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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2020 in all areas

  1. I've been trying to keep up with the art. Here's a small drawing I did for a HRP server I've been checking out with some peeps, I gotta say I do appreciate the more in-depth character interactions. I'm going to make an effort to use the me verb more often on para... They're basically the equivalent of an Unathi, working as a Corpsman- or military medic. Viola Farin.
    9 points
  2. Hey hey, people, Toko here. The Suggestion For the past couple of months playing this game one of my favorite jobs to play is bartender. Not only do you get to customize your bar and show your creative power to the crew, but you also get to RP and serve drinks to your crew mates and with that comes a good amount of RP which I enjoy doing. But lately, I've been having opinions on the current bar and believe the one we have is not the most optimal and can be improved with a rework or makeover. Why? because I personally believe that the bar can use a new design, my main gripe with the bar is that I would like to encourage a cooperative relationship between the Chef and the Bartender. The Chef can produce meals leave them at the counter while the Bartender can serve drinks and foods to patrons who desire them. Not only do I find this idea fun as if you were playing something similar to running a restaurant/cafe but it would encourage role-play and teamwork. The Chef and Bartender would be helping each other in serving the crew and the Patrons can enjoy food and drinks at the same time. As of right now, the current bar is isolated from the chef's area and you only really ever see Chefs/Bartenders work together rarely which is disappointing The Ideas I've composed 4 different bar designs on my own personal server in my own free time. These bar designs all have the same style (Bar next to the kitchen), but each having different designs and layouts. I wanted multiple designs to see which one the community would like more, some people like wooden flooring and carpet, while some like basic metal tiles. Some people like cramped and simple bars for more space to build while others want Wider bars with room to move around but less area to build. Either way, I hope my designs are liked by someone and if you like or don't like any of the ideas id like to hear why, maybe we can agree, maybe we can disagree. Discourse is always healthy and welcoming. I've made the designs simple, yet they can always be improved. Some bartenders are not really creative nor want to improve their bar in the round so the bar is already set to go. But if bartenders who wanted to upgrade their bar (Add comfy sofas, glass tables, change the flooring) want to do so, they can. Both designs (like I've said previously) have different layouts for the bartender to use. The top row sets have the bar inside the bartender's workplace while the other sets have the bar in between the kitchen and bar. One is more orientated to the bartender having access to the drinks machines while the other allows both the Chef to have access to the drink machine as well without leaving the kitchen. I prefer the top 2 as they are a lot more cramped but allow more building space for any remodels or ideas you want to build and because the bar is a one-person job and you really don't need much space. Reasoning and Crew Feedback Live I've said earlier, this design is to encourage a cooperative relationship between the Bartender and Chef, teamwork and RPing is always great and I personally think one where you get to run a restaurant/cafe is always great and refreshing to play. I've gotten countless compliments on my bar designs from players on the server (Kar-ski, Tailiik, even some Admins like Abydoss have seen the design and posted it on the screenshot thread which I'm flattered about) and many other players have given their compliments, I have yet to receive a complaint or angry chat about the bar rework (this thread might change that) but I do believe the player base likes my design over the current one. I end up getting massive Karma every time I run this bar and this is not a reason to flex my Karma but more of a reason to show how much people love the creativity of it as evidence by every time I play. Criticisms Now with every opinion a fallacy is born, id like to state some criticism I've been thinking about my own bar design and hopefully, I can predict these before they are brought to light, I obviously cannot cover every criticism or predict it but I will try my best to put the ones I think to rest. What about the Bartenders Backroom? It's not connected to the bar! Personally, I NEVER use the backroom unless either: A - Being an Antag and doing my evil shit in privacy, (Which I can still do even if the bar is disconnected from the back room.) B - Storing stuff and other crap in there, which I commonly do but honestly shouldn't really affect you in any way as you can still see the door from your bar if anyone tries to break in. My design turns the backroom into what it really feels like, a Bartenders closet. Stuff is stored in there but 80% of the time you will be running the bar, not hiding back there (unless you're antaging) and any machines that you need can easily be brought to the new bar. What if the Chef and Bartender dislike/hate working with each other. That is why I personally like the top row designs over the bottom. Sometimes Bartenders and Chefs cant get along and that's ok. If the chef wants to serve foods without using the bar they can use the central primary hallway window to serve food there. The bartender should not be affected by this that much unless he was planning on serving food, he can still serve drinks without food but the whole purpose of the design was to encourage symbiosis relationship between the 2. Either way if they don't want to work with each other, I recommend top row designs as they are more flexible depending on the situation. Those are really the 2 main criticism I've thought about making this thread and I'm sure more will come from you, the reader. So please speak your mind about it. Id love to hear it! Difficulty Implementing This So ill be completely honest, I have no idea how changing the map design or coding any of this in (if it even has to do anything with coding) works. I won't say if it's easy or hard because that would ignorant of me to say. But I would like to hear from the Coders (or whoever does the work on map design) would give their 2 cents on this idea. As I would like to know if the idea I'm trying to suggest is difficult or just a simple quick hour of work. Otherwise if it is easy to implement I don't see a problem, if its difficult I would like to hear about and give my thoughts on it. Final Thoughts I'm happy with how this thread was made and how much work I've put into it. I personally want to thank anyone who complimented my bar/gave me the idea to make this thread. I hope any of the bar designs I suggest gets implemented in because I worked hard on this thread and my passion for the Bartender job really shows in-game and out of the game. Overall please discuss and leave any feedback or thoughts about it. All are welcome!
