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  1. Breenland has unretired
    2 points
  2. My own opinion on how to rank security officers based on tiers. F Tier: Greytider who found a baton These usually don't walk around for long since admins are usually pretty quick on the draw for these. Uses their equipment to grief people. Might even be other officers Please god don't be this tier Gets called shitcurrity (rightfully so) E Tier: The bald officer Somebody who joins the ranks without knowing anything about security. Sometimes behaves a bit like tier F due to it. Talks very little or not at all on the comms. Usually disappears and nobody will be the wiser. Uses arbitrary crimes with arbitrary sentences. The worst offenders don't listen to other security members who try to teach them how actual sentencing is done. Uses their batons on harm mode because they don't know that you can use them on help mode to just stun people Gets called shitcurrity (rightfully so, get more experience before attempting security. It's hard job that demands a lot of skill from the user. Be it mechanic wise or knowledge wise.) D Tier: The rookie Knows a bit about law and SoP. But does make mistakes Only uses the standard equipment like a baton, a taser and cuffs. Does not know how to effectively use bola's or flashbangs. Tases any "criminal" on sight. No matter the situation. Does not speak when an arrest is made or does not let the person being arrested know why they are being arrested. Uses the security comms a little. But does not respond to calls himself most of the time Forgets about perma prisoners. Or just walks into their cells without much reason. Knows about some threats. And usually does not know how to deal with them. Lets caught criminals bleed out in processing because they do not notice that the criminal is dying. Does not know what implants being offered do. Might still take them though. Or just ignore them Takes any weapon provided to them. Officers that take the big blue gun from the armory usually fall under this tier. Gets called shitcurrity (you will get better as long as you're willing to learn from mistakes) C Tier: The Regular Joe His sentencing usually are correct. But usually forgets context and keeps the stations situation out of the sentences. Example: Always gives max time even though the station is on green and the criminal did a minor crime Sometimes uses special equipment like bolas. But usually ends up misusing them (it is a learning process though!) Responds to calls but does this without telling on the comms. This usually leads to the mimes office being filled with officers to arrest one clown breaking into the place. Walks into perma to get out the perma prisoner without backup or preparation. Leading to a sad slipped officer or worse. Tases on people a bit too often. Usually it is warranted but sometimes it happens because the perp is walking away because he did not notice that the officer is arresting him. Communication is key here Knows about most threats. But does not always know how to deal with them Usually gets the criminal get medical care if they are dying Takes every implant offered to them. Regardless of the situation. Take guns when provided to them. They know what most do yet are not that experienced yet in using them. Uses the chat highlight system to ensure they do notice when people call their name. More an OOC thing but this helps you as a player so much with noticing things you should actually notice. Gets called shitcurrity B Tier: The robust officer Makes sure to sentence people with relative appropriate sentences. Lower sentences if it's calm. And higher if the crime was violent and such. Knows most things about law and SoP and how to apply them. Knows how to utilize most special equipment that security has to offer. Uses comms a lot and responds to most callouts while telling others he is going. Knows when a situation is resolved by the calls of other officers on the comms. Prepares himself either with backup or by stunning the perma prisoner if this is needed prior to escorting him to escape. Talks to criminals before arresting them. Getting their story of the case if this seems fit. Then tells them they are going to cuff them if the situation requires it. Or don't cuff them and escort them to security uncuffed. Knows how to deal with most if not all threats and does so at all times. Is robust, both in combat and in other mechanics. Knows when to retreat and when to attack. Knows what implants are good for which situation and takes them accordingly. Got clings that EMP a lot? Welp not taking the upgraded heart today. Asks for help from other departments when it is required. Also notifies the captain or HoS if things are calming down and an alert lowering can happen soon. Knows what most if not all weapons do and know how to use them in most situations. Uses the chat highlight system to ensure they do notice when people request security or a crime gets reported. More an OOC thing but this helps you as a player so much with noticing things you should actually notice. Gets called shitcurrity A Tier: The hero we deserve Lets people of the hook if the situation fits it. You don't always have to brig people for things. A warning can be enough at times. Knows law and SoP from the top of their head. When to apply them and when not. This is important especially for SoP. Is robust but knows when to use it and when not. Antags are there to make the rounds interesting. Completely shutting them down by using all the tricks you know is not fun for either side. A long battle back and forth is. Knows how to use tools outside of security if needed. Need a door hacked open? Go for it if there is no other way. This should be used sparsely if possible. Asking for help is usually the better way. Provides detailed yet short information on the comms if needed. Callouts for criminals at locations for instance. Their description and what they did. Aids other officers/crew with things. Be it learning on how to be an officer. Or by helping them get out of situations. Getting the criminal is not always the goal. Getting your coworkers out alive is. Tries to make an arrest interesting for the person being arrested. If said person is willing to RP that is. If it's just a shitter then go ahead with the max sentence. Knows all about the threats. But chooses not always to use it. See a new agent with their PDA in their hands in a locker? Just jokingly state to lock their PDA and walk away. Catching said crew member will remove an antag from the round yes. But it won't make it interesting for them or for the station. Does not always take implants if they can. Only when it is really needed. Implants will buff you and this might result in more boring fights. They should be used to make the battle more fair. Not to make you unstoppable. Talks with prisoners on downtime. Including perma prisoners. They usually did their role and made a mistake. This should not mean they should be punished for it by being put in a cell all on their own. That is boring as hell Knows what all weapons do and how to use them in all situations. Yet does not always take them. One known agent with no weapons onboard? No need for a shotgun then. Just a baton and taser will do. Gets called shitcurrity I might have forgotten a lot of things on here. Playing a security officer means you have to deal with a lot of stuff and have to keep track of a lot. Do tell if I missed some stuff and I hope you enjoyed it/found it useful!
