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  1. I took a bit of a break for FF7R, but finally got around to finishing Squib. I've not been able to settle on a color palette for her beyond narrowing it down to two but once I can unlock slimes and can play around with character creation I'll likely decide. Which one do you like better; pink or turquoise?
    2 points
  2. Coding Difficulty: Medium - Hard (?) Coding Type: Add New Creature Difficulty: Medium - Hard Type: Predatory Creature / Antagonist Objective: Feed to survive. / Feed upon X Creatures [for green text purposes (?)] Brief Description: A gateway (or regular) antag, whose objective is just to survive by eating and maintaining a hunger meter. Deeper Description: A monster like creature that would need to "go hunting" for food (aka: crew) to be satiated. It would probably need to be stronger, health or defense wise, than the "breeding" creatures/antags, such as spiders/xenos. or 'normal' health/defense if balanced correctly (depending on if its gateway only or if it can come to the station) Since its a hunting creature, I'd say it would move quickly, like the hunter xenos. I originally stated, on discord when i brought up the idea, that it was blind and saw through either echolocation or through things that made sounds. Few examples: Crew Talking Crew Running Radio Chatter Throwing Objects Explosions / Gunfire Etc. but, I feel like the creature would be an interesting and unique addition even without the 'blindness' Additional or Alternative Ideas: Evolution: Devour to gain point/kills Points/Kills = Evolve = Get Stronger/Harder to Kill Speed Increases Sprite Size Increase [Renault size --> Panther size] Alternative Vision Traits: Normal > Thermal > X-Ray [Pair with Evolution(?)] Alternative Objectives: Devour X People [Pair with Evolution(?)] Devour ALL Crew [May be too hard to accomplish] Foreseen Challenges: How strong is too strong? / how weak is too weak? If gateway only, it could devastate people going on solo missions. If gateway, but can travel through, it could cause chaos in an already chaotic round (eg: blob, wizard, etc.) If station antag, it'd need to be buffed if we're expecting a 100 person crew to valid hunt it to death. If blind, how is this coded well enough to make it fun to play? Final Notes: Let me know what you think. I've done minor coding, on a different game, so I'm not necessarily good at coding. Not sure Exactly how hard it'd be to add but it shouldn't be too hard to as I feel some of it could be copy/paste. Thanks for reading.
    1 point
  3. My own opinions, feel free to attempt to change my mind. Pre-Full Power Scour maintenance for loot, you're looking for a full tool set, insulated gloves, and a trashbag. If you manage to find an AI detector, great. If you manage to find no-slips or blood reds, even better. This is a good first thing to do as ANY Antagonist in the golden three, and even for Wizards and Slings. Identify ways you can make use of your job to start kidnapping people. Chemists/Scientists can make Perfluorodecalin and Capulettium plus, Doctors have access to a plentiful amount of blood, Miners can sabotage their tele-comms for total silence, and Engineers/Atmospherics have engineering closets and the easiest way to make hidden rooms. Keep in mind even though you have glare, you should only glare as a last resort, do not give anyone a reason to think you're a vampire unless you NEED to. You should gather a stun-prod, cuffs, and tape for your boots and the mouths of victims. Keep in mind some incredibly cringe people will choose to endlessly scream, and the only thing that can stop this is a muzzle. Blood Familiarize yourself with how blood works although its quite simple, if someone doesn't have A, B, or + then they cannot receive those types of blood. Ideally your first kidnapping victim will be AB+, which can receive any blood, and Diona, because Diona can survive somewhat longer thanks to their innate regen. If you have approximately 7 bags of blood, along with Iron and Saline-Glucose, you can enable a single person to give you full power WITHOUT killing them. In arrivals maintenance, you can grab a few free blood bags, as well as sleeper that can allow you to dialysis blood out of monkeys for you to use. You can then gather the blood of someone with O- and create stable mutagen clones of them, this will then allow you to manufacture blood any blood-type can use. Combat Borgs are your biggest weakness, every opportunity you get to make EMPs, take it. You have no innate way of stunning them, unlike Changelings, and Traitors so they should be avoided at all costs. You have an instant stun, and a stun cleanse as well as built in healing. Your stun lasts long enough for you to stun three people, cuff 1, stun the other two with a prod, and then cuff them. Keep in mind that once security starts getting re-booters your glare will become much less potent and you will struggle to fight multiple enemies. Once security starts getting CNS re-booters, you will need to glare, then put them into stamina crit with a disabler, or they will get back up. Your screech ability is an additional stun on top of your glare, HOWEVER, earmuffs completely negate it. Shadowstep is an instant NOPE get the fuck out button of any bad situation, however its usage is finicky at times. Jaunt is probably the most powerful ability in the game and costs surprisingly little. Gateway Explorer Best job for vampires by far, every gateway allows you to easily kidnap and drain poor explorers, ALSO gateway often comes with medical and chem setups. This allows you to get ALOT of SUCCing done with only a single person, you will find that Russian Gateway is your best friend. Traitor Vampire This antag is nearly as