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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Skree! You violated the Space Law! Pay the admins a fine, or serve your sentence. Your stolen mentors are now forfeit. > - Go to Brig - Resist Arrest - Pay Admins
    4 points
  2. I've been trying to keep up with the art. Here's a small drawing I did for a HRP server I've been checking out with some peeps, I gotta say I do appreciate the more in-depth character interactions. I'm going to make an effort to use the me verb more often on para... They're basically the equivalent of an Unathi, working as a Corpsman- or military medic. Viola Farin.
    3 points
  3. "every other station has it" isn't really a valid reason to add it back. In the case of a lower RP server such as tg, they're just fine with it revolving into a mass brawl team death match. That's not to bash on tg, it works pretty well for them. And in the case of a higher RP server such as Baystation or Aurora, they have both rules and a community that enforces and abides by stricter standards. As for us, being MRP with our rules and player base puts Revolution into a very awkward position. We have nothing--and likely really can't add much--to prevent revolution from turning into a team death match murderbonefest that is unfun for many players to play and admins to administrate. There are plenty of other subversion based antagonists as is, and outside of the occasional forced round by an admin's hand, it should remain off of rotation.
    2 points
  4. Who wants to see three more bad puns about gravity? This thread keeps letting me down anyways
    1 point
  5. Then pay with your blood! GAME OVER > Load Game: Quit to Desktop:
    1 point
  6. Then pay with your insulated gloves! three also.
    1 point
  7. > - Resist arrest. It’s going to take more then 2 of you to stop me. Looks like I get to skip the gym.
    1 point
  8. From this moment onward, due to today, my future nitrogen vox bars will go by this name: Twitchys, why you may ask? Because vox love to smoke in these rooms, and they all now immediately get hooked on nicotine, and start twitching, every single vox in this bar was just twitching for an hour lol At one point, some more than others
    1 point
  9. Thats rude. That gets you 11 lashes with the chain of command
    1 point
  10. Built a vampire blood farm at the engi outpost, and even convinced one of my (mostly) unwilling participants to make the place look nicer. Was great fun, although blood-wise I really would have been better off just sucking them dry to begin with. And then everyone lost the ability to move, and timed stuff didn't work anymore. Free antag token though!
    1 point
  11. (I hope it wasn't invasive to search your mc username) but I think yours looks nice! Minecraft skins are the perfect model for IPC, lol Checking mcskinsearch also reminded me that I had a vampire version of the Chikitita skin for a Halloween event on my friends minecraft server
    1 point
  12. Here's an idea for how unclonable organic species could be dealt with. Make it so that their bodies can be cloned, but not their brains. Using a Vox as an example, when you stick a dead Vox in the clone chamber, you'll get a message saying something along the lines of "Unclonable neurological tissue detected. Comatose body requiring brain transplant will be created." The cloning machine will spit out a comatose copy of the dead Vox. You'll then have to do a brain transplant from the dead body to the new one to finish the revival process. TLDR: Let the cloning machine make comatose clones of unclonable species for the purpose of brain transplants.
    1 point
  13. While I like the idea of remapping robotics, I don't think your picture actually goes nearly far enough. It's still the same amount of space. Robotics simply needs to be bigger/have more rooms, which requires a general science remap, imo. Move toxin storage closer to toxins mixing and/or move the servers and you gain a lot of space for robotics to expand into.
    1 point
  14. https://youtu.be/vDUYLDtC5Qw?t=8
    1 point
  15. Welcome look forward to seeing you around! Also What is brown and sticky?... A Stick!
    1 point
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