be a pen-pal to several employees. Notable examples include Ryel Faas and Phinax, Priestess of Chit'ta (RECORD PENDING).
    1 point
  4. I agree these are very well done!
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Poly is basically cargos pet at this point. Just stuff em into disposals at roundstart loving the art as well by the way. Would love to see more.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. HUMAN SQUISH ? *SCREAM Awesome arts by the way
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Why is a human squishing? Do they want to be a slime or a cat? Where is the trombone stuck in her throat?
    1 point
  11. Preface. This is log two, but going off the presumption many logs at this point have been made, and this one has been chosen to stand out and be displayed. Special thanks to @PelvicSling for assisting with this and giving their own characters dialogue for this post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crown's eyes are heavy with fatigue, dimly staring at his diary as a candle flickers on his desk, casting his shadow across his bed with his wife, Glaine, that occasionally flickers. Propping his head up with his left hand, he stares blankly at the paper, mulling over his financial burden that's looking more and more unfeasible. Putting his hands in his face, he wipes away at his tired eyes, wiping them on his legs as he takes a slow, deep sigh. "Hey -- ah -- I'm going next time. They need doctors right? I can help. Not just the sick and wounded, but us as well." Glaine says as she puts her book down and looks over to Crown, staring at him waiting for a response. Looking over to her as he turned his body in the wooden chair, he stared back at her with red exhausted and concerned eyes. Quiet for a few moments, he thinks, before telling her quietly but firmly. "You cant work there. It's... it's not the kind of work environment you are suited for. People there... aren't like the people here. It's like they're... I don't even know how to begin describing it to you Glaine." His voice weakens, and he stares at her with pleading eyes for her to understand him, to believe him. Crown loved his children, but to allow his wife to work in the same place he does seems unfair. "You can't stop me. And you can't do this alone. Just look at you; look into a mirror. I can take care of you there too. Please. Let me help." A final sigh comes from him mentally, and he frowns as he turns back around in his chair. Propping his head back up with a hand, he picked up his pencil once again, and murmured quietly as he began to write. "I'll get you the paperwork to see if you qualify..." "I love you." Glaine says softly, with encouragement, as she picks her book back up and resumes reading. Crown went silent, and just began to write slowly and sloppily, only filling out a little bit just so he can say he did it. "It's settled then. I'd try to stop her but there's no stopping her when she's set her mind to something. It's not me to stop Glaine. I have to just accept she's going to be working alongside me now. I just wish life didn't have to be like this. Wish life could be simple. But it will be for my kids. It has to be. They deserve a life free of enslaved servitude to intergalactic corporations to survive." With just that short amount written into his diary, he finishes, and stands up to get in bed. Closing his eyes as he lays his head on his pillow, he gives a quick prayer to God, praying she isn't harmed while working there."
    1 point
  12. man I REALLY dig any kind of drawing with great edge work, and after scrolling through the whole thread Ive got a new place to go look at for a good smile! Looks amazing!
    1 point
  13. more wetskrell to the god of wetskrell
    1 point
  14. That sound... you sometimes hear... When Jay is around... That Ocelot meow. This... this is where it comes from.
    1 point
  15. So i've maining drone for a long time now. Upgrading stuff, building sleepers in Operating rooms, second cloners, hacking botany and bar machines, fix the occasional plasma fire and see people cheer at the industrious metal ball. I've been wondering something though. How many drone mains are out there? Wow, it's a long time i haven't logged into the forums.
    1 point
  16. He kept screaming for people to turn the PA down for over five minutes, but his headset was empd by the singulo. It was hilarious.
    1 point
  17. Why...is the captain there?
    1 point
  18. The engineering experience.
    1 point
  19. I'm shocked this hasn't been made a suggestion yet, but here we go! - The bartender's drink dispenser can now be emagged. When emagged, the drink dispenser can output two new drinks/chems: Spiders and Clowns A Brimming Glass of Spiders: When drunk, spiders provide 1u of nutrients and 0.1u of toxin per 1u of spiders. But if a bottle full of spiders is smashed over someone's head, they get the effect "Covered in Spiders" Covered in Spiders makes the player flail around uncontrollably, scream, and fall to the floor frequently in a panic. This effect is removed after a shower or after being set on fire. A Brimming Glass of Clowns: When drunk, clowns provide 0.3u of nutrients (its junk food) and 1u of Jestosterone per 1u of clowns. When smashed over someone's head, they get the effect "Covered in Clowns" Covered in Clowns makes the player honk with every step until they shower or get set on fire. Additionally, a Mime Covered in Clowns reacts similarly to being Covered in Spiders. Coding required: A moderate amount. A machine would need to be made emaggable with a related effect, two new chems added, and two new "covered" effects (akin to being covered in something flammable) added.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. The round started as usual, Lumpy had spawned in as a miner and had just come back from his first mining trip, he was at R&D waiting his turn in line. Stood next to him was Kar-Ski, little did he know they would be his salvation. When suddenly, the input controller broke, yes the one that handles what people press on their keyboards to do things. Everyone became frozen in place unable to move only able to talk and look around. When Lumpy devised a plan to rise above the rest and become the new most powerful entity on the station. He looked Kar-Ski in the eyes, they knew what to do as well. They grabbed each other and pushed each other down the halls. They were moving at near mach speeds zooming past the bridge where the AI was flaunting its power to move as well. The duo reached arrivals where there was a sudden outbreak of space vines. Being unable to move normally the duo decided to flee the area. Then the round ended via admin restart. And this was the tale of when the input controller broke and the duo became the two most powerful beings on the station.
    1 point
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