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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2020 in all areas

  1. Built a vampire blood farm at the engi outpost, and even convinced one of my (mostly) unwilling participants to make the place look nicer. Was great fun, although blood-wise I really would have been better off just sucking them dry to begin with. And then everyone lost the ability to move, and timed stuff didn't work anymore. Free antag token though!
    1 point
  2. @Darkmight9 I did the background by taking a few reference photos in a SS13 gmod map, lmao nothing clever
    1 point
  3. My half of an art trade with the ever-talented @Drakeven! I love your characters, and I had a lot of fun with this! It made me wanna do more with my backgrounds tbh
    1 point
  4. I've still been slow on regular art but I figured some people would get a kick out of the minecraft skin of my vox I've been using for like 2 years
    1 point
  5. Alright, I took @Kyet criticism and suggestions and decided to make a new style bar. This one is much different then the last 4 I made due to the fact that I had to move the entire backroom east and co nnect it with the bar, but I like how it came out. Let me show and tell you about this new design. Also with the help of create object and object possession I was able to move most of the things I needed, (except the APC which I accidentally deleted RIP) So the first hard suggestion Kyet gave me was to connect the back room with the bar, this process took me the longest to design but after a lot of thinking I ended up going with this design. The backroom can be accessed similarly to the current bar design we currently have. The bartender can enter the back room and has an exit in the maint door. All his belongings have been brought over and it is the EXACT same size as our current backroom (3x4) I've also moved the beacon for delivery's so that packages can be delivered from maint. Secondly, with me learning what possession does (awesome) I managed to simply move the slot machines to the north end of the bar, maybe someday the ability to move the slot machines will be available. But for now, I think the current positioning is fine. Thirdly, I moved the vents and scrubbers. Like I've said previously I don't really know much about atmos in this game or what is optimal so if anyone has any suggestions on what position the scrubbers or vents would look better I would like it. Kyet told me a dice like pattern but I honestly don't understand what that means because like I said, I'm not good at Atmos. Fourth, moved the light switch into the bar backroom so the bartender can have control of lighting, moved the fire alarms deeper into the bar so people cant turn em on and run out. Also, I misread your post thinking you were talking about the light source and NOT the light switch, which I agree with. Move the light switch where only the bartender can change lightings. Fifth, I've moved the ATM to a location more convenient and useful, right next to the bar! If Patrons want to tip the bartender or chef they can simply walk over to the ATM and withdraw cash for donations. A great spot I personally think but I'm open to any other places it can be placed. And lastly, I've moved the entrance to the maint tunnel of the bar to the far left of the bar. This way bar patrons will not be disturbed while sitting at the bar, and traffic should flow well in this new design. The moving of the maint tunnel made the old bar backroom a 2-way opening, one that leads to the bar and one that leads to dorms area. (and yes wires and pipes are disconnected, the finished design will obviously connect to any new vents/scrubbers) Some notes id like to point out is that due to moving the backroom the bar is a little smaller and was something new I had to work with, but I personally feel I worked well with the situation I was given. I also had to shrink the chef's freezer by one wall in order to make the backroom fit and look nice, this really shouldn't affect the chef that all since 85% of the time he will be cooking in the kitchen and the kitchen is unaffected but it is something to inform about. I've also added warning lines to the bar counter as a way to designate what is off-limits to rowdy patrons and crossing the line will result in an angry barman with a double-barrel shotgun. and lastly criticism and suggestions. This new design is something I have never used in a shift so I would like to hear any criticism about this current bar design. All suggestions and constructive criticism as always are welcomed and I try to use those ideas to improve the bar. Overall I like this design! Thanks to Kyet for the suggestions. hopefully my ideas make it to the game.
    1 point
  6. I... don't entirely remember drawing this one. An irl doodle of my vox detective A couple doodles of The Bots because I got bored once and wanted to see them vaguely 3D
    1 point
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