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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2020 in all areas

  1. I will start of by saying that the title does not lie, and i really have no experience what-so-ever with art. this is just a picture i made because i had some spare time and i figured i might as well. Did not plan on sharing it, but seeing so many people sharing their art here i might as well. But it don’t think i’ll be doing this often. anyhow, enjoy Fred staring you down with his stolen beret and water as always. Enjoying a calm shift and being a lazy nerd as per usual.
    3 points
  2. So I decided to draw my security officer. Many Reegs. I only have one warden complaining about the pink chemise suprisingly enough.
    3 points
  3. AAAAA COMMISSSIION for @GOLF BOY . Their Vox is one kick as Skrek, and though they're small they make up for it with big attitude. Skree skree!
    3 points
  4. As I habit to as the virologist, created a bioweapon for security called 'Xenohonker', which never had get used. In the end of this shift though, the xenos made two mistakes - first, they chose to appear to the virology, second, they decided to capture the virologist unharmed as their test subject, or French stray animal, or something... well, that for, I actually feel bad of doing this. Hilarious sight it was either way, luckily the end of the shift too.
    2 points
  5. Hello, after a period of 3 months I return to bring you more pictures of H.A.V.O.C doing absolutely nothing. This is H.A.V.O.C standing infront of a door for no specific reason
    2 points
  6. Been trying to make a medi borg skin based on the Hyundai Phonika bot. Dunno if I can ever get it up to the point where its server worthy, but id love to see folk getting the chance to use it one day lol.
    1 point
  7. Ah a man of culture as well! I love thicc skrell too
    1 point
  8. So THIS is what that guy that cheats at the holodeck (and still loses) looks like, eh???
    1 point
  9. When i was drawing that position, on stream, on discord, @BakBak also noticed the similarities with this meme The funny things is I didn't knew about this meme before. It's a total, pure, coincidence.
    1 point
  10. Punki!! So coool! Perfect art of them
    1 point
  11. Shading and Lighting What can make or break a piece. The number one thing that most artists will say is to never shade with black, which they don't necessarily mean this... But more like this. Which can make a drawing look muddy, plain, or boring looking when dealing with wrong, but some people can pull it off I'm sure. What are the different types of shading you may be wondering to yourself, well pretty much you have the two "Cell Shading" which you'd probably see in most media's like TV shows. Then there's "Blending" which you'd see in more painter like arts or maybe even promo drawings. How you pick the right colour for this? Well with the "Cell Shading" you may be finding yourself playing around with the different options for a bit. Personally I go for a dark reddish-purple set to Multiply then play with the opacity for a bit. But the Multiply option for layers will generally make any colour you have on that layer darker. So play around till you find something you like. With the more "Blending" choice, younger/beginner artists makes the mistake of choosing the colour then going straight down for the darker shade. Which in that case makes the drawing look "muddy" would be kind of similar to shading with black. Instead you'd want to move on a downward angle, sometimes changing the colour hue may help. For the example piece, I made the darker shade for the hair a bit for red-orange instead of making it a darker orange. Light is kinda of similar to shading. Where you can have a layer set to Overlay, and use lighter colours to highlight with. Personally I go with yellows, but again play around with colours (and even some of the other layer changing options, Overlay is just a normal go to) With "Blending" with highlights can be similar to the shading, but you'd go on an upward angle. Adding a sort of "filter" layer over the whole piece could harmonize the piece... Especially when you have a lot of different colours going on. But you ca also use this to help you get better "Night Scenes" using dark colours like blues or purples with Multiply. You can even add in a light source have place an overlay/lighten/screen/ ect. layer over that with a lighter colour. I don't have anything about the "Gradient Tool" because the program I use doesn't have it... and wouldn't know what to say about it. RiP Having a light source. Well not all drawings need to have dramatic lighting, and could be basic "room lighting" it's good idea to figure out a light source for you more dynamic pieces. Depending on what the lighting source is, it can make a huge different on how the piece will be shaded. If the light is from behind the character will be covered in mostly shadows. If the light source is small, it could be really bright around the light but very dark everywhere else. This may involve looking up references on how these shadows will fall on people, or trying to create your own references. ^^' Bonus For the people who like this thing that I do when drawing characters! lol I normally do "Cell Shading" but I do this first before any shading to the drawing!!
