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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2020 in all areas

  1. Why haven't I done this before?
    11 points
  2. After having a discussion with @necaladun about allowing Not Safe For Work (NSFW) themed art works to be posted on the forums. Months have gone by and he finally gave me the go ahead, mentioning that NSFW themed art could bring great awareness to the community. Disclaimer: Clicking the spoiler tag, you are agreeing that you're the age of 18 (or older). Some of the subject matter includes the use of drugs and bananas. Please be advised that Mimes don't make good friends.
    5 points
  3. Existing Patrons will not be charged for the month of April, but will still get their perks. (New Patrons that sign up now will be charged as normal) If you would normally be donating to us during the month of April, please consider donating instead to a charity aimed at helping Coronavirus victims.
    4 points
  4. Achem.... Pineapple, ALWAYS belongs on pizza, forever more, it will be so.
    2 points
  5. Pineapple does not belong on pizza... When people are going to understand that? Don't make me take away your kitty ears again.
    2 points
  6. Greys are about 1,50m in size, and Ellie seems to be about the same size as J'eff there, so yes, she's tiny.
    2 points
  7. Well this has been a problem for a few people over the past few months. No idea why it breaks and why its only for Paradise. The only fix I know that usually fixes it for whatever reason is making a new windows user and using that new user to play on Paradise. I have no idea why that works (my guess it is some user preference/setting that breaks it), but it fixed it for multiple people. It is possible that there are other easier fixes.
    2 points
    2 points
  9. The epic death of L.A.P.S.A.C.K...Via Tesla https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ueFCv2mvywkOCbawFDsOzq-drbreRPNl Also bad Clown
    1 point
  10. Alright, I took @Kyet criticism and suggestions and decided to make a new style bar. This one is much different then the last 4 I made due to the fact that I had to move the entire backroom east and co nnect it with the bar, but I like how it came out. Let me show and tell you about this new design. Also with the help of create object and object possession I was able to move most of the things I needed, (except the APC which I accidentally deleted RIP) So the first hard suggestion Kyet gave me was to connect the back room with the bar, this process took me the longest to design but after a lot of thinking I ended up going with this design. The backroom can be accessed similarly to the current bar design we currently have. The bartender can enter the back room and has an exit in the maint door. All his belongings have been brought over and it is the EXACT same size as our current backroom (3x4) I've also moved the beacon for delivery's so that packages can be delivered from maint. Secondly, with me learning what possession does (awesome) I managed to simply move the slot machines to the north end of the bar, maybe someday the ability to move the slot machines will be available. But for now, I think the current positioning is fine. Thirdly, I moved the vents and scrubbers. Like I've said previously I don't really know much about atmos in this game or what is optimal so if anyone has any suggestions on what position the scrubbers or vents would look better I would like it. Kyet told me a dice like pattern but I honestly don't understand what that means because like I said, I'm not good at Atmos. Fourth, moved the light switch into the bar backroom so the bartender can have control of lighting, moved the fire alarms deeper into the bar so people cant turn em on and run out. Also, I misread your post thinking you were talking about the light source and NOT the light switch, which I agree with. Move the light switch where only the bartender can change lightings. Fifth, I've moved the ATM to a location more convenient and useful, right next to the bar! If Patrons want to tip the bartender or chef they can simply walk over to the ATM and withdraw cash for donations. A great spot I personally think but I'm open to any other places it can be placed. And lastly, I've moved the entrance to the maint tunnel of the bar to the far left of the bar. This way bar patrons will not be disturbed while sitting at the bar, and traffic should flow well in this new design. The moving of the maint tunnel made the old bar backroom a 2-way opening, one that leads to the bar and one that leads to dorms area. (and yes wires and pipes are disconnected, the finished design will obviously connect to any new vents/scrubbers) Some notes id like to point out is that due to moving the backroom the bar is a little smaller and was something new I had to work with, but I personally feel I worked well with the situation I was given. I also had to shrink the chef's freezer by one wall in order to make the backroom fit and look nice, this really shouldn't affect the chef that all since 85% of the time he will be cooking in the kitchen and the kitchen is unaffected but it is something to inform about. I've also added warning lines to the bar counter as a way to designate what is off-limits to rowdy patrons and crossing the line will result in an angry barman with a double-barrel shotgun. and lastly criticism and suggestions. This new design is something I have never used in a shift so I would like to hear any criticism about this current bar design. All suggestions and constructive criticism as always are welcomed and I try to use those ideas to improve the bar. Overall I like this design! Thanks to Kyet for the suggestions. hopefully my ideas make it to the game.
    1 point
  11. Putting an ananas on pizza is almost as bad as calling it a pineapple.
    1 point
  12. Yeah, avoid friendly book clubs. Especially the Enthusiastic Readers of Poetry. Those guys completely disregard instructions regarding social distancing.
    1 point
  13. my only regret was not making Ellie tiny... also I don't like salad so I did pineapple pizza instead
    1 point
  14. I forgot what day it was so I had a very different expectations about what was going to be behind the spoiler until I started reading the text.
    1 point
  15. AI perspective of 23 tesla engine
    1 point
  16. Hi everyone! Past player returning after a few years, and looking to get a few games in during quarantine but I'm having a rather large problem that's preventing me playing and I would really appreciate some help in getting it sorted. I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to post, please let me know if it's not. Problem: When logging onto the Paradise Station server, the chat log doesn't load for me. I'm able to join and observe games, and do everything I might normally do, except the box never loads. Instead, I'm given the following error message: "Loading... If this takes longer than 10 seconds, it will automatically reload, multiple times if necessary. If it still doesn't work, please adminhelp (F1) and tell us your operating system and Internet Explorer version". I've spent up to an hour waiting for it to load alongside smaller intervals anywhere between 10-40 minutes before giving up. My attempts to contact an admin in-game via the message above hasn't been met with success yet. This has been ongoing for the past few days I've been trying to play, and unfortunately I don't know where else to go or who to speak with to see it fixed. Relevant Information: OS: Win 10 Ver 1909 IE Ver: 11.719.18362.0 What I've tried: Byond in BETA and up to date. Byond in Stable and up to date. Uninstalled/Fresh install of Byond. Ensured IE is up to date . Wiped the byond cache and the IE cache. Confirmed windows is up to date. Checked other servers and confirmed chat to work there. Restarted the computer. Asked for help in #helpchat on the Paradise Station discord. Thank you for all the suggestions so far, I look forward to playing with you all again soon!
    1 point
  17. I'll give this a go - if nothing else, at least I'll be able to play until a better solution comes along (hopefully). Thanks Dovixx! EDIT: It worked! Thank you again~
    1 point
  18. All of my best days started with me eating a pill that was named happy pill, so...
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Was a late traitor Hop, had some steal objectives. That was not the fun part, our traitor team consisted of Me Hop, sentient Ian, Borer, and xenobio Xenomorph. Was fun to have four man team, and we all understood each other.
    1 point
  21. More JoJo AU stuff. Because I like to draw myself sometimes, I drew myself as a bunny... again. Bunny me is named Ginger Puff. And then, more acceptable version of me is gremlin catgirl.
    1 point
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