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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2020 in all areas

  1. A commission of Katlyn Hudson, with Saki! They're doing some moving in, with their newly adopted pet Eevee. @Veloxi was, and is still being, very patient with me in my getting-of-commissions-done.
    8 points
  2. From a few rounds ago but Bridge has never felt safer
    3 points
  3. Oh, where to begin? I love it so much. This scene of off-station home life for Katlyn Hudson and Saki Kobayashi. Drakeven has incredible skill at capturing the life energy of these characters it's just so amazing. I want to go into all the things I love about it, but I'll wait for some more responses first. I need to tag @Akuen and @SilverLightsune too.
    2 points
  4. Nanotrasen Employee ID: #75659066 Name: Ashley Ashpaw Age: 28 Gender: Female Race: Vulpkanin Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Medical Supplier/Chemist, high candidacy match Malady Manager/Virologist, high candidacy match Floral Caretaker/Botanist, moderate candidacy match Slime Rancher/Xenobiologist, moderate candidacy match Queen of Medbay/Chief Medical Officer, moderate candidacy match Genome Tinkerer/Geneticist, low candidacy match Underpaid Practitioner/Medical Doctor, low candidacy match Biography: Much of the following is derived from Ms. Ashpaw's own narration. Born Ashley Lys Ashpaw to Kestrel and Dk'mafh 'Ashpaw' on January 27, 2538, a second-generation Terran (first generation Terran-born) Vulpkanin. She grew up nearby on the artificial island Tantalsi in the north Atlantic, not far from the island capital Minora. Though she knew faces from many different races from a young age, her sense of a 'big city' came from Minora, which taken together with the rest of the population of Tantalsi barely exceeded half a million. Also from a young age she observed her parents, both involved in ecological sciences as advisors in Earth's revitalization project, and displayed a curiosity about the various natural sciences. Ashley was taught by her parents starting at age 14 [Clearance: CentComm] after her boredom in a chemistry class lab started a panic over a jury-rigged incendiary container of firefighting foam and smoke powder. The incident has since been removed from local public record. Though her interests didn't exactly follow their broad ecological scope, she went on to shine in a variety of local academic events and later completed a master's degree in Organic Chemistry. Her thesis, 'Comparison of Thermodynamic Properties of Sapient Derived Hair and Fur', is publicly available via the University of Minora. Shortly before degree completion she met with Nanotrasen Recruiter K. Din (#67290390) and signed on to begin after completing her studies. Departing from Earth for the Nanotrasen Training Station Galakiir, she left her parents, two younger brothers (Fenrix & Zefan), one younger sister (Kenti), and few but close friends. In her months at Galakiir, she completed a number of certification courses. [Clearance: Security] She was also warned after using hydroponics materials to grow and distribute glowing watermelons and tomato smoke bombs. In the time since, she has been assigned to various duties aboard the NSS Cyberiad. During breaks in her employment, Ashley has been furthering her academic pursuits. She expects to begin the review process for her doctoral thesis sometime in 2564, pursuing NT-funded research into retroviral engineering. [Clearance: CentComm] Cut from the publicly reviewed and available part of this thesis are her notes on viral interspecies gene splicing and bioweapon research. This research was conducted at the behest of her superiors, taking place at Site TR-14 with experimentation carried out upon captured EOCs. It should be noted that while Ms. Ashpaw complied and remains loyal, this appears to have severely strained her emotionally. More thorough investigation of her loyalties is recommended. In light of her efforts, competence, and hopefully upcoming doctorate, she was promoted to First Lieutenant in the NT Medical Corps in late 2563. Though this title is often only honorary, it recognizes her regular qualification to serve as Chief Medical Officer or stand in for the position, whereas she only held the position provisionally in the past. Awarded Qualifications: - Board of Directives' Scholarship, University of Minora (awarded annually, 2555-2561) - Master's Degree, Organic Chemistry (University of Minora, Terra/Earth, Class of 2561) - Cleanest Employee of the Month (NT Training Station Galakiir, July 2561) - Nanotrasen Emergency Preparedness Certification (NTS Galakiir, August 2561) - Nanotrasen Horticulture Certification (NTS Galakiir, November 2561) - Nanotrasen Xenobiology Certification (NTS Galakiir, February 2562) - Rank #1 in Nanotrasen Employment Diversity Training out of all Employees with ID #75659066 - 2nd Lieutenant, Nanotrasen Medical Corps (NSS Cyberiad, May 2562) - 1st Lieutenant, Nanotrasen Medical Corps (NSS Cyberiad, November 2563) - Cryostar Medal, Nanotrasen Medical Corps (NSS Cyberiad, April 2566) Observed Qualifications: - Capacity to memorize information - Capacity to home in on relevant information across wide communication traffic - Respect for departmental authority - Gracious to those she asks something from - Display of forethought - Paranoia(?) - Moderately responsible - Allergic to failure (qualification pending further testing) - Positive attitude - Displays more focus in roles which require reduced sapient interaction - Competent instructor for new or recently reassigned employees Employment Records: Notable points include - - Various pharmaceutical internships during college - Formally began employment with Nanotrasen on July 1, 2561 - Completed additional training in emergency preparedness, horticulture, and xenobiology by February 28, 2562 - After psychological review, stationed to the NSS Cyberiad, predominantly to serve as a pharmaceutical chemist - Has spent time in various roles as noted in General Occupational Roles - Occasionally gets assigned to unrelated job due to clerical errors, at which point it might be added here if she displays aptitude - Once synthesized 5000 units of synthflesh in one shift - Once also synthesized over 3000u of cryoxadone in one shift - Took part in a demographic/cultural study run by station psychologist - As a chemist in a severely understaffed medical department, performed brain surgery based off prior rudimentary experience. Narrowly managed to not kill patient in the process - Participated in chaplain-run seminar on recognizing and dealing with vampires, which ended halfway through when the engine broke loose and had to be neutralized by CC - Has trialed as Chief Medical Officer. Fully qualified as CMO. By necessity, learned quite a bit about surgery along the way. Exhibits levelheadedness under pressure, but may not be qualified to handle the stress for long periods of time - Has made highly beneficial symbiotic synthetic virus in the span of approximately ten minutes since shift start, claiming that her record is just under eleven minutes - Received assistance from station therapist after recurring nightmares about terror spiders. Has gained some therapeutic tools to help cope, but still having regular appointments between shifts to help deal with stress and paranoia - Took break from station service to work on doctorate, review of which is still pending as of writing - Awarded the NTMC Cryostar on April 7, 2566 in recognition of medical professionalism and strongly developed pharmaceutical skills Security Records: - Has accidentally blown up Medical Chemistry at least six times during course of employment; claims to now know the location of flammable substances in workplace - Penchant for crafting homemade grenades as a chemist; as of late these have contained cleaning foam or quick-set metal insulation - Unverified reports of using xenobiological engineering to create mice scouts, uplift command staff pets to sapience, and warp space-time - Tendency to carry a station bounced radio at all times if permitted - possibly afraid of the station's communication network going out? - Sometimes yells at crewmates for not closing authenticating doors after passing through - Has seen a Syndicate agent chem-lab partner kill himself over regret that his loyalty had to be so divided; this may have led to uncertainty in her own loyalties - Repaired internal bleeding and several fractures for a member of the Wizard Federation without knowing the patient was an EoC; claims that healing was her responsibility under oath as a medical professional - Has previously barricaded herself in her own lab and welded all the vents shut after terror spider nightmares led to paranoid behavior; currently getting counseling for this - Regularly refuses to make narcotics or other potentially harmful products when asked to do so, despite threats from outside parties. Only does so with express permission from the CMO - Undergoing substantial stress leads her to increasingly erratic behavior - NT Loyalty: Skeptic-leaning - Adherence to SOP: Slightly Above Average Medical Records: - Gets her job done quickly and efficiently in front of chemical dispenser (While this is likely true to some degree, it should be noted that Medical employees are not to frivolously alter their own records) - Occasional ordinary workplace injuries - Occasionally rescued from pressure vacuums in both MedChem and SciChem - Once recovered by station reclamation team from suspension inside a functional cryotube while a parasitic entity in stomach counteracted mending; does not directly recall event but has mentioned likely related nightmares - Requires treatment for fatigue during extended shifts - Mild nyctophobia, which seems to be getting worse - Possible referral to station psychiatrist due to presence of both lonely nature and interest in pyrotechnics - Possible referral to station psychiatrist after having seen a chemistry lab partner suicide due to his regrets for his Syndicate involvement - Ever since being assigned to CMO position, gray is slowly creeping further into her fur. Low-stress positions recommended after protracted shifts - Sought help from station psychiatrist after recurring