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  1. my girlfriend's IPC! SOA-303
    3 points
  2. Forced group selfies always turn out the best
    2 points
  3. Colour Theory something Artist should know but most artist don't really care too much to know about it. But what is the purpose of colour theory? Basically to know what colours go well with each other, and how to use them to portray a mood you're setting. Primary Colours: Red, Yellow, Blue Secondary Colours: Orange, Green, Violet Tertiary Colours: Orange-Yellow, Red-Orange, Violet-Red Blue-Violet, Blue-Green, Green-Yellow Hue Saturation - This would be colour before adding any lights or dark. Most of the time you wouldn't use all of your colours in full saturation as it can sometimes be straining on the eyes, plus they don't always look well together. Complementary Colours- If they're opposite from the from each other on the colour wheel, they'll probably go well with each other Red - Green Yellow - Purple Orange - Blue RGB - Red, Green, Blue This is what the internet and computer normally uses CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, yellow, Black This is what printers normally uses Colours and Meanings Colours can a many sorts of meanings, and can make people feel things. So here's some examples that I took from my old book from college, "Color Workbook" by Becky Kornig. Of course these colours can also mean other things to different people and regions. Red- Blood, Martyrdom, Sin, War, Anger, Fire, The Sun, Sexuality, Evil, Fertility, masculinity, Festivity Yellow- Treachery, Cowardice, Light, Truth, Warning, Cheerfulness, Spirituality, the Sun, Gold, Radiance, Earth Blue- Heaven, The celestial sphere, Water, Baptism, Space, Coolness, Eternity, Faith, Serenity, Wisdom, Feminine Green- Spring, Resurrection, Envy, Holiness, Charity, Regeneration Black- Death, Evil, Darkness, Void, Witchcraft, Sadness, Mourning, Time, Rebirth White- Light, Air, Purity, Marriage, Death, Redemption, innocence, Surrender Picking colours Picking colours can be a tough thing to do, figuring out which would go well with what and do on. There's a few ways you could approach this, you could stick with the complementary colours what were mentioned earlier. You could stick with picking all cool colours (Blue/Green/Purple/) or all warm colours (Red/Yellow/Orange). Similar to the previous point but picking one colour then having the two colours that would be beside it on the colour wheel for example if you picked Green you'd be using Yellow and Blue. These would give a more "Harmony" look to picture rather than having a contrast. But why not both? In this case you could have two colours that would be more "Harmony" so for an example having Blue and Purple then for your contrast you could pick Orange or Yellow. Drawing a full scene, what ever you may want to pop out of the piece the most should be the complementary colour to your dominating colour. Green character over a mostly red to orange background. Sometimes you have to play around a bit with colours too. Limiting your colour palette can be a tough thing to do, but it can be really helpful with get a solid character design. Figure out what you want for your main/dominating colour. Then plan around that. My character Dreamy has two dominating colours, Blues and Purples, and have the accent colour of yellow. Play around with the saturation, however having all your colours being high in saturation can make it hard to find the focal point as all the saturated colours are trying to grab your attention. This is when you have to get your different values in, looking back at the hue chat from earlier. Even though there's different colours, they can share a similar value and if all your colours are sharing it, it'll make for a vary flat and boring piece. If you're worried about that just make a copy of the piece and turn it to grayscale (art programs and even phone's image editors should give you the option to make something grayscale). There's nothing wrong with having a lot of colours on a character, but keep in mind that it could/will make the character's design look too busy. Some people don't bother or think too hard about this, and just use mostly grays and blacks while having a single colour in it. Most common is Black and Red one could say it's been over done... Using neutral colours can be really helpful if you're having a hard time trying to figure out what you'd like. Grays, Whites, Blacks, and even Browns can be a life saviour!! In relation to the previous post, look at other artists!! See how they approach the use of colours, because at the end of the day you're not stuck with having to do what I mentioned here. and a good example of use of colours is the Anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Were they have plenty of moments where they just play around with colours, not staying grounded to "real word logic" •Maybe art would be easier if everything was just black and white•
