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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2020 in all areas

  1. My half of an art trade with the ever-talented @Drakeven! I love your characters, and I had a lot of fun with this! It made me wanna do more with my backgrounds tbh
    8 points
  2. Some more of my Spear using Bug Lady: Lezera! One mainly on a sort of perspective thing and the other in her more fancier robes. (or a design change..whichever you'd think.)
    3 points
  3. I've still been slow on regular art but I figured some people would get a kick out of the minecraft skin of my vox I've been using for like 2 years
    2 points
  4. Because I haven't felt up to drawing lately I'm finally posting old ss13 art from 2017! Wow that's three years ago somehow. I used to draw almost exclusively in pixels til my old tablet broke, and I haven't found a new program I really like yet. First one is my girlfriend's IPC from when she would play chaplain. Glory to Synthetica and all that jazz. I remember what got me into this game besides the cute bird species was watching her sacrifice some random in the chapel to cyborgification. Good times. Second is the character I learned the game with, Mary Wanuh! The name isn't creative, but I had a fun gimmick of obsessing over radiation and gathering the greytide to steal plasma for me only slightly self-antagging Chester, if you're reading this, you were my favorite gang member acolyte. Weirdly enough, I ended up drawing references for her for artfight in late 2018, because I didn't want all my characters on display to just be bird people lol And the most poorly aged, the clown. I don't know why but I hate this one. I also did some pencil sketches around the same time as these that I might as well add to the collection here. This was my old unathi, Aol Haikszru(?) I actually don't remember how to spell her last name Literally no other art of her exists because her only purpose was to let me play as another species until I unlocked vox
    2 points
  5. Nokko's Speed Strats for Genetics! So, you want to hulk out, see through walls, toss spears and stunbatons at Security, and eat the bolas and flashbangs they toss back. Bad news - completing Genetics takes forever, and is *very* boring. Lots of people want a genetics rework on Paradise, which is fair: staring at a menu all shift and only getting to use your powers on the escape shuttle sucks. Fortunately, Nokko is here with a new strategy for completing Genetics research much faster! (There is some informational prelude to the actual strategy. For a list of steps, scroll to the bottom of this post.) Why is Genetics so slow? At the start of a shift, there are 1-2 Geneticists working in the Genetics Lab. There are 54 unknown DNA blocks that may contain either powers or disabilities. (This means each geneticist must test 27 genes each shift, if they divide the work evenly.) There is a cooldown of at least 2 seconds between each block you irradiate, because the minimum irradiation time is 2 seconds. There is a cooldown of 25 seconds between each DNA injector you print (per console). I timed myself getting a monkey's first 12 DNA blocks to DAC (or higher), here are the results: 50sec, 76sec, 103sec, 17sec, 78sec, 7sec, 79sec, 10sec, 23sec, 80sec, 31sec, 1sec Lowest: 1sec, Highest: 103sec, Median: 40.5sec, Mean: 46.25sec This means that, if it takes 25-103 seconds to get a block to DAC, an optimal geneticist checking 27 blocks, uninterrupted, will spend anywhere from 675-2781 seconds just getting injectors. (11-46 minutes) Plus, however long it takes to test each injector, clean any unwanted disabilities, label the mutations you discover, give Chemistry monkeys, etc. All in all, a geneticist working solo, on one console, can unlock every mutation in ~28 minutes on average, meaning flipping every block except 55 to DAC or higher, and printing injectors for each. However, a geneticist's time might be taken up by other things. SSD, handing out mutations to Security, fighting off randos who want Hulk 5 minutes into the round, cloning people when the coroner is dead, getting killed by traitors, etc. TL;DR: It's slow because of the injector cooldown, the time it takes to get a block to DAC, and the time it takes to test each injector. How can we make Genetics faster? To solve the problems listed on our earlier list, we can: 1. Get more Geneticists working at the same time, or more DNA Scanners per Geneticist, 2. Reduce the search space from 54 genes to a lower number, 3. Don't go SSD, 4. Reduce the cooldown on the time it takes to irradiate a block, 5. Reduce the cooldown of 25 seconds between each DNA injector you print (per console), 1 and 3 are possible in-game already if you have a cooperative Research Director and can coerce a few Scientists into helping you out - the speed increase is obvious. 4 and 5 seem impossible from looking at the code. This guide is about one approach to tackling option 2, reducing the search space. Genes To understand how to find what we are looking for, we must first understand what there is. In the code, there are two lists of genes: GLOB.bad_blocks is the list of all the disabilities*, and GLOB.good_blocks is the list of all the powers. There are 24 genes in the good list, and 24 in the bad. Sources of mutation There are several ways for lifeforms with DNA to get mutations. Radiation storms - Every time a radstorm mutates you, there is a ~95% chance to get a bad mutation. Rad storms are not guaranteed to occur every round - not easily accessible. Radiation (from nuclear reactors, uranium, uranium golems, etc.) - I believe that radiation in itself does not give you mutations, it only gives you radiation damage. Do correct me if I'm wrong, though, I only looked through the code briefly. Somewhat easily accessible if you get R&D to print SUPERPACMAN generator boards+components. The "Pulse Radiation" function of the DNA Modifier access console - 93.25% chance of bad mutation, cooldown 2 seconds. Greater radiation strength does not increase the amount or likelihood of good/bad mutation. Easily accessible. Unstable Mutagen - Only gives bad mutations, if ingested. Easily accessible if SciChem and MedChem aren't being total nerds. You need about 2-6 beakers to get to 24 mutations.** * The Incendiary Mitochondria mutation is technically a disability in-code, so you won't get that one with this strat alone. ** I haven't done the math on this yet, but 2-6 beakers seems fairly reliable. Unstable Mutagen seems to be the best source of bad mutation. Why do we use a chemical that generates 100% bad mutations? Because, of course, once you know the list of bad chemicals, you know the list of good chemicals too - the ones that aren't bad. Synthesis (What the hell is the strat, nokko!?) Get like 4-6 beakers of unstable mutagen. Get 3 bottles of potassium iodide, which heals radiation damage. Get 2 radiation suits, one for you and one for your geneticicist buddy. Feed a monkey all of the mutagen. (You can also use yourself as the monkey, but then you need a cooperative colleague to get you back to normal once you get epilepsy, tourettes, etc.) Count how many mutations the monkey has - if it's 24, that's all of the disabilities! Feed the monkey more mutagen as needed, until you're at 24. Scan in all the disabilities, feed the monkey potassium iodide and mutadone to cure the mutations and radiation damage. Do genetics as normal! Now you have about 45% the amount of genes to check, and all of them are powers! ((54-30)/54 = ~44.44..%)
    1 point
  6. I've been on another jimmy buffet kick recently. Take this chill vox in these trying times
    1 point
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