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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello, after a period of 3 months I return to bring you more pictures of H.A.V.O.C doing absolutely nothing. This is H.A.V.O.C standing infront of a door for no specific reason
    5 points
  2. AAAAA COMMISSSIION for @GOLF BOY . Their Vox is one kick as Skrek, and though they're small they make up for it with big attitude. Skree skree!
    3 points
  3. He really tempted fate with this one. Also needed to make him miserable, so, welp.
    2 points
  4. Hows your day? Mine? Prayed for Ian to become sentient He then got struck by a bolt of lightning.
    1 point
  5. Been trying to make a medi borg skin based on the Hyundai Phonika bot. Dunno if I can ever get it up to the point where its server worthy, but id love to see folk getting the chance to use it one day lol.
    1 point
  6. So I decided to draw my security officer. Many Reegs. I only have one warden complaining about the pink chemise suprisingly enough.
    1 point
  7. I enjoy doing redraws, and with a small change to space law that happened... Why not draw Jonah in a magistrate outfit again. Here's the original one from a few years ago? Either 2015 or 2016 I can't remember.
    1 point
  8. This is... superb. Damn I missed alot with that shift (a chance to find oneself to be upside down with a clownmask in head, with most probability).
    1 point
  9. You say Demon, I say Holy Avenger of Clown-kind.
    1 point
  10. fucking greys. Who plays them... right?
    1 point
  11. Got one from a week ago when a tunnel clown got summoned onboard... A nice first sighting when you entered medmaint His arch nemesis beheaded on a spike. just before you enter his lair. Then the lair itself. All to praise the honkmother And the location of the last stand of the called ERT. Who tried to bomb the tunnelclown. But instead ended up as meat for the meatspikes. Was a fun shift as you can see
    1 point
  12. Some experiments on captain design
    1 point
  13. Graynt's player wanted me to take a shot at drawing him so here's a very smug Grey with some things he shouldn't have
    1 point
  14. @CapnKitty There, I can use art too, how do you like that?
    1 point
  15. Baystation has these really cool JaniHUDs for janitors that point out any dirty spots they've missed. Cool, huh? I dunno how complex porting these would be, though I imagine it wouldn't be that harrowing. It might be kinda niche, though. As a janitor player, I would personally find it really useful for finding messes underneath tables, covered by lockers, etc... Not a lot to be added to this suggestion.
    1 point
  16. Man I haven't made a suggestion in a while which just feels wrong. So welcome to my newest suggestion: The Anon Karma Message System (Which you could try to call AKMS for short but let's be honest that just sounds terrible) The basic idea is as simple as it sounded in the title: When you give someone karma, you will be given the option to send an anon message along with it, which you can use to tell the person how great they were that round, or maybe which great thing they did that caused you to give them karma. Basically something wholesome. Also if anyone tries to abuse this to send anon unwholesome messages all you have to do is get an Admin on the case cause just like everything else chat related them anon messages won't be as anon to the Logs that Admins have access to (and hey you still get a karma point).
    1 point
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