    2 points
  4. It makes me so upset that society is so content with their DNA degrading, calling it old age, and then dying and having arrangements to be guaranteed to never exist again from decomposing underground or being incinerated. In the unfortunate event that you do stop living unexpectedly, you can be cryopreserved where they replace the water in your body with an anti-crystallization fluid to preserve the structures of your cells (vitrification) and then be put into liquid nitrogen to prevent you from decomposing. This field is called Cryonics. It is expensive, but most people pay for it with life insurance. The hopes are in the future there will be technology that will be able to fix your original condition and bring you back. "Death/old age is just a part of life" - so are diseases but we actively combat those everyday. "I will go to heaven" - How can people blindly trust religion when that caused us to drill holes in mentally ill people's skulls to "release the demons", instead of trusting what has progressed us to this day and age surrounded by incredible levels of technology? DNA degrading over time is equivalent to endlessly photocopying a copy of a copy etc., over time the quality will continue to get worse compared to the original. Our DNA has many corrective and safety measures but over time it can't correct for that much. Cryopreservation, if it ever advances to a simple on/off state, we will be able to explore the universe. Same with stopping our DNA from degrading. The idea of never ever existing again I find to be absolutely horrible. I love existing and always want to exist. I wish more people shared the same sentiment, so we would have more funding and research towards fixing DNA degradation. What's your thoughts with all of this?
    1 point
  5. Or..... The Pitiful Pianist Or..... Cecilia Kirkson, The character who changed SS13 forever for me. A story from my perspective not hers, but first a bit of background. I apologize in advance, for the excessive amount of expletives. Author's Note: Suicide, is not something to be taken lightly. I find that the end of a life prematurely is one of the greatest sorrows someone can inflict on themselves, and those around them. If you, or some one you love is experiencing suicidal thoughts, please do not hesitate to seek help. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Trained crisis workers are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your confidential and toll-free call goes to the nearest crisis center in the Lifeline national network. These centers provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals. TLDR; Bored player makes literal fangirl, who becomes suicidal after unrequited love, and is foiled by half the station. Ultimately changing the game forever. Take One SS13 had begun to stale. Originally I found the game, last year, through some random youtuber, BoatBomber13 or some other nonsense. I wasn't really interested in his griefing, but the game he was playing had a strange charm to it. The be anyone, fell to the background, and the do anything nature of the game stuck in my mind. I had decided that I would at least try it. Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I decided to spice up my game with a narrative. Captain Fangirl, not a captain or named Fangirl. Someone to declare their love for the captain and mildly pester them with positive messages, eventually plunging into a heartbroken mess or winning their mutual affection. I had never stayed by the bridge before, so I was a little curious on what the captain did, other than the occasional announcement about how shit's fucked. Enter Cecilia Kirkson, our fangirl. Human, because this was a basic narrative, so a basic race. Pink Hair, long ponytail, because that screams fangirl to me. 17, to be young, naive, and impressionable. NT supportive, see naive and impressionable. I gave her a robotic heart, because of the inevitable heartbreak. I changed my mind shortly after, and gave a more noticeable robotic limb, a brand I picked at random. I had been planning on a small bit of a serenade, having just figured out instruments a few shifts earlier as a bored psychiatrist. Ian T-shirt, rainbow stockings, game on. I started the shift just after the round started. I wanted to make a t pit stop near arrivals. I went to the garden, and spent a good amount of time literally farming for cardboard. I'd needed it for the signs I had planned to make. Oddly, I learned of their existence during some protest about some demoted idol a shift or two prior. I stopped by the locker room