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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Nanotracey! The very loyal IPC with no hint of any mental trauma. *beep
    9 points
  2. Sketches of Auriel blushing! During the last DnD session I was part of, the group went to a festival that a near by town was having. We started off with a drinking contest... Auriel and Holly were in and out of being black out drunk, while Darmorndin and Olrune were riding out the drunkenness fine (both winning the contest) Arui didn't take part in the contest. Poor Darmorndin having to carry Auriel's drunken ass. Later on in the festival, Olrune was taken into tent where they were telling stories. (Darmorndin, Holly, and Auriel tagged a long. Arui went to a sword fight) Olrune told a story about how sky dwarves came to be, involving angel hair being made into a lasso. During the story Holly mentions that Auriel is an angel, then started to wonder what would be the best way to "harvest" his hair. There was a wrestling match that people could take part in. Auriel being a bit too confident about joining in on the contest... ended up failing the match, hurting his ankle during the first match. After taking part in the festival, they all got rooms to stay in for the night. And I like to think this happened some point in the night...
    4 points
  3. Hello everyone, Sera here! I'll be using this space to share some of my character art in the near future. I'm by no means an artist, and I don't have a lot of time to spare for doodles... but I appreciate you taking the time to look and I hope you enjoy my work~!
    3 points
  4. I've still been slow on regular art but I figured some people would get a kick out of the minecraft skin of my vox I've been using for like 2 years
    2 points
  5. Priorities be priorities Have a song to de-stress and to witness dinosaurs having a laser fight
    2 points
  6. Also, sorry I've been so slow with art of late. I've been stressin' with uni.
    2 points
  7. Welcome look forward to seeing you around! Also What is brown and sticky?... A Stick!
    2 points
  8. Here's a very quick WIP of Elodie I ended up sketching today and thought I'd share. She's a shy bean.
    2 points
  9. Keep it up and don't die!
    1 point
  10. Act like food and get treated like food.
    1 point
  11. That's a necro and a half. But a worthy one. In any case, I am against nymphs having any greater right than the space koi, if that. At least until they evolve. Then they count as a non-crew humanoid. Which should be robusted like any other ***hat if they try anything more violent than a hug. Yes I main Kidan. Nom mom nymphs forever.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. After having a discussion with @necaladun about allowing Not Safe For Work (NSFW) themed art works to be posted on the forums. Months have gone by and he finally gave me the go ahead, mentioning that NSFW themed art could bring great awareness to the community. Disclaimer: Clicking the spoiler tag, you are agreeing that you're the age of 18 (or older). Some of the subject matter includes the use of drugs and bananas. Please be advised that Mimes don't make good friends.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, avoid friendly book clubs. Especially the Enthusiastic Readers of Poetry. Those guys completely disregard instructions regarding social distancing.
    1 point
  16. L.I.F.T! A good, and pretty reliable IPC. A commission done for them, doing their cargo business. Honestly, they are so polite. I have to thank them big times! And I LOVE their unique and clever IPC design with the goggles.
    1 point
  17. It's beeen a wHIILE with uni starting up and things, but I did another commission for the wonderful Karski. They good skrekbird, yaya! They wanted something in a similar style to Aelwyn's reference, and I was happy to oblige.
    1 point
  18. AAAAA COMMISSSIION for @GOLF BOY . Their Vox is one kick as Skrek, and though they're small they make up for it with big attitude. Skree skree!
    1 point
  19. YET another commission! Gosh I'm so happy people feel my art is worth paying for! This is for the wonderful KAM!! They're a neat Vulp, who is feeling pretty wistful at the moment.
    1 point
  20. That sound... you sometimes hear... When Jay is around... That Ocelot meow. This... this is where it comes from.
    1 point
  21. A commission for the wonderful Jasmine Kasper and her WAIF. They're a fun character, and do good in command. They even made me sprite a Captain Duck for them because they were just oh so adorable... I hope you enjoy! As you can see, Jasmine is very tired, and is taking a rest. LUCKILY she has someone to tuck her in. *squish
    1 point
  22. I forgot to upload this... another quick drawing I did while playing D&D for THRUUUUMM...their head was a bit harder to work out.
    1 point
  23. TWO for the price of one! I've been sick for the past few days, but I managed to get these dones before/after. Hazel! I see her around and she said she wanted draws... So, I decided to oblige, because Hazel Ray has been someone who I've seen as Bluesheild quite a bit, always quite the robust defender. Annnnnnd A commission for @AmericanToxic of their character, Aaron Whelen. Defending their office from an interloper with their pointy metal stick!
    1 point
  24. Another picture done in QUICK SUCCESSION, a creaky tree known as Silence of Starsong. They are nice to interact with, and have a cute speech pattern, hm! Drawing Dione was a challange, but I think I did it okay... they are just a bunch of nymphs after all. Anyway, this is a good message to obey I feel.
    1 point
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