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  1. It's that time again where I dump my art here... Here's a drawing of my slime girl Dreamy Rockwall, she's holding a deck of Tarot Cards. The cards in her hands are; the 4 of pentacles in reverse, the magician, and the 2 of wands. Drew mine and my BFs DnD characters in Modern clothing, because I thought it could be fun to have a modern AU with my DnD group! My DnD character Auriel with a bunch of flowers. the dwarves miss understood flowers and flour and made bread crowns. Holly (the Gnome Wizard) braiding Auriel's hair. Sketches of things that happened in the session last week. During the night goblins came to the village we were staying at. The party (and probably all is not most of the villagers) woke up to sharing the same "nightmare" After waking up, we heard screams and saw the goblins. The party sprung into action. The goblins had weird antenna coming out of their foreheads. They all appeared to be sleep walking dragging people away. Auriel picks one up, breathing some sort of gas on him and a party member that was near him. They both were knocked out for a bit. After dealing with the goblins, Auriel and Olrune fine themselves in a situation where they too may spring out an antenna from their forehead. Olrune figured that if he made some new head wear for the two of them, it could block any sort of signal. The party figured out a path the Goblins where headed. They made it to a sort of chapel ruin, and went through a hole in the ground. Holly was a sleep in Arui's backpack for the first half of the session. She ate the pastries that were in there. We encountered skeletons! And like the lucky bastard I am, I rolled a one! The Skeletons spooked Auriel. After defeating the skeletons the party made it to a room with a giant head door, and decided that it would be a good time to rest. I'll probably draw up more things from that session at some point. I drew myself as a catgirl cowgirl? The star badge says "Sherf" Redrew an old characters that I created for a class project when I was still in college. Tiefling princes in a sci-fi setting taking place in space. While the king is on his death bed, Xarros (the eldest son) is in preparation to take over the throne. With suspicion lurking around that someone had poisoned the King, Xarros puts blame on Ambrose. Ambrose has to plan his escape, prove he's innocent and that Xarros is the real traitor. Here's a very moody blue drawing with Zeke and Jonah.
    3 points
  2. i spent some time in the arcade, got some crayons, and realized, hey, i could make art installations with this so then i liveblogged my shenanigans to my girlfriend wild way to develop a character, but a fun one!
    2 points
  3. Sherf is best thing i have seen today
    1 point
  4. NT needs them feedbacks
    1 point
  5. I took a bit of a break for FF7R, but finally got around to finishing Squib. I've not been able to settle on a color palette for her beyond narrowing it down to two but once I can unlock slimes and can play around with character creation I'll likely decide. Which one do you like better; pink or turquoise?
    1 point
  6. Name: NT-3303 (Unit insists its name is 'NanoTracey'. Attempts at breaking NT-3303 of the behavior for more than a shift have been unsuccessful.) Age: NT-3303's Positronic Brain is currently 19 years old, its chassis, however is only a few years old due to [INFORMATION RESTRICTED - SEE BELOW]. Gender: Female Race: Integrated Positronic Chassis Blood Type: Grade 4 NT Machine Oil General Occupational Role(s): Nanotrasen Representative Chief Engineer Electrician & Life Support Specialist, should CE be taken Head of Personnel Mechatronic Engineer (Unit originally utilized for cargo, basic engineering and science work.) Biography: NT-3303 was assigned to the NSS Astraeus after being purchased. She was