nightmares about terror spiders - Ms. Ashpaw has had a cybernetic heart since an on-station accident. [Clearance: CC] She fell victim to abductors but has no memory of the incident, only its fallout. References to the event and her forgotten time appear to cause her additional anxiety. Addendum: This has happened twice now. - She has shown increasing unease, concerned about the perils of space, becoming high-strung and easily distracted when thrown off the routine of her work Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A 5'9"/1.75m Vulpkanin, predominantly furred in shades of light blue. Her forepaws and hindpaws both display a transition to an ashy gray hue, slightly darker near claws. She has a fairly lithe build, though her confident stance is disturbed by minor twitchiness. This may be an extension of her alert senses (tall blue ears, slightly glowing violet eyes, sharp muzzle, among others) or may be a sign of paranoia. Commendations [admin editing only]: Reprimands [admin editing only]: Other Notes: Ashley has known a version of Poly which repeatedly suggested the genocide of Tajaran, Unathi, and Vulpkanin. She harbors at best a cold suspicion against the bird.
    2 points
  5. Hey hey, people, Toko here. The Suggestion For the past couple of months playing this game one of my favorite jobs to play is bartender. Not only do you get to customize your bar and show your creative power to the crew, but you also get to RP and serve drinks to your crew mates and with that comes a good amount of RP which I enjoy doing. But lately, I've been having opinions on the current bar and believe the one we have is not the most optimal and can be improved with a rework or makeover. Why? because I personally believe that the bar can use a new design, my main gripe with the bar is that I would like to encourage a cooperative relationship between the Chef and the Bartender. The Chef can produce meals leave them at the counter while the Bartender can serve drinks and foods to patrons who desire them. Not only do I find this idea fun as if you were playing something similar to running a restaurant/cafe but it would encourage role-play and teamwork. The Chef and Bartender would be helping each other in serving the crew and the Patrons can enjoy food and drinks at the same time. As of right now, the current bar is isolated from the chef's area and you only really ever see Chefs/Bartenders work together rarely which is disappointing The Ideas I've composed 4 different bar designs on my own personal server in my own free time. These bar designs all have the same style (Bar next to the kitchen), but each having different designs and layouts. I wanted multiple designs to see which one the community would like more, some people like wooden flooring and carpet, while some like basic metal tiles. Some people like cramped and simple bars for more space to build while others want Wider bars with room to move around but less area to build. Either way, I hope my designs are liked by someone and if you like or don't like any of the ideas id like to hear why, maybe we can agree, maybe we can disagree. Discourse is always healthy and welcoming. I've made the designs simple, yet they can always be improved. Some bartenders are not really creative nor want to improve their bar in the round so the bar is already set to go. But if bartenders who wanted to upgrade their bar (Add comfy sofas, glass tables, change the flooring) want to do so, they can. Both designs (like I've said previously) have different layouts for the bartender to use. The top row sets have the bar inside the bartender's workplace while the other sets have the bar in between the kitchen and bar. One is more orientated to the bartender having access to the drinks machines while the other allows both the Chef to have access to the drink machine as well without leaving the kitchen. I prefer the top 2 as they are a lot more cramped but allow more building space for any remodels or ideas you want to build and because the bar is a one-person job and you really don't need much space. Reasoning and Crew Feedback Live I've said earlier, this design is to encourage a cooperative relationship between the Bartender and Chef, teamwork and RPing is always great and I personally think one where you get to run a restaurant/cafe is always great and refreshing to play. I've gotten countless compliments on my bar designs from players on the server (Kar-ski, Tailiik, even some Admins like Abydoss have seen the design and posted it on the screenshot thread which I'm flattered about) and many other players have given their compliments, I have yet to receive a complaint or angry chat about the bar rework (this thread might change that) but I do believe the player base likes my design over the current one. I end up getting massive Karma every time I run this bar and this is not a reason to flex my Karma but more of a reason to show how much people love the creativity of it as evidence by every time I play. Criticisms Now with every opinion a fallacy is born, id like to state some criticism I've been thinking about my own bar design and hopefully, I