I was the head of personal, at some point a likely syndicate agent came up to me and offered me 30.000 TC for all access. Not wanting to turn down such an offer and being skeptical about nanostrem i accepted. About mid-shift security bursts to my office and arrests me for treason.
In perma i teach the other prisoner how to dissemble thing in the cell to make new things we make white outfits and backpacks, and some one emags us out. problem is we were implanted with tracking beacons.
A security officer arrests me a wile after i escape, The subject brings me being a traitor for selling out my loyalties. I explain that i am doing this because working for nanostrem is slavery and of how many atrocities happen on nanostrem ships , Turns out the officer is a loyalist, I keep going about how they don't care about my life or their life and only care about short term cash to spend. turns out sec was raised by nanostrem and i keep trying to explain how they don't really care about us. Some time passes and we get a verdict for my execution. I ask that my money is transferred to that Sec officer, because they can use to get out of corporate slavery and get the chance to experience life.
That really took them aback and my character explained that we were both prisoners in that case, both victims of circumstance, just wearing suits with different colors. And they started telling me they are felling guilty. But i told them they shouldn't, it all circumstance, and the they should use that money to get out of the faul circle.
By the end of the round that very same sec took me to one of the mini shuttles and freed me and split the money half half, There was a brief talk about living together after this but they declined as they were in a relationship. i like to think when they reached central my character escaped with the help o that officer and then used the money to retire away from corporate slavery. And the officer being able to distance them selfs and the corporation due to no longer needing them to survive that they could see how faul and rotten it really is and maybe retire too at some point.
[If you were involved in the story in anyway big or small thank your for that experience and feel free to message me on discord (Comrade Hoarder#9992)]
Some of the transcript preserved by NULL (Many thanks)
[00:00] Recording started.
[00:01] Recording stopped.
[00:01] Recording started.
[00:18] Saki Kobayashi sighs.
[00:21] NULL says, "this is IA agent NULL, with me i have Vrax, Farmer of clan zarlan, here to take a statement of Vrax's last will"
[00:41] NULL says, "Please repeat your wishes sir"
[00:45] NULL says, "the recorder is on"
[01:01] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "I wizzzh that all the money i havve in my account izzz tranzzszfered to zzzaki"
[01:07] Jesus R. Carper shivers.
[01:09] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "zzzaki kobayazhi"
[01:13] NULL asks, "Anything else?"
[01:20] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "thatzzsz about it really"
[01:23] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "ill die anyway"
[01:31] Saki Kobayashi says, "I will be right back"
[01:32] NULL asks, "Understood, any next of kin you wish to have informed?"
[01:47] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "Nah no need to make them feel bad"
[01:54] NULL asks, "very well, anything else?"
[02:01] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "juzzszt let my contactzzz know that i peacefully pazzszzzzed"
[02:07] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "One lazzzt thing" [02:10] NULL says, "go on"
[02:18] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) asks, "before i die can i havvve one of cargoz pizzzzazzz?"
[02:20] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "they are the bezzszt"
[02:26] NULL says, "we could try and arrange that"
[02:31] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "thank you."
[02:32] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "that izs all"
[02:35] NULL says, "Stopping recording" [02:36] Recording stopped.