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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2020 in all areas

  1. my friend said this onion article was my vox and they're right
    4 points
  2. Being realistic, xenos are not going to be fixed. Why? Because their mechanics are so well established from the films, that changing how their mechanics work to make them more fun to play as/against would arguably make them un-xeno-like. Because there's already a server that focuses on xenos, CM, and we're never going to want to compete with CM in their niche. Because xenos are copyrighted and we don't want to sink development time into further developing something with IP issues regarding its use. Because we already have better alternative antags (e.g: terrors). Because xenos have been done to death and if we're going to put in the amount of work required to truly fix xenos, I'd rather we just create something entirely new/original instead.
    3 points
  3. Personally I do think the new addiction mechanics are very, very over the top. Realism or not, people shouldn't get addicted to alcohol or caffeine in a single sip. IPCs shouldn't be impacted by this at all. You can't have a small little break at the bar without causing the rest of your round to be filled with annoying messages and side effects unless you keep drinking.
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I am still in favour of replacing xenos completely with Terror Spiders.
    1 point
  7. Due to their broken status i'm the polar opposite, every single time a xeno outbreak occurs i cringe, and think "Welp there goes the round, we're all dead, and most RP is down the tube" and if they get wiped out quick i think "Oh boy, its not ruined, but now we don't get a fun enemy to fight like terror spiders or a blob" Overall Xeno need a huge rebalance, and in all honesty, the sheer amount needed to fix them and make them interesting and fun seems to be on par with taking ideas from Colonial Marines and creating new sprites for new xeno types to fit abilitys and ability walling. What i mean by this is: Terror Spiders: Open Vents: Brown Spider Only Infect Crew: White spider Only (Infection is not fatal when allowed to come to term, infected pass out for a bit when spiders hatch) Ranged Attack: Queen Only Stunlock Attack: Prince of terror only Destroy Walls: Royalty spiders only Speed: All spiders are slower than crew Tankiness: Only 3 types of spider can tank crew attacks, but not for sustained periods Cloaking: Only grey spiders can become invisible, and only then on spider webs (Not sure if this is still a thing) Xeno: Open Vents: All xeno can, though only from on top of the vent Infect Crew: All xeno can carry 2 facehuggers to infect crew (Infection is fatal if allowed to come to term, COMPLETELY destroying the body, removing a player from the round during outbreaks) Ranged Attack: Sentinel xeno get a ranged acid attack, all xeno can carry 2 ranged facehugger attacks Stunlock Attack: All xeno have a stunlock attack that is repeatable ad-nauseam Destroy Walls: Queen and all Sentinels can melt walls and airlocks Speed: Every xeno is faster than the crew by a factor of 2 Tankiness: Xenomorphs have a 50% extra resistance to brute damage, the most common in game, but take 50% extra burn damage Cloaking: All hunter xenomorphs can cloak When compared side by side, Xenomorphs need some serious work to get them on par with terror spiders, and honestly terror spiders almost seem like they were made to replace xenomorphs as an antag entirely.
    1 point
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