and picked out the red evening dress and swapped the IAN - Tshirt out. It clashed, not layering well. I was just getting started. I grabbed a bunch of paper, some wire cutters, crayons, a roll of tape, and began to make a bunch of small paper hearts. I began to spread the hearts in front of the bridge, I noticed some other player building tables and gathering beer and junk food. I didn't pay them much mind, and we stayed out of each others' way. I, spreading paper hearts, and they making a lounge area. The captain made an announcement, and I typed out back "I love you!" or "You're awesome, captain!" in response. I changed her clothes in the nearby bathrooms, knowing that getting my ID stolen would make my narrative much harder, being in a high traffic zone. "Will you model for me?" A question aimed at me, leaving the bathrooms. I stopped and looked up at a blue haired (and probably bored) Barber."No, I'm good." I typed out in reflex. I'd rarely been engaged as an assistant, but I found short answers or responses would satiate most people. I weaseled my way into the courthouse and appropriated the megaphone. I made my way back to the front of the bridge. The captain was male, and human. This could work, I thought, I have my narrative. I made a few signs. 'I <3 you captain!' and 'Captain's #1 Fan.' The player by the bridge, finished their construction, and engaged in minor small talk. I made a few cardboard cutouts and colored them to fill seats. I had my signs and enough to make more, so it was an acceptable loss. I generally ignored the player who made a small lounge area, typing out empty responses as I began to pester the captain with minor affections and sign waving. The player who made the lounge even joined in, waving around one of my signs. I was being ignored. This was a setback, though not entirely unexpected. I figured the captain had much better things to do than deal with the random cheerleader/fan. I had spent a good amount of time cheer-leading, but I wasn't getting anywhere. Time to kick it up a notch, I thought. I made another sign. 'Do you love me? Y/N?'. "Miss Kirkson, that question isn't Nanotrasen appropriate." I smiled, the captain was at least aware of Cecilia's antics for the past half hour. I was asked a few times, what I was doing by passersby. "The captain won't acknowledge my feelings." I responded probably much to the captain's chagrin. I had once or twice used the megaphone to announce her love. "I heard you the first time!" The captain responded after the second announcement. After a while, a medical synthetic with a red paint job started to pass by the bridge and had shot everyone with some sort of wavy blue laser. I wasn't familiar with this particular type of synthetic and I wasn't willing to take any chances. The captain had stepped out of their office so erring on the side of caution I went to the bar, and unceremoniously went up to piano. I started to mess around, finding sad songs on one of the wikis. I played for a while, watching what looked like a date unfold nearby. "Will you model for me?" I groaned, the barber was back, and had been hanging out in the bar asking for models. I turned them down once again, and continued with my playing. I picked out 'Let Her Go' by Passenger, my cheeky way of acknowledging the couple. To my bemusement, and pleasant surprise, the barber and a few others started to react and sing along to the music. "Can I get you something to drink?" The purple haired bartender asked. Another person engaged with her, but I dismissed it, bartender was just doing their job. "Something non-alcoholic." I typed out, thanking the bartender after receiving the milkshake. The crimson medbot came into the bar, and hit everyone with the healing beam. "You can't just fix a broken heart." I typed out, unable to hit enter before the bot left. Whatever, I thought and continued to play. "You mentioned a broken heart, you want to talk about that?" What? Again, the bartender was engaging with her. This random assistant, playing some music, keeping to herself, was a magnet for some reason. I was taken aback and scrambled to reply. "Something like that, but I don't want to discuss it." I once again turned back to the music. "Do you enjoy playing?" The purple haired bartender, Jill Stingray, asked. What the hell? I thought. This bartender must be bored out of their minds. I paused a moment in contemplation. "Hrm. I wouldn't say I like it, so much as it a part of who I am." I chuckled to myself. Might as well give her and her robotic limb a little meaning. "I was made to practice piano, as a way of learning how to control my new arm." I continued. "By your parents?" Jill asked. "By my mother." I typed out. That's enough, I thought. While I could ad-lib a rough backstory on the spot, it would be increasingly difficult to keep going. "Can I have a something strong to drink, please?" I asked. "Sure." Jill responded. "Oh, by the way, may I have the russian revolver?" I asked. "Oh, I threw it out a while ago." Jill said placing a drink on the counter. "Why do you want it, anyways?" I didn't answer and left after quickly downing the drink. A setback, with no revolver I couldn't end her life as dramatically nor as quickly as I had hoped. Near the bathrooms I found a the items to make a spear, any weapon would have to do at this point. I made one final sign. 