strong as a wizard in my humble opinion. You gain access to chameleon kit and ID, letting shapeshift become a god tier ability. You gain access to EMAG, DEsword, No Slips, etc. The first time I got this guy I choked and died nearly instantly, but second time was incredibly easy green-text. You have so many tools and avenues to use them it may be overwhelming, but stick to vampire basics and you cant go wrong. Niche Information List of niche tricks and stuff you can use as vampire that I will add and edit in as I remember them You can safely go into surgery/cryotubes even when wanted by sec, because even if they find you, you can rejuvenate the sleep away You cannot Shadowstep while asleep Vampire bats will attack everything, including other vampires Diseased touch is surprisingly unlethal, but will cause the victim to collapse frequently TLDR Avoid Borgs Make Hidey Holes Use stunprod before glare (hide your vampire identity) Abuse blood bags Hypnotize is bad Only GLARE when their damn headsets are off or if you need it to survive Kill security officers who fully implant themselves or people who endlessly *scream, they deserve no mercy. As a P.S. of playing lots of vampire, I think a change that would make vampires a lot more healthy gameplay wise and thematically, is if Jaunt costed a lot more, and thralling costed a LOT less. Most of your power as a vampire comes in the form of jaunt, and besides, making a vampire clan would be pretty cool, but isn't possible at the moment. Also getting the suck and becoming a thrall is a way better alternative to getting the suck and being left there dead, from the victims perspective.
    1 point
  4. Oh look. Captain Fred. That aint happening again
    1 point
  5. I was the one who gave out the hats. Honk.
    1 point
  6. Looking back to the screencaps I took of this one shift, it brings the "Harlem shake" to my mind. A fair description - the one spinning person in the first picture started to offer hats of the latest fashion to the crew. The late shift consisted of considerable amount of hats, tricks of trying to remove them and a puzzle of who-ever might had been the one who initiated the hat day. Honk! For reference:
    1 point
  7. Hah I saw the poker game in passing, considered joining, though went past, got an AEG and had a space long fighting adventure and saved an ERT, managed to even get a blue ERT uniform from one who didn't make it and hitched a ride with the ERT back to CC when it was all over. The warden who was there for reasons i'm still not sure and asked if we could put our weapons on the table as it was now green alert. I unloaded enough guns from my bag to arm a small militia. 3 AEGs from my original bag, 3 more from the ERT who i found dead, his sidearm, and an immolator cannon
    1 point
  8. To continue with this character, I drew a second little thing after someone took the time to cook her some PIES. Meat pies. The favorite of many a liznerd. It ended up looking like a talk show...
    1 point
  9. Haha yes it’s art dump time with some screenshots to accompany them I saw the outfit and.. look I had to Cursed times A YAYA in despair, as they put it Aaaand a Phoebe who’s hair a pAI YAYA is pretty possessive over
    1 point
  10. "every other station has it" isn't really a valid reason to add it back. In the case of a lower RP server such as tg, they're just fine with it revolving into a mass brawl team death match. That's not to bash on tg, it works pretty well for them. And in the case of a higher RP server such as Baystation or Aurora, they have both rules and a community that enforces and abides by stricter standards. As for us, being MRP with our rules and player base puts Revolution into a very awkward position. We have nothing--and likely really can't add much--to prevent revolution from turning into a team death match murderbonefest that is unfun for many players to play and admins to administrate. There are plenty of other subversion based antagonists as is, and outside of the occasional forced round by an admin's hand, it should remain off of rotation.
    1 point
  11. Happy Easter, as I say when it's clearly after Easter but I forgot to post this here sooner. Look at my sexy DnD part in bunny suits. I redrew my "first" DnD party from like... 2011-2012? I can't remember the year and how long it went till. We were playing with 4e (I believe) and everyone was either Evil or Neutral, and I being the Cleric was the only Lawful Good member in the party... How awkward. So doodles I remembered from some sessions. And here's another DnD party I was in, but this time it was a more of a homebrew of 4e. And surprisingly everyone was mostly Good. I still have two other parties I can draw up, one is a Pirate adventure, and the other is actually the first party but it didn't last long as the original DM was a butt and someone else took over and we decided to start over which led to some of use to remake characters and others kept the same. ^^
    1 point
  12. My half of an art trade with the ever-talented @Drakeven! I love your characters, and I had a lot of fun with this! It made me wanna do more with my backgrounds tbh
    1 point
  13. Some more of my Spear using Bug Lady: Lezera! One mainly on a sort of perspective thing and the other in her more fancier robes. (or a design change..whichever you'd think.)
    1 point
  14. An animation attempt Sketch of my DnD character Auriel when he's younger. I now like to think he was a bit of a butt when it came to times of training. I redesign my old Red vs. Blue self insert. The original draw was from about 2010 I believe. Also, I don't know what to do with this new design now... A cute cafe picture. UwU Another animation thing, it's a bit rough. ^^' he may be a bit love struck.