    1 point
  3. No thanks, as it just ends up with the station in a brawl.
    1 point
  4. Happy Easter, as I say when it's clearly after Easter but I forgot to post this here sooner. Look at my sexy DnD part in bunny suits. I redrew my "first" DnD party from like... 2011-2012? I can't remember the year and how long it went till. We were playing with 4e (I believe) and everyone was either Evil or Neutral, and I being the Cleric was the only Lawful Good member in the party... How awkward. So doodles I remembered from some sessions. And here's another DnD party I was in, but this time it was a more of a homebrew of 4e. And surprisingly everyone was mostly Good. I still have two other parties I can draw up, one is a Pirate adventure, and the other is actually the first party but it didn't last long as the original DM was a butt and someone else took over and we decided to start over which led to some of use to remake characters and others kept the same. ^^
    1 point
  5. It's a pretty good song! And I'm sure @Machofish is sick of it at this point. xD
    1 point
  6. A commission of Katlyn Hudson, with Saki! They're doing some moving in, with their newly adopted pet Eevee. @Veloxi was, and is still being, very patient with me in my getting-of-commissions-done.
    1 point
  7. While the race specific traitor items idea sounds interesting, most of the ideas here are not well thought, either boring or overpowered. Its really hard to come up with good traitor item, even harder when you are limited by them needing to keep the aesthetic of certain race. For unathi it certainly has to have something to deal with their tail, i would suggest some kind of metal military tip that they install on tail, making tail sweeping a powerful ability but also it should give a text on examination. For diona, i have an idea of "breeding" - some form of chemical that they drink, and a diona nymph is born (controlled by player) , which shares the objectives with its parent. May or may not be able to grow into a full diona. For humans i can only think about the "i know the guy who knows the guy who knows the guy" type of item - which maybe works as a fax with syndicate access, or an item that gives direct communication access with syndi lavaland base, or its an item that reveals one ore more traitors 9nboard, or activates a "collaborator" for you, something like that. Those are just my ideas for fun. Anyway, for the idea to not be forgotten, you need to come up with 1 traitor item for each race, each should be balanced, interesting to use, and overall be adequate, it should be somewhat easy to code (not something that introduces a whole new mechanic just for that item for one race). Also keep in mind, that if one of those items is powerful enough for it to attract people to that race JUST so they can purchase said item when they are traitors, its bad item. All those items probably should be rather underpowered or niche, otherwise they would affect the game balance in a bad way.
    1 point
  8. More excuses to enforce stamp hunting yes oh god yes.
    1 point
  9. Oh well thats good to know, I dont have any actual coding experience, and I know that this engine is a tad..... Funky at times, so I didnt want to offer changes to the inventory if those were hard to code, without giving at least two different solutions to the same problem. But if that stuff isnt hard to do, then I'd honestly say just messing with the first aid kits loadouts to add med chems and the such would be great for their overall ability to actually be useful. Just a single med kit with 2 epinephrine, 2 saline, 2 atropine, and 2 charcoal would allow them to stabilize around 5-10 people just with those, compared to barely being able to stabilize 5 people with all their kits contents. Note: I have edited it, however I improperly said Ephedrine instead of Epinephrine. The latter is the med that I meant to reference.
    1 point
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