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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2020 in all areas

    9 points
  2. okay ONE more post. it's SEAGULL again
    2 points
  3. So, it was about time i finally draw my main character. Lalchi Mist, here, as a research director. A normal day at science
    2 points
  4. This is a guide to how to, and how NOT to, play Clowns. Starting off from the lowest (worst) tier, and working our way up towards the best: F Tier: Self Antag Clowns These are clowns that do stuff that's worthy of bans/jobbans, thinking it is okay to break the server rules because they're a clown. Examples include stealing the nuke or other antag theft objectives, murdering people, detonating bombs, etc. It also includes clowns who actively make the life of the crew / survival of the crew more difficult, e.g: by lubing hallways on red alert. Playing clown this way WILL get you a ban. E Tier: Civilians in Disguise These are clowns that make absolutely zero effort to do anything clown related the entire shift, and instead just act like civilians with access to one more room and a mask. These clowns are difficult to notice... but equally, they are a complete waste of a clown slot. D Tier: Slippy Mcgee These are clowns that think that occasionally slipping people is all that clowns are expected to do. They don't tell any jokes, or attempt to amuse the playerbase in general, they're effectively just assistants that occasionally use a banana peel to slip people for their own amusement. They don't care about entertaining the rest of the playerbase. They act for their own amusement - not the rest of the crew's. They're D tier because they're acting like an assistant that found some peels at botany - not a proper clown. C Tier: Honks McBadJokes These are clowns that tell jokes throughout the shift, but none of their jokes are actually funny. They're just groan worthy. Sure, they're technically meeting the requirements of the clown job... but they're doing so in a way that brings no actual joy to anyone. Example: "What did the cannibal eating a clown say to the other cannibal? ... Does this taste funny to you?" You can identify C-tier clowns because their jokes are met with groans, screams, and requests to stop by the crew. They're trying to be entertaining, at least... but they are failing. They're "well, at least you tried" clowns. B Tier: Honks McEntertainer These are clowns that genuinely amuse the crew at least sometimes, but not in a consistent or super memorable way. For example, a clown that have some bad jokes, but also some jokes that generate *clap responses from the crew and laughter from deadchat. Or, a clown that constructs a bananium temple to clowning and demonstrates the correct use of *flip, bike horn, etc. People may remember them as decent clowns, but they won't become legends. They're harmless, entertaining, but not super memorable. A Tier: Honks McLegend These are clowns that everyone remembers for how laugh-out-loud funny they were. Clowns which are appreciated/respected even by the people they prank. For example, a clown that tells a joke which comes back around to make people laugh later. E.g: (Detective): "Clown, did you see this civilian kill the mime?" (Clown): "Well, I am not sure, all I can say for sure is that after the civilian was finished with him, he did not say a word." In this joke example, it could lead to funny situations later when sec finally understands the joke. Note: high tier jokes tend NOT to be so obvious that everyone gets them instantly. It is okay for people to take a minute to get it. This tier of clown can also be earned by actions, such as a clown who ambushes a nuke ops squad as they come out of maint, slips them, steals some of their weapons and runs off. Non-combat actions that are hilarious for everyone, including the people who are pranked. In general, reaching this tier of clowning requires that you have a wicked sense of humor, and really think carefully about how best to deploy it in any given situation. It is very difficult to pull off, and if you fall back to relying on a pre-arranged plan, you probably won't make it to this tier.