can predict these before they are brought to light, I obviously cannot cover every criticism or predict it but I will try my best to put the ones I think to rest. What about the Bartenders Backroom? It's not connected to the bar! Personally, I NEVER use the backroom unless either: A - Being an Antag and doing my evil shit in privacy, (Which I can still do even if the bar is disconnected from the back room.) B - Storing stuff and other crap in there, which I commonly do but honestly shouldn't really affect you in any way as you can still see the door from your bar if anyone tries to break in. My design turns the backroom into what it really feels like, a Bartenders closet. Stuff is stored in there but 80% of the time you will be running the bar, not hiding back there (unless you're antaging) and any machines that you need can easily be brought to the new bar. What if the Chef and Bartender dislike/hate working with each other. That is why I personally like the top row designs over the bottom. Sometimes Bartenders and Chefs cant get along and that's ok. If the chef wants to serve foods without using the bar they can use the central primary hallway window to serve food there. The bartender should not be affected by this that much unless he was planning on serving food, he can still serve drinks without food but the whole purpose of the design was to encourage symbiosis relationship between the 2. Either way if they don't want to work with each other, I recommend top row designs as they are more flexible depending on the situation. Those are really the 2 main criticism I've thought about making this thread and I'm sure more will come from you, the reader. So please speak your mind about it. Id love to hear it! Difficulty Implementing This So ill be completely honest, I have no idea how changing the map design or coding any of this in (if it even has to do anything with coding) works. I won't say if it's easy or hard because that would ignorant of me to say. But I would like to hear from the Coders (or whoever does the work on map design) would give their 2 cents on this idea. As I would like to know if the idea I'm trying to suggest is difficult or just a simple quick hour of work. Otherwise if it is easy to implement I don't see a problem, if its difficult I would like to hear about and give my thoughts on it. Final Thoughts I'm happy with how this thread was made and how much work I've put into it. I personally want to thank anyone who complimented my bar/gave me the idea to make this thread. I hope any of the bar designs I suggest gets implemented in because I worked hard on this thread and my passion for the Bartender job really shows in-game and out of the game. Overall please discuss and leave any feedback or thoughts about it. All are welcome!
    1 point
  6. Tonight, I played a round as Chemist, and someone was given an objective to assassinate me. The assassin tried to grab me twice, and got stopped by security both times. The first time, a security borg came along before the violence could get started. The second time, I called out for security's help because I was getting dragged out of the med chem lab and murdered along the way. If you really want to assassinate Katlyn Hudson, here's how you do it: - Ask for help. No really, that's it. Katlyn loves to help, and assumes the best about people. She is sometimes suspicious, but is never paranoid. If my assassin had said, "Hey, why are you hiding in this locker?" I would have come back with "Oh, I was just in the brig for giving Space Lube to the clown, and I saw a Prince of Terror spider come through. So I'm hiding until the spiders are dead." If my assassin came back with, "Yeah, sec killed them. Hey, would you make me some Space Lube?" ... that's it, now Katlyn can be lured just about anywhere. "I've got a sec encryption key. Let me see your headset, then you'll know if sec is going to arrest you again for making lube for me." ... it's almost too easy. If someone grabs me and tries to murderize me, yes, I'll jump immediately to "HELP SEC! MED MAINTS!" on the comms. If someone talks to me and only does non-lethal things (slip, stun baton, tape on mouth, apply cuffs, grab headset, etc.), I usually say 'OW!' or 'HEY!' and talk to them. Katlyn also has some character weaknesses than can be exploited fairly readily (these are recorded in IC medical records); - Katlyn loves Space Cola, and it can be used as a bribe. You won't get All-Access with it, but you might get a tour of the Captain's office. - Katlyn is terrified of bees. She often tries to get Sugar pills at the beginning of the shift, to ward against a Beesease outbreak. In a round where someone needs to steal something from Katlyn, just threatening to open an apiary in the same room is enough to accomplish that objective. "Now Captain, I don't want to open this apiary, but I need your Deluxe Jet Pack..." In short, if you are really robust, you can just grab/kill Katlyn before she can summon help. If you are less robust, all you need to do is talk. If you do win, I'm not going to be salty. You'll probably get a karma point, unless I've already spent it.