'Goodbye captain, I love you." Sign in hand, I made my way back to the bridge, ready to put an end to this narrative. The captain was still out. Whatever I thought, I didn't know when the captain would be back, and the round had gone on long enough for a shift transfer to begin soon. I took the spear, made sure chest was targeted, changed my intent, and began clicking. She fell down, dropping her spear and now bloody sign. The red med bot floated nearby, and I looked at her health doll. Full health. I picked up the spear and tried again. A blue wavy line, and I was back where I started. Another setback. I sighed and started to ponder quicker ways to end this shift. "Don't do it Cecilia!?" The blue haired barber was back and approaching. They had apparently been paying attention in the bar, and was there at bridge trying to talk her down. I am stunned at this point. "Just let me die." I scrambled to type, before starting to flee. Another setback, I thought, ignoring the pleas from the barber. I dashed through the station stopping only to repeat. "Just let me die." It shouldn't be this hard to die. I grumbled, having died countless times as nameless characters to murderous maint. crawlers, carelessness, failed infiltration, other players, etc. Fuck, I muttered. I got cornered in the dormitories. I suck at combat, and I didn't want to harm the other player. Panicking I jumped into a disposal. Trash character, trash ending. I thought. It wasn't the end to the narrative I wanted, but it seemed fitting enough. Protip: Resting allows you to get past any flaps cargo might set up. Now in disposals, the conveyor belt was on, and I was stuck in a pile of garbage. I made the mistake of right clicking, and my client crashed from the huge stack of garbage times I was standing it. I quickly booted back into the game. Phew. I was still in disposals, but still stuck. There were no screwdrivers for me to remove the glass, press the button and get launched into space. "Cecilia don't do it! It's not worth it." The blue haired barber was back. What the hell is up with their persistence?! Are they that bored? Now they were stuck with me, and we struggled back in forth. I kept trying to put myself ready to be launched, and they kept trying to get her out. Eventually it got the point that we were both pressed by the glass. Another player arrived on scene, reporting over the common channel that some sort of lovers' quarrel had broken out in disposals. Tch. Don't lump me in with them! They turned off the conveyor belt, and I now struggled, fighting off two players. The barber trying to save her, and the other player turning off the conveyor belt, making it much harder for me to stay in disposals. "Just let me die!" I repeated in growing desperation. I was beginning to break. I couldn't keep this going for much longer. I numbed myself, it's almost over. I thought. I'm so close. Another character arrived on scene. I've lost. I thought, until they knocked the barber down. I got back in disposals, and yelled. "Push the button!" Just like that, it was over. Cecilia was flung into space. I relaxed in my chair. It was over. All I had to do, was wait until she died, alone, in void. I listened to the music play as she floated among the garbage. Just a few more moments, I can put this whole thing to bed. I wasn't sure if I'd be back to the game. It got too intense for me, too real. I relaxed my shaking hands flat on my lap, and waited. Wait, what is that? A crate on the side of some other station. Unconscious, but not quite dead, she bumped into, and began to float back to the station. What?! No matter, I quickly recovered from my weary shock. She'll be dead, and I'm done. By the time she made it back to the station, she was alive, but in critical condition. Only a few second more. They won't be able to get to me outside of... What?! Why was the door open? I watched in surreal horror, as the fucking blue haired barber grabbed her from space and drag her to med-bay. She died right outside med-bay. Her heart stopped, and I breathed a weary sigh. 