    1 point
  5. OH OH OH I've seen that tweet of ricepirate who's on the work of a webserie jojo related It's a tweet on how he take source from google map to do his background. That may be interesting to see
    1 point
  6. Backgrounds. Who is she? Backgrounds can be a very tough thing to try and do and come up with, and if you're anything like me you just.... don't do them. Depending on the type of drawing you're doing you don't always need a huge elaborate background, and some times just a simple shape can be what you need. This can be great for just drawings of a character on their own or for a reference sheet. Something that's just a reference for the character design you'd want to avoid having a busy background. It could make it look too busy or unflattering. To really dive into full on scenes with backgrounds you'll probably have to dip your toes a bit into perspective the bane to most artists... I assume. Well, how do you approach doing perspective for backgrounds, you may be wondering to your self. Well, no other way the with grids... Send help One Point Perspective- Probably the easy one to do and to get a hold of. You can have that vanishing point anywhere along that horizon line. It's most commonly used for room like settings, or just any sort of "straight on" views. Two Point Perspective - Having two vanishing points that can be anywhere along the horizon line, depending on how close you put them together can warp the perspective a bit. It's probably most commonly used for "City Landscapes" but can be used for building interior as well. Three Point Perspective - Similar to the Two Point Perspective having two points that can be anywhere on the horizon line, it also has a third one that can be above or below the horizon line. Besides being literal hell to try and do. It's great for that dramatic scene. Now, what can make a scene more interesting with the background? Figuring out the different planes for the scene. Which would be to establish what is your "Background", "Midground", and "Foreground" There's a few different ways to approach this, you could have your "Background" being out of focused and then your "Mid" to "Foreground" be clear as day. You could have your "Background" being the whole back scene, then have characters in place of the "Midground" and "Foreground" When drawing up a background, you don't always have to go full on detail with it. Having too much detail, or attention to detail can make the whole piece look busy. This is when you'll have to figure out, what needs the details and what doesn't need the details. For an example, when drawing a forest scene, you don't need to draw everything single tree, you can draw the front ones more detailed then lessen it the further back the go. It's one of those things where you can just give enough information to the viewer and they should be able to fill the rest of the information in themselves, because the human brain is weird and does things like that. Now that we got some basic information on things what we can do for the background, how do we add characters to the scene? Well, with the horizon line... which may depend on where you put it, if it's too low you may have to slide in a different line somewhere more fitting? Pretty much the character's heads should line up with the horizon line (if they're shorter or taller than average than just have their heads hover around the line), but ofcourse for children and people sitting they're heads wont reach that that you'd have to base their measurements off of the people surrounding them. But, maybe after all that you're thinking, is there an easier way to do all this background stuff? Well sure, you could have take pictures of your surroundings, use 3D models (or the Sims) and take screen shots of that. Those could give you some possible quick? but I"m sure easy references. Here's a video by LavenderTowne, one of the "Tricks" she shows is using the Sims for designing/creating rooms. Tune in next time where I'll probably talk about "Composition"
    1 point
  7. Your art style is so cute and fluffy, I adore it
    1 point
  8. Hahah this is great. The hand really makes it, too.
    1 point
  9. Yup, a one use doodad that lets them preview the layout, then confirm it, after which point further changes to the layout would have to be done the old fashioned manual way.
    1 point
  10. Lalchi discovered things about him
    1 point
  11. here come some fursona pics woo woo
    1 point
  12. Updated: 2020/Nov/6 YES (I would support these PRs) Make flagging books require a reason, which is saved to DB. Often, admins have no idea exactly what part of a long book is objectionable. Also, provide some configurable text that allows us to tell people when they should/shouldn't flag a book. And potentially display already-viewed-and-approved books differently to discourage pointless re-flagging of stuff that's already been approved. Temporarily striking this one as I may do it myself. An incentive (work with me to figure out details) for people to NOT wrench up vents/pipes to screw over antags that use them (terrors, giantspiders, borers, headslugs, etc) Nerf the heirophant club so it only works when used on lavaland. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/14018 Change the lava staff so it only works on lavaland. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/13971 Give the HOP the ability to turn the ticket machine OFF, so it cannot be used to print tickets, and the button to increase the ticket number no longer does anything. Some HOPs (like myself) don't use the ticket machine and we're tired of telling every single person who comes up to our window that they don't need a ticket (and throwing away pointless tickets). MAYBE (please run the details by me): Changes to things I've added or majorly reworked, e.g: Terror Spiders, SITs, ERTs, syndi depot, sol traders, admin tools, playtime system, gateway missions, SSD protections, admin/centcom jobs, blob antag, the AI, command staff jobs, major changes to Science department. Major feature ports from other servers. Remember, ports require justification beyond "X server has this, we should have it too". NO (I won't support these): Anything encouraging clown, mime, janitor, IAA, etc to be more annoying / less useful Techwebs / departmental protolathes from TG Any sort of skill system Any use of save files for important data (all important data should be in the DB, not save files)
    1 point
  13. Introducing Catgrey J'eff
    1 point
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