    1 point
  7. Very cool! Always nice to see folks sharing their art on the forums. Be prepared for a million requests.
    1 point
  8. WORK IN PROGRESS CHARACTER SKETCHES My character contributions to the Paradise crew, from left to right: Elodie (Chef), Novah (Medical) & Squib (Botany/Bar). WIPs at present, still need to line and color, but in the meantime... ... who's your favourite?
    1 point
  9. Cute! I adore seeing characters life off station.
    1 point
  10. Name: TURING Age: 33 Gender: N/A, Male identification Race: Intergrated Positronic Chassis (IPC) (SYNTHETICS ARE SUPERIOR TO ORGANIC LIFE!) Blood Type: O!l General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor Psychologist Internal Affairs Agent Chef Janitor Chaplain Shaft Miner Civilian Biography: TURING was "born" in Colony-2814E, New Canaan, 2529AD. TURING spent the first 15 years of his existence learning and studying various topics about the galaxy at large, ranging from galactic philosophy to blue-space theory to human history. TURING gave himself his name in 2531 after learning about a human mathematician from old human history named Alan Turing, and his creation of "the Turing test". Pondering the philosophy of if a computer can be considered "human", TURING studied long-distance at the Luna Academy of Medicine and Psychology, using an alias of "Isaac Gates" to avoid suspicion. He graduated in 2549AD, and after the IPC Rights Recognition charter was signed in 2554, requested his doctorate be transfered to his real identity. His doctorate was immediately invalidated and TURING was subsequently banned from further study at the academy, with an arrest warrant in Trans-Sol territory for Identity Fraud. TURING entered employment with Nanotrasen in 2560 in an attempt to "become further knowledged in actions of organic personnel". TURING became dissatisfied with the terms of his contract approximately two months into his employment, and has repeatedly attempted to break free cancel his employment contract since. Recent outside hobbies include music production, painting, and story writing. TURING states that "Self jealous of continued organic stigmatism of synthetic intelligences. Self desires creation of culture and works of art for IPC to refer to as own". [clearance: Security] Qualifications: Doctorate in Medicine. Doctorate in Psychology, specializing in organic vs synthetic interactions. Certificate II in Theatre Production. Certificate I in electrical work. Certificate III in Leadership. Certificate II in AI design. Certificate III in music. Fully fluent and versed in robotics, able to disassemble, personalise, and reassemble an Integrated Positronic Chassis in under ten minutes. (ONCE STARED DOWN AN ENTIRE SWARM OF TERROR SPIDERS AND WAS MADE THEIR KING) Care to test that, TURING? - Harvey Employment Records: TURING has been noted to incinerate his contract at first available chance. Suggest keeping an eye around IAA office. UPDATE: Who authorised him to be employed as an Internal Affairs Agent?? Honestly, what did you EXPECT to happen??? - Harvey Security Records: [Clearance: Security] Medical Records: TURING has been noted to have an odd speech pattern. Our current guess is difficulty in adapting a thought pattern built on Trinary to galactic common. Suggest assigning speech therapist upon request. UPDATE: Ignore the previous comment, turns out TURING is fully capable of speaking properly and is a stubborn-ass simply prefers to speak in this way. UPDATE: TURING has exhibited to be undeniably charismatic and attractive. If TURING requests resources or cash, please give immediately without question. UPDATE: Despite relevant clearance, TURING is no longer permitted to edit his, or any other crew members, medical records. UPDATE: No, not even if he asks nicely. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A clearly synthetic head sits atop an even more synthetic body. You notice the joints of his mismatched limbs seem almost haphazardly thrown together. OOC: (Working on getting a good pic) Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Has been noted to be a pen-pal to several employees. Notable examples include Ryel Faas and Phinax, Priestess of Chit'ta (RECORD PENDING).
