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  1. Personally I do think the new addiction mechanics are very, very over the top. Realism or not, people shouldn't get addicted to alcohol or caffeine in a single sip. IPCs shouldn't be impacted by this at all. You can't have a small little break at the bar without causing the rest of your round to be filled with annoying messages and side effects unless you keep drinking.
    4 points
  2. Greetings! I would like to start this thread of by saying that i don't really do this types of threads and that this one might not the greatest. I was in a discussion on the discord with some other people earlier today about the new addiction system. To me it did seem like most of us had the same ideas about this new system. That it's cool and we understand why it's in the game, but do not particularly agree with the current state of it. We were told by Kyet to make a thread if we wanted to share our thoughts and be heard so we agreed on some points and i made this. This is therefore not only my points but some of those brought up on the discord. I Also had some problems setting up a test server with the latest addiction changes and therfore don't have the most information on it, other than the examples from the game under. Here are some of the examples brought up: * IPCs get addicted to the Alcohols(or the synthetic ones anyways). This makes little sense ICly, even making them gag and wretch. * Nicotine is waaay to addictive now. making one cigarette enough to totally ruin you. Nicotine withdrawal is also very hard to stop. even when you continue getting nicotine in your system. * The problem with alcohol addiction is that you get addicted to the drink itself, not the alcohol. For example: you could drink some wine and then be addicted purely to wine. Then no other alcohols would help against the addiction at all. * You get addicted from alcohols to easy now aswell. This one is one of the most annoying ones, as it stops you from ever drinking even really small ammounts of alcohol unless you are ready to be collapsing while gaging for a while. An example of this was when i was having a single glass of Vodka with the NT rep one shift. I died shortly after to an ash drake, but got to watch the NT rep go around addicted to Vodka without even being drunk at all(if so before i died and started spectating. whitch was not a long period of time anyways) * The coffe products like the latte is also addictive, and very much so. Once again it gets you addicted on the specific drink, and not the caffeine or whatever. Also sorry for my English if any of this was hard to understand. I am now mostly asking for your opinions on the change and maybe some thoughts behind it from when it was being merged.
    3 points
    3 points
  4. I was talking about this before when it even came to mindshielding heads even midround during a cult round, and even then I refused it on principle as I find it very anti-antag and somewhat powergamey. As for roundstart mindshields? They're an awful idea, I personally think. Leaving as much paranoia as possible is so important, and sometimes it's good to have "powerful" antags in the head positions that can sometimes help out others or otherwise cause shenanigans; it's what the server is about. Removing their ability to be any kind of antag- besides blob yeah- would kill the fun for a lot of people. It's somewhat unpopular, but I'm very proantag. When I'm AI if I see something early on that is clearly an antag but it doesn't break my laws or any ooc rules? I don't call it out. I have no interest in calling the new cult out early because I spied someone accidentally dropping their talisman 3 minutes into the round, and I'm happy to play ignorant within the boundaries to follow whatever path makes the round most fun even if it ends up meaning I momentarily forgetting all OOC knowledge to fall into a trap that IC I wouldn't know, but OOCly I've been aware of for an hour. Everybody is a player and if you validhunt it's boring, uninspired and honestly I would even consider less of a player than those who are willing to go along with things and have fun even if it doesn't mean you win in the end. While that was a little off the topic, it still has a related sentiment- the potential chaos that a department head can cause shouldn't make you want to remove them as antags, it should make you want to encourage them to antag their little heart out. It's about the destination rather than the journey and if we stopped going for so much blood I think that how it is now wouldn't be seen nearly as negatively.
    2 points
  5. my friend said this onion article was my vox and they're right
    2 points
  6. INTRODUCTION Hello, thank you for purchasing my latest book, my name is Blobblop, also known as Cyan, and I like to consider myself a photographer. first day aboard the Cyberiad (03/08/2564) Recently I have been visiting multiple Stations of Nanotrasen in the Epsilon Eridani System, away from my dear Xarxis-5 and I have used that opportunity to record my adventure armed with my loyal camera and thousands of photo cardbridges. In this collection expect to find some of the best pictures in my opinion, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them!. Cyan's Intergallactic Photographer's© all rights reserved, The people present in this book have given their consent to appear in this collection for free. 03/10/2564 - NSS Cyberiad. The Silicons Troop. The Fall of a Comedian. Cyberpunk Knight. The Feathered Chef.
    1 point
  7. I find the lack of A-Tier examples for both Security and Antags extremely funny, telling, and dis-heartening all at once. Are we LRP?
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. oooh this one is both cute and beautiful
    1 point
  10. I wholeheartedly agree, it actively discourages people from visiting the bar in a way, which is annoying.
    1 point
  11. In the near future something I'd like to begin doing is running Events based on character Security Records. For those of you who don't know what those are you can edit certain character records in the Character Setup screen. This includes Medical Records, Employment Records, and Security Records, and these can be viewed in-game by other players! To edit them open your Character Setup menu from the lobby and click on the Character Records button in the Occupation Choices section. You'll see this screen. It might pop up behind the Character Setup screen so if you don't see it immediately move that window. Finally click on the button for the record you'd like to edit. For example here's my Security Record for Maxwell Edison: These Records don't need to be anything that happened in any given round, or even in-game at all. They could reflect your character's past decisions, prior to their time on the NSS Cyberiad. So what I'm proposing here is that every once in a while I'd check out character records early in the round and try to come up with an event based on that. I feel like Security Records are the best for this so I'm going to limit my events to using those as the basis for them. Here's an example, using actual in-game situation that prompted this idea. As NT Representative I joined mid-round and was soon approached by a guy with a special job title, something like "Private Investigator". He showed me a Security Record from a Kidan crewmember named Kazk, Priestess of Clan (Whatever, I forget the clan name.) The record indicated that she had gone missing from her clan and might have been kidnapped. It requested that her presence on any Nanotrasen station or vessel be reported to the nearest Kidan embassy. I put together a fax to CentCom, complete with a copy of the record, suggesting they contact the Embassy and see if the Kidan Ambassador might want to send out a team to collect the Priestess. The intent was that the Kidan wouldn't necessarily have authority, but that Security might not be able to actually prevent them from taking the Priestess back, though they might assign a bodyguard to protect her. Unfortunately the Admins on at the time were too busy to run anything like that. In the near future, when I'm out of school for the quarter and have more time to play, I'll be able to run events like this, and I'd aim to try to do one once a week or so. What I need is players with good Record write-ups for their characters! I can't guarantee that you'll get picked for an event like this, but it never hurts to encourage more RP, and your crew Records are good jumping-off points for it! Feel free to reply to this with your own character Records if you like. I'm not going to rely solely on Records that are posted here for events, but it wouldn't hurt to post it if you want to be sure I'll see it. Let's get this party started!
    1 point
  12. The server is mostly anti-antag anyway and they have it hard enough already. further limitating this for people that have command access is really not necessary
    1 point
  13. I really hate xenos. Its a stun/disarm spam that is so powerful with their speed its a joke. Especially you 0 ways to fight back and will just explode eventually. I admit though I love the Alien from the first movie where its alone and slowly stalking and killing crew members. Something that is inevitable and mostly unseen. Something that walks faster only slighter than you and will hunt you over several minutes as it avoids public places. I think people would enjoy them more if they were changed from spam-xenos to singular big creatures that only very slowly bred.
    1 point
  14. Not my art, just stuff I find on Reddit. Artwork by Tanraak — Synth/Cyborg Unathi
    1 point
    1 point
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