    1 point
  3. Well! After a ton of thought and nudges from friends, I decided it’s about time that I made an art thread of my own. And what better way to start it off than with an art trade I did with @Drakeven ! Their voxxy, Giki! I’ll be updating this thread over the next few days with everything else I’ve drawn of spess
    1 point
  4. Howdy gents, My name is Biolock, in game I often play as Alex Crossman. Some of you may remember me from my time as a staff member on Colonial Marines, or mayhaps even further back to my time as a staff member on BestRP; regardless, I really enjoy playing on this server and I imagine y'all are probably use to seeing my character around already. I'm still kind of trying to figure out what exactly I like and dislike in terms of roles so I'm still jumping between a few. Ultimately I'll end up having a few different characters all with the last name "Crossman" to fill the various roles I enjoy playing. I look forward to seeing you all on station
    1 point
  5. Good! Also, Hawaiian shirts are love!
    1 point
  6. D4N-6 Botanist, Chef, Shitposter, Parka Club member
    1 point
  7. I'd love to see a little sketch of Chaplain Zeke defending Detective Sax ( who looks surprisingly like Jonah) from weird people who want to eat him. Don't forget the little mouse friend
    1 point
  8. Good news everyone, after witnessing the robustness of bionics and what they can do mending all problems. So i decided to get kida and focus on maximizing robustness.
    1 point
  9. I can't remember which round it was but Graynt and 619 had me in tears. An excerpt from their conversation I found particularly funny.
    1 point
  10. I am largely in favor of kidan. Yeah, that no glasses thing really hurts, I will admit, but i find the lore, aesthetics, and quirks to be worth it. If you want an extra challenge as an antag, kidan are also great. Their brute resistance is good for brawls, the lack of eyewear means outside a welding helmet or implant a flash will take you down, and, as I discovered the other day, being the only of your species on station makes disguising yourself interesting, to say the least. Slime people seem to he stronger with their slipping blood and regen, but I reckon kidan make for a fun challenge. Plus, love their lore. I'm a sucker for good/interesting lore
    1 point
  11. Kida are fun to play just because you're a strong bug dude. They are a scarce sight on the Cyberiad. For better or worse, people will notice you and you will most likely be memorable just for being one of the kidan players -- They're all pretty distinct and things like DNA scramblers and chameleon kits don't really work. Mechanically, the "no eyewear" thing is a pain in the ass if you play medical or security, but you can adjust with time in your own way or get implants. (As someone that plays a kidan that exclusively plays either sec or medical.) Slimes are also fun to play because they're little goo people. They're a tad more common and fit into disguises much easier than Kida, partly because of their very human anatomy. They cannot be revived on death without quick recovery, monkey-man clones, cyborgification, or skilled doctors with a supply of mitocholide and strange reagent, which is really their main mechanical drawback. Slippery blood also causes a hilarious shitshow during an emergency, with dying people slipping where dying slime people came through. Kidan customization is high-quality, and a bit more diverse than humans. You can change antennae, eyes (which make up a good portion of your sprite, mind you!), horns, and body accents (which affect your biolamp colors.) People seem to physically ID kida by eye color. Slime customization is very human and limited -- The only real difference is you can change the color of your slime. This slime color is probably what people will ID you by.