    1 point
  15. So I met a poor clown that hadn't nothing on them but a baseball bat and his mask. Gave him my jacket and he started to tell his story. I could imagine an old school song with these lines. Tragic clown man blues.
    1 point
  16. Me and Danne discussing to command why Vamps deserve better rights. Think the captain did some weird stuff trying to free us later but i died to a heart attack so i will never know..
    1 point
  17. There are a lot of appeals that get processed through this forum. While a majority of them have been accepted this is often after a lot of posts back and forth. This results in players being unable to play the game for a longer time while they're waiting for their appeal to be processed and in the admin team spending a lot of time working with people to bring an appeal to the successful stage. This post is intended to help cut that time for everyone by telling you upfront what you'll need to include. 1) Use the template. As a policy, any appeal that doesn't follow the template will not be processed until you use the format from the template. This template covers all of the information we need to know to process your appeal and it keeps everything in a consistent format which is easy for the admins to read and respond to. 2) Read the rules. These will show the code of behaviour that you're expected to follow while on the server. Your appeal is a commitment to follow these rules in the future, something which you can't do without reading them. If your ban was legitimately based on breaking any of these rules, then you'll be expected to identify what rules were broken so that you can demonstrate that they won't be broken again. 3) Decide what sort of appeal you're writing. They'll generally fall into the following categories. Identifying a factual mistake of the admins: If you didn't break the rules, then let us know. While we investigate every ban, mistakes do happen. Sometimes we get the wrong person's ckey if multiple people were involved in an issue. Sometimes a situation that looks like one thing was actually something else. In these cases it's best to get straight to the point. Identify what the ban was for and what we thought was going on, then explain the actual situation. If we were wrong then your ban will be lifted. Apology and commitment to improve: If you've actually broken the rules then the ban was legitimate. Regaining the privilege to play on the server may require some work on your behalf but if you can demonstrate that you're going to be a valuable member of the community and able to follow the rules in the future, we will work with you to find a way to bring you back. The best way to show that you're genuine is to understand and identify what you did wrong, if you don't know then how can you change it. If you genuinely don't know, even after looking through the rules, then feel free to ask and we can explain. It also helps for us to know why you did the action you were banned for. This isn't a matter of making excuses, it's helping us to understand the situation you were in and perhaps provide better strategies for handling that situation. Finally if you are going to change your behaviour, then say it so that we can see the commitment that you've made. If you're not genuinely willing to commit to this, then don't bother with this form of appeal. You might pull the wool over our eyes and convince us, but what's the point if you'll get banned for the same thing in a week's time. Work with us and we'll work with you. 4) Avoid using arguments that aren't accepted for appeals. There are some arguments which aren't accepted as valid reasons, while it's impossible to be fully comprehensive here are the ones we see most often. I don't like your rules Your appeal isn't a place to question the current rules of the game. That would be the suggestion forum. We will only be granting appeals to people who will commit to following the current rules of the game. If the environment you want isn't what we provide then unbanning is a waste of everyone's time. My brother did it You are responsible for everyone who uses your Byond account. By giving someone your password, you're enabling them to perform whatever actions they want in your name. Now this does sometimes happen and we're not asking you to lie if this is what genuinely happened, but it's not a defense. Instead you'll need to follow the policy above and understand what went wrong (allowing other people to use your account) and letting us know how you intend to prevent it happening in the future. Abusing the admins It should go without saying that abusing the admins isn't a good way to get us to invite you back to our server. However sometimes in the heat of the moment things slip out, so I'll remind you here to avoid this method. While we'll try to look past this, it does send a signal that you're not looking to co-operate. It should be a temporary ban If you're going to do the right thing, why would we wait to bring you back instead of doing it straight away? If you're not going to do the right thing, why would we ever bring you back? We only use temporary bans when that seems like the best way to change someone's behaviour. If you think that some time away will be a strategy you can use to commit to following the rules, then that's fine. You're welcome to suggest a temporary ban as the best way to bring you back, but this isn't detention or a prison sentence, it's not about providing justice or "paying for your crime". It was good roleplaying You choose the character you play and all the consequences that follow. Your character isn't a real person and we can't hold them accountable for your actions, it has to be done the other way around. Someone else did something wrong first If you've broken the rules, then it doesn't matter what anyone else has done. This is your appeal and unless we've clicked on the wrong person's ban button, we're not going to ban other people based on what gets decided in your appeal. Letting us know what someone else did, at the time with an adminhelp is the best way to see that appropriate action is taken against them. Once you've taken vengeance into your own hands, the issue gets so muddied that it's hard to take any action against them. 5) Listen to what the admins reply. If we're asking you questions or trying to teach you something, then it's pretty clear that we intend on keeping you around. We rarely waste this sort of effort on someone we're kicking out forever. Usually we're telling you exactly how to get your appeal accepted. Regards, M Kenner. Senior Admin.
    1 point
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