'Someone is trying to revive you. Please enter your corpse if you wish to be revived' I saw flash across the chat. I was at a crossroads, If I don't let her be revived, it wouldn't be fair the effort they're putting in. Whatever, I thought. There's no harm in it, she won't last anyways. She died, and was revived by the defibrillator two more fucking times. "We saved Cecelia!" the barber shouted. "Just let me die." She now whimpered. "I'm not worth it." Back at full health, surrounded by other players, trapped. "You're a good person, Cecilia." Jill Stingray said, standing in med-bay among the spectators. I choked, this was too real, and now it was getting personal. I was too drained to argue. So she ran, sprinting out of med-bay. They, the blue haired barber leading the chase, followed all the way to maint by the library, where I managed to give them the slip. I made my way back to the locker room undetected. She dropped everything she had on her, except her ID, which I stuffed into her pocket. I grabbed a screwdriver, fire suit, and a mask. Shift transfer vote flashed through the chat. I ignored it. I expected the round had gone on long enough, and just as I expected the shuttle was called. I began looking for a way into space. Disposals was out of the question. They'd probably be waiting. I passed by cargo, and made my way into the maint. I began frantically looking until I found a small room just past the mechanic's workshop. I blocked the door with a locker, hiding inside for a few paranoid seconds before I began to work. I started to work on the window, unscrewing it from the floor, prying it out, and removing it. I didn't have a wire-cutter, but I had just finished breaking the grille. I paused as a ship stopped on the outside. "Suicide is bad! Don't do it!" How many people, had gotten involved?! I exclaimed sitting back in my seat. Not wanting to cause more trouble, I fixed my almost-breach, moved the locker back, and stored the tools I had taken. I left the tiny room. I just had to find another way out. 'The shuttle has docked with the station' chimed over my speakers. Great, now I won't have to worry anyone. They should be heading to the shuttle. I nearly choked on my foot, as I immediately ran into the doctor who had earlier saved her life. People must have coordinating over the common channel, a skill that I lacked losing sight of the chat habitually as I often focused instead on my Jobs' tasks. Once again I ran, this time dropping everything in a panic that she had left. ID, fire suit, everything. Two doctors, Jill, and blue haired barber were in pursuit. I was no match, they stopped asking, ignoring her pleas, and started to disarm her and knock her down. Dragging her towards the shuttle. Thankfully, the second doctor struggled, unable to put the straight jacket on her. Due to some inexperience putting things on other people. I sat in silence, buckled, but not restrained, surrounded on all sides. I couldn't fight them off, so I waited. ETD 1:03. She unbuckled herself from the seat. No one noticed. I've got only one shot at this. ETD 0:31 She ran, and she made it past everyone. I did it! I thought. I didn't win, but it was at least a draw. Now I had little time to-. I watched once more in surreal horror, they chased after her. Why? Why? I repeated to myself. Why did you leave the shuttle for this stupid girl?! I was once again outmatched, cornered and restrained, only just after the shuttle left. The round ended. I was completely and utterly defeated. "Well, that was a round." I typed in OOC, broken, in the pre-game lobby. I didn't look for a response. I sat there. The next round started, but I didn't declare ready, and I wasn't planning on joining. I closed the client, then my laptop, and then went to bed. Epilogue: I had once more, with less dramatic flair attempted this. Even though I succeeded, she was shortly revived. I resigned myself to then play the captain music until the shift ended. Now, Cecilia Kirkson sits permanently in one of my character slots. Assistant, but more accurately Pianist. She hasn't attempted any more self harm. I now have started to use the common channel more. OOC post and pre game more. Jill Stingray, every time she and Cecilia are on shift together. She stops whatever she's doing to check on Cecilia. They're now friends, and she's introduced Cecilia to other characters. I, find myself, starting more and more to recognize characters on the server. Jill, goes out of her way, to protect Cecilia who now seems to be some sort of magnet for random harassment. Cecilia is commonly found playing the piano, in a black tango dress, at the bar when Jill is the bartender on shift. In Conclusion: Thank you, to the random players who put up with her, and who changed my SS13, paradise station experience forever. And on behalf of Cecilia Kirkson, thank you Jill Stingray, for always being there and looking out for her.