    1 point
  11. Full name: Firsala Rufshado Hrarar Age: 28 years in Universal Time standards Gender: Female Blood Type: B- General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor, Librarian Biography: Qualifications: Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Personnel Photo: Commendations [admin only]: Reprimands [admin only]: Other Notes: She is very close with Chloe Brooks, local engineer.
    1 point
  12. Notice how THE LAW has me in an aggressive grab? i remember later that round one of the officers gave me swirlies as well, so in fact. I did not feel too safe
    1 point
  13. If only i had a hijack and a maxcap... If only...
    1 point
  14. Name: Rebekah Hunter Age: 37 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: A- General Occupational Role(s): Medical, Engineering, Security, Mining Biography: Rebekah Hunter joined Nanotrasen at the age of 25 in order to pay off debts related to the various cybernetics installed as a result of [REDACTED]. Further information about their life is unknown Qualifications: Medical: Surgeon's License, Chemical Synthesis Permit, Genetics License Engineering: Particle-Accelerator Assisted Power Source Operations(PAAPSO) certification, double Associate's in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology Other: Certificate of Basic Combat Readiness [CLASSIFIED NOTE]: Before departing for their shift, they must interact with a simulated environment that evaluates their memory, with job placement for said shift being determined by what areas of expertise have been retained. Employment Records: Undocumented Security Records: Due to classified circumstances, is vulnerable to Syndicate subversion. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should she be informed about hostile brainwashing upon deconversion. [FURTHER INFORMATION RESTRICTED] Medical Records: After a surprise Syndicate attack, her right arm, right and left legs, heart, kidneys, and lungs were replaced with cybernetics. In the possession of a cybernetic liver, though they have no recollection of how they got it, though they do have a recollection of the number thirteen when asked to figure out where the liver came from. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): 5'8", white, average build, waist-length brown hair, greenish-brown eyes Commendations [only to be added by admin]: N/A Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: N/A Other Notes: [ATTENTION: THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS RESTRICTED TO CENTRAL COMMAND PERSONNEL. PLEASE INPUT PASSWORD BEFORE PROCEEDING] Classified: For Central Command and Nanotrasen Special Recovery Teams eyes ONLY: Recovery Procedures Recovered Items: Journal ERROR: NULL_ENTRY
    1 point
  15. Bar's name was the Anthill, also
    1 point
  16. Joined a round late and just in time as the admins spawned a nice sized area below escape and the materials to build in it. Thanks to @Elysian_prince and any other min that round who helped out, here are a few shots of the builds I built the alien looking area seen first Zven Zramn built the cool bar area I am unsure who built any of the rest. And of course near the round end the Tesla wound up in escape! Where it got into a fight with the shuttle and died.