    1 point
  12. "Oh, we sometimes put a spawner there and chill". This was a lot of things, but it was not chill
    1 point
  13. Finally did up a digital piece for my JoJo AU. UwU
    1 point
  14. Oh hey, it's some drawings of Jonah in suspenders. UwU
    1 point
  15. I haven't been doing a lot of digital art lately, which is unfortunate. But I have been doodling in my sketchbook! Because I gotta draw constantly, it's all I known lol. So, me and my habits of creating AUs (alternate universes) I started up a new one for fun and the lols which is a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure AU. In a sort of semi current time maybe? We have Jonah Joestar, and Zeke being a human as Ezekiel "Zeke" Zeppeli. And they both don't know how to wear coats properly, but that's okay! Im still working out their stands, currently Jonah's stand is "Head Games" being illusion based while Zeke's is "One Night" or "One Night Stand" which would be dealing with alcohol... Because he gotta keep up with that Bartender motif? ^^' also, thinking of how I'd want to blend the use of hamon in this as well... This is all still in the WiP stage. Has other people thought of things like this? Feel free to share your ideas of what you think your character's stand would be and such!
    1 point
  16. Preface. This is log two, but going off the presumption many logs at this point have been made, and this one has been chosen to stand out and be displayed. Special thanks to @PelvicSling for assisting with this and giving their own characters dialogue for this post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crown's eyes are heavy with fatigue, dimly staring at his diary as a candle flickers on his desk, casting his shadow across his bed with his wife, Glaine, that occasionally flickers. Propping his head up with his left hand, he stares blankly at the paper, mulling over his financial burden that's looking more and more unfeasible. Putting his hands in his face, he wipes away at his tired eyes, wiping them on his legs as he takes a slow, deep sigh. "Hey -- ah -- I'm going next time. They need doctors right? I can help. Not just the sick and wounded, but us as well." Glaine says as she puts her book down and looks over to Crown, staring at him waiting for a response. Looking over to her as he turned his body in the wooden chair, he stared back at her with red exhausted and concerned eyes. Quiet for a few moments, he thinks, before telling her quietly but firmly. "You cant work there. It's... it's not the kind of work environment you are suited for. People there... aren't like the people here. It's like they're... I don't even know how to begin describing it to you Glaine." His voice weakens, and he stares at her with pleading eyes for her to understand him, to believe him. Crown loved his children, but to allow his wife to work in the same place he does seems unfair. "You can't stop me. And you can't do this alone. Just look at you; look into a mirror. I can take care of you there too. Please. Let me help." A final sigh comes from him mentally, and he frowns as he turns back around in his chair. Propping his head back up with a hand, he picked up his pencil once again, and murmured quietly as he began to write. "I'll get you the paperwork to see if you qualify..." "I love you." Glaine says softly, with encouragement, as she picks her book back up and resumes reading. Crown went silent, and just began to write slowly and sloppily, only filling out a little bit just so he can say he did it. "It's settled then. I'd try to stop her but there's no stopping her when she's set her mind to something. It's not me to stop Glaine. I have to just accept she's going to be working alongside me now. I just wish life didn't have to be like this. Wish life could be simple. But it will be for my kids. It has to be. They deserve a life free of enslaved servitude to intergalactic corporations to survive." With just that short amount written into his diary, he finishes, and stands up to get in bed. Closing his eyes as he lays his head on his pillow, he gives a quick prayer to God, praying she isn't harmed while working there."
    1 point
  17. Okayokayokay here’s more finally! Also my style keeps changing AAAAAAAAA A Phoebe examining the robo hands that she got.... somehow... @xProlithium Aaaaaand.... Our... “friendly” neighborhood SOO that a select few people have personally met, Tymara Pendragon ...So! As some (at least 3) of you may know, these two drawings are entirely related to eachother How? Well.. you’d just have to ask Phoebe
    1 point
  18. Soooo here we have the first three drawings I did of my own character, Phoebe. All were done in order from oldest to newest. A thing I’ve noticed is that I can’t really settle into one style, as all three versions I made look different in one way or another.. not entirely sure if that’s a good or bad thing
    1 point
  19. Apparently not. Spread of mouth is so inconsistent. It works when it should not and works not when it should. Did I not make myself clear enough? Do I really need to speak it out once again aloud? Not that I am dissappointed anyways in any possible way. Do not disturb me on any plattform, be it discord, steam, skype, reaxys, any social networks etc. if you are just going to fucking talk about whats happening here; if you are in an administrative position dont talk to me whatsoever on said plattforms. I want my peace and not be enraged because frankly any form of powertripping pisses me off. I dont mind the few people doing it who are being actual friends. The rest... It does not yield anything of use. I am not going to go into full privat mode just because some scum do not know their boundaries. Especially now that I come to think after yesterdays reminder by some individual who fucking talked to me. Remembering me that someone fucked an entire situation up and did even have the audacity to ask me about a different case I was forced to deal with and not excusing once for their major fuck up. Demanding someone to be sorry while not being able to apologize... Again. If you just fucking talk to me on discord about this game or are associated with the administration do yourself a favor and take your hand and talk to it. It just pisses me off so much I cant even enjoy a week of recovery and vacation. Good fucking lord. Also good grief add an option for people to erase forum accounts. It is not that hard.
    0 points
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