    1 point
  12. Thats awesome, i've seen Punkiki around, the name and green quills in a mohawk were a dead giveaway to their character My headcanon theme for them based on that image, with the first 20 seconds being the backing to a montage of them gearing up before heading out to fight the power
    1 point
  13. Wut? I think you meant to ping @GOLF BOY!
    1 point
  14. I enjoy doing redraws, and with a small change to space law that happened... Why not draw Jonah in a magistrate outfit again. Here's the original one from a few years ago? Either 2015 or 2016 I can't remember.
    1 point
  15. Hecking good kitchen, thanks to @Drakeven and @Greey
    1 point
  16. Got one from a week ago when a tunnel clown got summoned onboard... A nice first sighting when you entered medmaint His arch nemesis beheaded on a spike. just before you enter his lair. Then the lair itself. All to praise the honkmother And the location of the last stand of the called ERT. Who tried to bomb the tunnelclown. But instead ended up as meat for the meatspikes. Was a fun shift as you can see
    1 point
  17. the Beach Gateway is... not the greatest of gateways. It is certainly a calm place however there isn't much to actually do or get in the gateway. While yes it is intended to be a chill gateway I say it can be made into both one to better relax and have fun in and one to explore and fight in! Starting with the beach entrance it's been made into a full on resort! It's facilities include a changing house a dance house, a safe(meaning dense) bonfire circle, and botany and kitchen capabilities! I plan to add two ghost spawner roles, a resort host(a barkeep/chef) who'd tend to the customers of the resort and a resort guard who's job it is to recover those who've died while diving and to keep riff raff out via either a taser or CQC (need to decide which to keep). I will also be adding foldable towels and wooden beach chairs to make things feel even more like a beach. I might also add a stage for music performances with included instruments. To the sea floor we so far have a sunken ship full of skeletons(and a skeleton spawner) and an optional boss in the form of the Death Squid. It's mega fauna levels deadly but should remain in its lair unless someone lets it out. Inside its treasure room is a chest containing an immortality stone, a guardian tarot deck, teleport scroll and a wand of resurrection(a wand not a staff to make sure medbay doesn't become obsolete). The wooden barricades prevent people from just running in and stealing the loot without fighting the Death Squid. Also hidden on the sea floor is the entrance to a volcanic island that hides a syndicate base! The loot in the initial area is a traitor tool belt and tool box, syndi surgery dufflebag, syndi soap, a standard large defib and syndi cigarettes. Passed the first area is the commander and the armory which contains a stechkin pistol with spare mag, combat shotgun with buckshot box, blood red hardsuit, throwing start kit, safe cracking kit and a chameleon kit. Other things I might add to the gateway are poisonous jelly fish that poison you if you bump into them. More sea floor features and ruins(feel free to suggest ideas!). coral if I have time to sprite them (or someone makes me sprites for them ) A jungle temple dedicated to the brass god of gears Rat'Var full of all sorts of brass loot and might possibly be more puzzle based rather than combat based. (though if someone can find me the rat var construct sprites it'd be appreciated) I believe that's all the current changes made so far! If you have suggestions, ideas, or feedback let me hear it!
    1 point
  18. Sup, so i've read the subject and if i got all this Nor you or the officer is in fault. You wouldn't be the first prisonner harmin himself and as space law and SoP said, it is to security responsibily to prevent harm to prisoner. This include self harm. IC side : I think it's normal for a prisoner to get angry at security (if that hate stay in IC). Who likes to be in jail anyway ? Still IC side, it is normal for an officer to do his job. It is not to forget that SS13 is a roleplaying game and so, what is said or do by IC character does not necessarily represent an OOC opinion. (I know that some player mix OOC behaviors on their IC behaviors and it happens some times to me too. But i always goes concluding that a IC behaviors is just roleplaying.) OOC side : Don't forget you have other solution to kill yourself than punching yourself to death. The suicide command kills you fast and people have only little time to recover you. Usually don't happen. If you just want to spectate and don't intend to join a mid round, you can also go to your OOC tab and hit the ghost button. As said above, you can still try to pray or ahelp.
    1 point
  19. And here is Jenney's ref picture. She's a tall girl at 7'2 though I'm not too happy with her side ref, the face doesn't look right to me.
    1 point
  20. After a lot of work I made Jenny Wellery a picture of her own. Showing off the cultish side of her I don't often remember to show. She follows the Elder God pantheon not the betrayer gods like Nar'sei and the Reaper.
    1 point
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