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  1. Its been quiet in here huh.. While ss13 related art is getting done, i would like to share an art of a gta online character i made for a friend, maybe some of you will like it
    4 points
  2. It's that time again where I dump my art here... Here's a drawing of my slime girl Dreamy Rockwall, she's holding a deck of Tarot Cards. The cards in her hands are; the 4 of pentacles in reverse, the magician, and the 2 of wands. Drew mine and my BFs DnD characters in Modern clothing, because I thought it could be fun to have a modern AU with my DnD group! My DnD character Auriel with a bunch of flowers. the dwarves miss understood flowers and flour and made bread crowns. Holly (the Gnome Wizard) braiding Auriel's hair. Sketches of things that happened in the session last week. During the night goblins came to the village we were staying at. The party (and probably all is not most of the villagers) woke up to sharing the same "nightmare" After waking up, we heard screams and saw the goblins. The party sprung into action. The goblins had weird antenna coming out of their foreheads. They all appeared to be sleep walking dragging people away. Auriel picks one up, breathing some sort of gas on him and a party member that was near him. They both were knocked out for a bit. After dealing with the goblins, Auriel and Olrune fine themselves in a situation where they too may spring out an antenna from their forehead. Olrune figured that if he made some new head wear for the two of them, it could block any sort of signal. The party figured out a path the Goblins where headed. They made it to a sort of chapel ruin, and went through a hole in the ground. Holly was a sleep in Arui's backpack for the first half of the session. She ate the pastries that were in there. We encountered skeletons! And like the lucky bastard I am, I rolled a one! The Skeletons spooked Auriel. After defeating the skeletons the party made it to a room with a giant head door, and decided that it would be a good time to rest. I'll probably draw up more things from that session at some point. I drew myself as a catgirl cowgirl? The star badge says "Sherf" Redrew an old characters that I created for a class project when I was still in college. Tiefling princes in a sci-fi setting taking place in space. While the king is on his death bed, Xarros (the eldest son) is in preparation to take over the throne. With suspicion lurking around that someone had poisoned the King, Xarros puts blame on Ambrose. Ambrose has to plan his escape, prove he's innocent and that Xarros is the real traitor. Here's a very moody blue drawing with Zeke and Jonah.
    4 points
  3. The instruction manual from Nanotrasen said I should introduce myself at my new workplace so here I go. Shipping out from earth soon, dunno how I feel about working in deep space but I'm sure it'll be fine. I've done a fair bit of roleplaying before and after doing one round as a civilian and another as a cargo tech I feel like I'm slowly getting the hang of the controls and flow of the game. Been interested in getting into SS13 for a while (years actually) but now since I'm stuck at home all day anyway I figured I'd give it a shot. Looking forward to encountering y'all in the game.
    1 point
  4. Don't worry, my salt tolerance is extremely high, so far I've only been amused by all the weird misfortunes I've suffered.
    1 point
  5. Auriel with his party members' pets/familiars tangled up in his hair Colour palette experiment, here's my Shadowling Ascendant character Nurn'Kal. UwU Thought it'd be fun to give a more pop feel instead of having his normal colour palette Here's some animation testing.
    1 point
  6. A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky He saw the riders coming hard and he heard their mournful cry This is really good! I especially like how this looks with the perspective you chose.
    1 point
  7. Its cool, open and effective, but it feels like a player modified it. Lack of tables and racks with various usually useless stuff on them makes it a bit "fake" for a roundstart layout if you know what i mean. It has to be a bit more cramped just to get back the immersion.
    1 point
  8. Happy Easter, as I say when it's clearly after Easter but I forgot to post this here sooner. Look at my sexy DnD part in bunny suits. I redrew my "first" DnD party from like... 2011-2012? I can't remember the year and how long it went till. We were playing with 4e (I believe) and everyone was either Evil or Neutral, and I being the Cleric was the only Lawful Good member in the party... How awkward. So doodles I remembered from some sessions. And here's another DnD party I was in, but this time it was a more of a homebrew of 4e. And surprisingly everyone was mostly Good. I still have two other parties I can draw up, one is a Pirate adventure, and the other is actually the first party but it didn't last long as the original DM was a butt and someone else took over and we decided to start over which led to some of use to remake characters and others kept the same. ^^
    1 point
  9. Here's an idea for how unclonable organic species could be dealt with. Make it so that their bodies can be cloned, but not their brains. Using a Vox as an example, when you stick a dead Vox in the clone chamber, you'll get a message saying something along the lines of "Unclonable neurological tissue detected. Comatose body requiring brain transplant will be created." The cloning machine will spit out a comatose copy of the dead Vox. You'll then have to do a brain transplant from the dead body to the new one to finish the revival process. TLDR: Let the cloning machine make comatose clones of unclonable species for the purpose of brain transplants.
    1 point
  10. An animation attempt Sketch of my DnD character Auriel when he's younger. I now like to think he was a bit of a butt when it came to times of training. I redesign my old Red vs. Blue self insert. The original draw was from about 2010 I believe. Also, I don't know what to do with this new design now... A cute cafe picture. UwU Another animation thing, it's a bit rough. ^^' he may be a bit love struck.
    1 point
  11. Head of Security Waifu - Cecilia I'm not sure what to say their relationship dynamic is. But I enjoy drawing random things like this.
    1 point
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