immediately put to work aboard the station for various menial tasks that may be too strenuous or too hazardous for organic crew. After approximately 5 years the Astraeus was retrofitted with safer equipment, as such, the crew began to assign her to other tasks such as assisting the Command staff directly as a secretary (Research has gone into attempting to lock NT-3303 into its subservient mode and force it to assist in such matters long term. Unfortunately, much like breaking it from insisting utilization of a nonstandard designation, it has been proven rather... difficult.) [Clearance: CentComm - NTRep/Blueshield or Higher] - Notice: NT-3303's ability to access this data is RESTRICTED as well, do NOT inform NT-3303 of the existence of this file Approximately 9 years after being brought to the NSS Astraeus , there was an incident with a level 5 biohazard, one which ended with the majority of the crew being consumed in trying to combat the biohazard. NT-3303 managed to utilize a long range fax machine to contact Special Operations Officer [REDACTED] aboard the NAS Aeon. Upon recieving the fax, Special Operations Officer [REDACTED] authorized deployment of a Code Epsilon cleanup team to detonate the NSS Astraeus' onboard Nuclear Fission Device. NT-3303 was shot and spaced by Commander [REDACTED] approximately 5 minutes before activation of the Nuclear Fission Device. Approximately 3 hours post-detonation a recovery crew was dispatched to the wreckage, NT-3303 was recovered in an inoperable state. Upon delivery to the NAS Aeon NT-3303 was scheduled for memory scanning and scrapping. However, due to the interjection and insistence of visiting Administrative Secretary [REDACTED] NT-3303 was repaired and returned to service with the previous 9 years of memory wiped. Additionally, NT-3303 was unofficially put under the care of Administrative Secretary [REDACTED] and sent to the Epsilon Eridani sector. [Clearance: None] Upon being brought to the Epsilon Eridani sector NT-3303 was run through a myriad of tests before being cleared for service and it has since been authorized to work as a Nanotrasen Representative. Qualifications: Certification of Operability, issued by NAS Aeon Basic Engineering Training, NSS Astraeus Advanced Engineering Training, NSS Astraeus Life Suppoert Tech. Training, NSS Astraeus Basic Science Training, NSS Astraeus Recertification of Operability, issued by NAS Trurl Nanotrasen Representative Certification, issued by NAS Trurl Employment Records: Cargo Technician, NSS Astraeus 2546-2552 Engineer, NSS Astraeus 2546-2552 Secretary/Administrative Assistant, NSS Astraeus 2552-2554 [REDACTED], NAS Aeon Variable, NSS Cyberiad 2564-Current Security Records: NT-3303 is a Nanotrasen Asset, not a very cheap one to replace, either. And yet we've had to replace her after being kidnapped by the Syndicate twice. As such, should any instance of NT-3303 be acting without Nanotrasen's best interests in mind it should be assumed they are a Syndicate plant and they should be promptly neutralized. Medical Records: NT-3303 is deathly afraid of having firearms and firing firearms due to [REDACTED, see above.] To prevent unneeded visits to the station psychologist, please avoid pointing firearms as NT-3303. As per orders of Administrative Secretary [REDACTED] NT-3303 is to no longer seek out the assistance of a station psychologist. Personnel Photo: [Image on file] A blue and white IPC standing at 5'7" (170cm) with Nanotrasen insignia stamped on her monitor. On the rear of said monitor is a sticker labled "NT ASSET 3303". She seems to always be in an upright, professional posture, and on her monitor is the Nanotrasen logo, only occasionally changing depending on the situation. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: This was a long time comin', but it's finally up to my own quality standards!
