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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2020 in all areas

  1. Tokorizo being the best vox bartender despite the height complication
    8 points
  2. Name of Event: SATURDAY NIGHT TERROR: The Monster Of The Maintenence Tunnels One Sentence Description: A bizarre humanoid creature has taken up residence in the maintenance tunnels of the Cyberiad, will the crew be able to defeat this horrific creature? Map Changes: No Code Changes: No Suggested Number of Players: Any, preferably low/mid pop to prevent it ending before it begins Full Description of Event: A human is spawned nude and has their lower body and legs removed, they are then given an infinite amount of the chem Stimulants to let them move, they are also equipped with a glare sort of ability, preferably one that knocks the victim unconscious as well as matter eater and a moderate boost to their base speed to counteract not having legs, the creature is then given a goal to capture and consume the legs and lower body of anyone they can. Victims become another instance of the creature with the ultimate goal of converting the entire station, more initial creatures could be spawned depending on the station pop to give them an edge in expanding. The crew are obviously tasked with eliminating the creatures, this can be done by killing the originals and either giving the "offspring" new limbs or just killing them. After about 25 people are converted and active a paranormal ERT will be deployed with additional medical support to assist with restoring the converted crew to their normal form. EDIT If the monster converting crew is too much to handle then it can simply start with a few more monsters that are overall stronger, such as instead of using stimulants they could be dosed up on adminorazine or innately having the hulk gene, they could also be given more powerful AOE abilities to make them harder to just gun down.
    3 points
  3. 03/12/2564 - NSS Cyberiad. Green Garden. My Dear Squooshy. Perfect Date. The Desired Dessert. Friendship. Danger In The Lava Planet.
    3 points
  4. channeled my hype for animal crossing into doodling some of my friends' characters (and Chikitita) as villagers
    2 points
  5. I was in round for all except maybe 2-3 mins so I didn't see most of the abductor's antics, but this absolute legend of a duo came in to save me from my blob infested sat when I was AI and I was very impressed- not only rescued me before I was outright eaten, but actually restored me and then later when the HoP left me on the table decided to steal me for their own and build a core for me on their ship. I only knew there was a blob because the pod pilot asked me if there was anything strange around my sat and the thing scared the shit out of me as I hopped back to my core. The very little of what I did see of the duo's mindlink was on the theme of "WHY ARE WE DOING THIS?!" and it was truly phenomenal and made my round 10x better I wish I had a screenshot of when they grabbed me from the sat. 10/10 Blob spooks. 12/10 Abductor chads, would get stolen again.
    2 points
  6. Out of the multitude of different threats that has been confronted by the space security, about this no-one knew nothing where it was from, what were its hideous objectives, what it was actually able to do - the DTX (as a class of being). Imagine seeing this from your cameras as the local HoS. Coffee spilled to the camera monitor console? Probably. Too bad I didn't snip the first scene the DTX entity was spotted around, it was something else. What would, in all probability, happen as very next, is less surprising, though. Great to see DTX around!
    2 points
  7. We must achieve the nice
    1 point
  8. INTRODUCTION Hello, thank you for purchasing my latest book, my name is Blobblop, also known as Cyan, and I like to consider myself a photographer. first day aboard the Cyberiad (03/08/2564) Recently I have been visiting multiple Stations of Nanotrasen in the Epsilon Eridani System, away from my dear Xarxis-5 and I have used that opportunity to record my adventure armed with my loyal camera and thousands of photo cardbridges. In this collection expect to find some of the best pictures in my opinion, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them!. Cyan's Intergallactic Photographer's© all rights reserved, The people present in this book have given their consent to appear in this collection for free. 03/10/2564 - NSS Cyberiad. The Silicons Troop. The Fall of a Comedian. Cyberpunk Knight. The Feathered Chef.
    1 point
  9. I was talking about this before when it even came to mindshielding heads even midround during a cult round, and even then I refused it on principle as I find it very anti-antag and somewhat powergamey. As for roundstart mindshields? They're an awful idea, I personally think. Leaving as much paranoia as possible is so important, and sometimes it's good to have "powerful" antags in the head positions that can sometimes help out others or otherwise cause shenanigans; it's what the server is about. Removing their ability to be any kind of antag- besides blob yeah- would kill the fun for a lot of people. It's somewhat unpopular, but I'm very proantag. When I'm AI if I see something early on that is clearly an antag but it doesn't break my laws or any ooc rules? I don't call it out. I have no interest in calling the new cult out early because I spied someone accidentally dropping their talisman 3 minutes into the round, and I'm happy to play ignorant within the boundaries to follow whatever path makes the round most fun even if it ends up meaning I momentarily forgetting all OOC knowledge to fall into a trap that IC I wouldn't know, but OOCly I've been aware of for an hour. Everybody is a player and if you validhunt it's boring, uninspired and honestly I would even consider less of a player than those who are willing to go along with things and have fun even if it doesn't mean you win in the end. While that was a little off the topic, it still has a related sentiment- the potential chaos that a department head can cause shouldn't make you want to remove them as antags, it should make you want to encourage them to antag their little heart out. It's about the destination rather than the journey and if we stopped going for so much blood I think that how it is now wouldn't be seen nearly as negatively.
    1 point
    1 point
    1 point
  12. my friend said this onion article was my vox and they're right
    1 point
  13. I hear if you shove something cute into a singularity that has broken free from containment it'll run away
    1 point
  14. This meme made me think of @Pegasnow's Atmosia. A chief engineer has to be cute before all else.
    1 point
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