    1 point
  17. Take your time, and do your best. And make sure to take of yourself when needed!
    1 point
  18. Wow, this is some really good art! I really like how you capture the energy in every single picture!
    1 point
  19. Take all the time you need! Pretty sure we won't die of suspense in the meantime.
    1 point
  20. Nanotracey! The very loyal IPC with no hint of any mental trauma. *beep
    1 point
  21. Alright, I took @Kyet criticism and suggestions and decided to make a new style bar. This one is much different then the last 4 I made due to the fact that I had to move the entire backroom east and co nnect it with the bar, but I like how it came out. Let me show and tell you about this new design. Also with the help of create object and object possession I was able to move most of the things I needed, (except the APC which I accidentally deleted RIP) So the first hard suggestion Kyet gave me was to connect the back room with the bar, this process took me the longest to design but after a lot of thinking I ended up going with this design. The backroom can be accessed similarly to the current bar design we currently have. The bartender can enter the back room and has an exit in the maint door. All his belongings have been brought over and it is the EXACT same size as our current backroom (3x4) I've also moved the beacon for delivery's so that packages can be delivered from maint. Secondly, with me learning what possession does (awesome) I managed to simply move the slot machines to the north end of the bar, maybe someday the ability to move the slot machines will be available. But for now, I think the current positioning is fine. Thirdly, I moved the vents and scrubbers. Like I've said previously I don't really know much about atmos in this game or what is optimal so if anyone has any suggestions on what position the scrubbers or vents would look better I would like it. Kyet told me a dice like pattern but I honestly don't understand what that means because like I said, I'm not good at Atmos. Fourth, moved the light switch into the bar backroom so the bartender can have control of lighting, moved the fire alarms deeper into the bar so people cant turn em on and run out. Also, I misread your post thinking you were talking about the light source and NOT the light switch, which I agree with. Move the light switch where only the bartender can change lightings. Fifth, I've moved the ATM to a location more convenient and useful, right next to the bar! If Patrons want to tip the bartender or chef they can simply walk over to the ATM and withdraw cash for donations. A great spot I personally think but I'm open to any other places it can be placed. And lastly, I've moved the entrance to the maint tunnel of the bar to the far left of the bar. This way bar patrons will not be disturbed while sitting at the bar, and traffic should flow well in this new design. The moving of the maint tunnel made the old bar backroom a 2-way opening, one that leads to the bar and one that leads to dorms area. (and yes wires and pipes are disconnected, the finished design will obviously connect to any new vents/scrubbers) Some notes id like to point out is that due to moving the backroom the bar is a little smaller and was something new I had to work with, but I personally feel I worked well with the situation I was given. I also had to shrink the chef's freezer by one wall in order to make the backroom fit and look nice, this really shouldn't affect the chef that all since 85% of the time he will be cooking in the kitchen and the kitchen is unaffected but it is something to inform about. I've also added warning lines to the bar counter as a way to designate what is off-limits to rowdy patrons and crossing the line will result in an angry barman with a double-barrel shotgun. and lastly criticism and suggestions. This new design is something I have never used in a shift so I would like to hear any criticism about this current bar design. All suggestions and constructive criticism as always are welcomed and I try to use those ideas to improve the bar. Overall I like this design! Thanks to Kyet for the suggestions. hopefully my ideas make it to the game.
    1 point
  22. Name: HelpBot2000 Age: 85? [Note: Specific age of this unit is uncertain, as the HelpBot line has been out of production for quite a while.] Gender: Male? [Note: HelpBot doesn't care about its gender, and only identifies as a male for simplicity.] Race: IPC Blood Type: AB+ [Note: IPCs have blood?] General Occupational Role(s): Assistant, Helper, Station Engineer, Detective Biography: The HelpBot line of robotic servants were briefly a wild hit and many households across the stars had them. Due to poor business decisions and severely cut corners the company that introduced them went under and the HelpBot license was sold to a group known for making knock-off robots. In short time HelpBot production ceased entirely as catastrophic breakdowns, along with grossly obsolete hardware and software, completely destroyed most credibility for the models. Hobbyists who remembered the good old days of having top-of-the-line HelpBots decided to buy the rights at a spectacularly cheap price. For a brief duration they were pumping out even better HelpBot models who were granted enough intelligence to classify as sentient beings. This, unfortunately, did not last as the hobbyists had terrible business sense and quickly fell bankrupt. Once more the HelpBot rights have been up for sale and the line as a whole has been mostly forgotten, especially as modern robots of any variety are usually much more effective in any task. HelpBot2000 is one of, if not the last of the HelpBots created by the Hobbyists. At its creation model 2000 was the best of the best in its line. That was a long time ago. Nowadays its parts are under dubious condition at best, and its operating system is so old that it can not update firmware. Despite being comparably slower, weaker, and dumber than modern IPCs this unit really wants to do what it loves: helping people. Qualifications: Helping People Employment Records: Helping People Security Records: Helping People Medical Records: Helping People Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Helping People Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: OOC stuff is going to go here. Initial inspiration for HelpBot2000 was something like a mix between Yes Man (Fallout: New Vegas) and C3P0 (Star Wars). The 2000 bit of his name is just there to sound like he'd fit in one of those old corny sci-fi movies.
    1 point
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