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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2020 in all areas

  1. YET another commission! Gosh I'm so happy people feel my art is worth paying for! This is for the wonderful KAM!! They're a neat Vulp, who is feeling pretty wistful at the moment.
    6 points
  2. the Beach Gateway is... not the greatest of gateways. It is certainly a calm place however there isn't much to actually do or get in the gateway. While yes it is intended to be a chill gateway I say it can be made into both one to better relax and have fun in and one to explore and fight in! Starting with the beach entrance it's been made into a full on resort! It's facilities include a changing house a dance house, a safe(meaning dense) bonfire circle, and botany and kitchen capabilities! I plan to add two ghost spawner roles, a resort host(a barkeep/chef) who'd tend to the customers of the resort and a resort guard who's job it is to recover those who've died while diving and to keep riff raff out via either a taser or CQC (need to decide which to keep). I will also be adding foldable towels and wooden beach chairs to make things feel even more like a beach. I might also add a stage for music performances with included instruments. To the sea floor we so far have a sunken ship full of skeletons(and a skeleton spawner) and an optional boss in the form of the Death Squid. It's mega fauna levels deadly but should remain in its lair unless someone lets it out. Inside its treasure room is a chest containing an immortality stone, a guardian tarot deck, teleport scroll and a wand of resurrection(a wand not a staff to make sure medbay doesn't become obsolete). The wooden barricades prevent people from just running in and stealing the loot without fighting the Death Squid. Also hidden on the sea floor is the entrance to a volcanic island that hides a syndicate base! The loot in the initial area is a traitor tool belt and tool box, syndi surgery dufflebag, syndi soap, a standard large defib and syndi cigarettes. Passed the first area is the commander and the armory which contains a stechkin pistol with spare mag, combat shotgun with buckshot box, blood red hardsuit, throwing start kit, safe cracking kit and a chameleon kit. Other things I might add to the gateway are poisonous jelly fish that poison you if you bump into them. More sea floor features and ruins(feel free to suggest ideas!). coral if I have time to sprite them (or someone makes me sprites for them ) A jungle temple dedicated to the brass god of gears Rat'Var full of all sorts of brass loot and might possibly be more puzzle based rather than combat based. (though if someone can find me the rat var construct sprites it'd be appreciated) I believe that's all the current changes made so far! If you have suggestions, ideas, or feedback let me hear it!
    3 points
  3. Thank you Kiyaka for staying with me until the end. The Duck Lord has been pleased.
    1 point
  4. What it says on the tin. As some might know (some might not know, but i guess now you do) I'm a player that mostly plays maintenance drone. What i mostly do, apart from the usual repairing of OH GOD I MEANT TO OPEN THE VALVE toxins accidents or the occasional "Meaty ores are on course with collision of the station." meteor shower, when i am not needed anywhere, I'm not being a hat, and the station is fine and dandy, i like to do upgrades for departments, mostly at round start. Here are some examples: Sleepers in Operating Rooms Extra cloning pod in cloning Cyborg charger in the brig Replace walls under the cyborg charger of robotics with a double tile airlock (Without forgetting to set Robotics access so robotists won't be A N G E R Y at me) Hack the hydroponics vendor Connect hydroponics irrigation system between trays Hack the bartender dispensers and vendor Make an Autolathe in Engineering Make the Circuit imprinter, Protolathe, and R&D Console in Robotics Make an Autolathe in the lower Robotics desk Delete space And that's mostly what i do. However, i want to do more, but i don't have anything that really comes to mind. What do you want from a drone in your department? Put your idea here and I'll think about it next time i play drone at round start. Note:Drones do not have plasteel and can't drag any items bigger than tiny in size.
    1 point
  5. A friendly reminder that your works don't always have to be 100% all the time! We all go through moments and times where are skills and abilities go up and down like a rollercoaster, and that's okay. It's natural. We tend to get caught up and lost in what we do that we forget that everything doesn't have to be perfect. During these times you may want to take a break, or just do things for yourself. And you should. Remember to take time for yourself, whether it's just something just for yourself and not worrying what others think or just something else in general. Maybe think about keeping a sketchbook for yourself where you just draw or doodle things up without a care in the world.
    1 point
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