    1 point
  6. These are fantastic and NOW I KNOW! You can't hide secrets from MEEEE
    1 point
  7. Baystation has these really cool JaniHUDs for janitors that point out any dirty spots they've missed. Cool, huh? I dunno how complex porting these would be, though I imagine it wouldn't be that harrowing. It might be kinda niche, though. As a janitor player, I would personally find it really useful for finding messes underneath tables, covered by lockers, etc... Not a lot to be added to this suggestion.
    1 point
  8. Sure why not. Lets see if the whole SIX individuals who post here manage to make any real progress.
    1 point
  9. It was a normal day like every other, poor little Deja (@PastequeSauvage) walked into atmos, trying to build a TEG. But unfortunately, this time, she took her duck obsession (which she is famous for by the way, I declare it canon) a little too far, and she and her Vox friend started summoning more rubber ducks than they could handle. They did all they could to appease the growing horde of rubber ducks. They learned that they're a bit like piranhas when a mouse stepped too close to the quacking mass. They even built an altar to sacrifice geese. But the other members of engineering weren't so pious. They walked all over the rubber ducks, earning their wrath, getting some nasty bite marks in the process. They even called in security. Before long, both security and civilians came from far and wide to witness the enraged horde of rubber ducks, which had turned into a ravenous swarm by now, nearly critting several people, breaking a Ripley and nearly a Durand too. Whatever deity was enraged at this sacrilege sent in a massive Duck shooting death bolts around the room, before deciding that the station wasn't wort the trouble. And all was at peace. Why did people keep walking in that blender of a room anyway?
    1 point
  10. Art Style And my personal hot take, don't get too caught up thinking about it. You may be finding yourself in a dire need of having an "Art Style" or thinking what is my "Art Style" and that's okay we all go through thinking about this. But a main thing to remember is that what ever you're creating from your own hands will most likely be that "Art Style" However, maybe you're thinking that you have an inconsistent "Art Style" that everything you're drawing looks way different than what you drew before. Well, that's just natural progression, when you're still a new artist or still in the learning stages of art your style will change. But why does it change? It changes because you have picked up the ability to add new ideas/concepts to your art, and you're probably just unaware of it. You're exposed to many different things and art every day and maybe you see something you like and mentally think you're like to try that some day (or maybe not?) and subconsciously you're adding these new elements to your art. Your art style doesn't have to be a permanent thing, and it should be growing along with you on your art journey. Everyone goes through an anime style phase... right? Where do you want your art to go? A question you could start asking yourself. What things inspire you, and do you want your art to represent these things? If you like cute and soft things, your style will probably look more soft and flowy. If you like comics or edgy things(?) you style may take up a more rough look to it. If your a fan of anime or manga, your style may take aspects from the different shows/books you liked. But, maybe there's more to it? Maybe you've been doing the ground works for a while, have an idea of where you'd like your art to go but want some elements to change? Steal like an Artist. A saying, you may or may not have heard before. We're at a point in time where nothing is truly "original" but more of a bastard child of the many things you like. Take inspiration from artists you like, go and study the things they do, then try to adapt that into your own work. Maybe your like the way one artist draws eyes, and how another draw hair? @Drakeven doesn't know that I just used her art for an example. The key thing when doing this is to take elements from a bunch of different artist, don't take all the elements from the same artist. Elements you take don't even have to be done to a T, take your own spin on things. Times like this you may just want to experiment and just try out different things... even take part in art memes where you just try to draw a character of yours in different styles from shows (or artists) Nothing is ever set in stone, remember to try and have fun. UwU
    1 point
  11. YET another commission! Gosh I'm so happy people feel my art is worth paying for! This is for the wonderful KAM!! They're a neat Vulp, who is feeling pretty wistful at the moment.
    1 point
  12. Speaking of expressions I want to share this from Scott McCloud Basically explained Like colors there's primary expressions and by "mixing" those expressions you come to a large panel of expression. It also talk of what Phant' already did, wich is the intensity of an expression.
    1 point
  13. Drakeven has been promoted to fullmin (yay) Shatterdcoyote has returned to active duty.
    1 point
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