    1 point
  7. This is quite a long story, but I found the round quite fun and suddenly felt compelled to share it with people. So, shift starts, and I'm rolling with AI set to high and everything else set to never. I load in, and discover that I am, in fact the Mike. And ooh, a traitor, with the following objectives: Steal the station blueprints Steal the captain's deluxe jetpack Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. Very well then, interesting objectives. I wander around to the Hop office and expertly mime my wish to become an engineer (No, I don't cheat by using a PDA), which the Hop struggles to comprehend for around 8 minutes, at which point I become a silent engineer. I head over to engineering and gear up, making friends with the local hardhats and advising them on where to place the BSA, at which point they left to do their thing. As there was no CE at the time, I decided to just brute force the office, grabbing the fire axe from atmos and using it to open the CE's office, bust the locker lock open and grab the blueprints, before making a hasty retreat. Success! Next up, I wandered up to the teleporter, fireaxe in hand, taking advantage of the AI and command being distracted by some hat anomaly on the AI sat, to force my way in, closing the door behind me and grabbing the hand Tele just incase. I think made my way to the captain's office, opened up the suit storage thingy and grabbed the jetpack, before teleporting away to arrivals. Success! All objectives done, 0TC spent. So, I do a quick ahelp, asking for more objectives and a bit of prize TC. I got 5 additional crystals, and the objective to: 4) Steal the nuclear authentication disk. So, that was going to be a tougher nut to crack. I used the fireaxe to get into the secure secure storage area, replacing the AI upload board with something random from the shelves, before building the upload in a hidden location and buying the discounted hacked upload board for 6TC. I told the AI to obey everyone who squished (being a slime person myself) and who ordered them by PDA, And told it not to hurt those who it obeyed. I traded some friendly messages with the AI, before it informed me that the captain was in the AI satellite, helping with the hatnomaly. I ordered it to cut comms and kill him, which it was very effective at. I had to kill some poor engineer (Sorry, T-50) whilst retriving the body, getting the captain's ID, the NAD AND the pinpointer, because the captain wasn't too bright and kept the pinpointed on himself instead of giving it to his blueshield. At this point, I'm out of objectives again. It's about 40 minutes into the shift, so I ahelp once more, and get another objective, although no additional TC ("Those guns are expensive, yo!") 5) Steal the blue secret documents. So, I stash the NAD, along with the rest of my highly illegal stuffs, into a very obscure locker in engineering, and head out to track. I buy a advanced pinpointer and switch it on. It displays: "?". Alright then, they must be hidden off Z somewhere. Engineering outpost: "?"; mining outpost: "?". A quick ahelp later, it turns out that the blue documents do not exist after all. And I get my objective changed to: 5) Steal secret documents from any organization. A short bit after that, CC announced a message along the lines of: "Hey there, the captain is missing, and you don't have the NAD or pinpointer. We can't send you new ones, but we've managed to pinpoint the NAD to somewhere in or near engineering.". So, I quickly drag the locker full of illegal stuff from engineering to space around the turbine, where I construct a secret room to make sure the stuff stays hidden. I venture off to hack the vault, grabbing a stethoscope from medbay before having some fun with grayant (I think), who was wanted for some reason and wanted something to do. Then I ordered the AI to let me into the vault, and got cracking This got a bit disturbed after some officers burst in to check the vault for xenomorphs, but a borg helped me out with that, and after a while I got the documents. I head back to my stash, only to discover than someone has broken into it and stolen the jetpack. I track them down with the pinpointer (it was the janitor) and engage in space combat, with us disarming eachother and hatchet bashing, but I won the fight thanks to healing from my flask of nothing. I grab the jetpack, and head back to the stash, only to discover that, while I was gone, someone has stolen the NAD! Once more, I start tracking, eventually finding the culprit to be an atmos tech. And a vampire, as I found out after trying to fight them. I sprayed them with my firespray, which was ineffective as they were wearing the atmos hardsuit. They then proceeded to shoot me with their ebow, which they got from also being a traitor, and telling me to back off. Of course, I really needed that disk, so I used most of my TC to buy a revolver, which I emptied into them down a narrow maint tunnel, killing them whilst they missed their shots with the ebow. Sorry it had to be that way, buddy. At the end of the round, I checked his objectives, and he didn't even need any of the items he stole from me, which was his undoing, I suppose. I grabbed the disk, pocketed everything from the stash and felt quite pleased with myself. I headed back to engineering as the crew transfer shuttle gets called in, blocking the engipod hallway with RCD walls and celebrating with the borer I managed to pick up along the way. We rode off on the pod towards Central, and I got to bask on the clory of seeing 5 green lines below my name. This was the story of Mastergamer2 (Usually either Door Monster or Blue Puddle, in this case Sound Of Silence). Feel free to comment if you were a part of the round and want to add anything to the story, or if you just want to say/ask something!
    1 point
  8. Koolo is such a sweet character. The Deva of the station. Her buttlight shines in glorious pink, and she clicks and clacks with such PASSION. This is the first time I've tried to draw a Kidan... I'm not sure how I did but I hope I did okay! I think they have different hands... but hey, I needed to do the peace sign. It's how Deva's WORK darnit.
    1 point
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